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Vehicle Drop HAck causing lag

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  • Vehicle Drop HAck causing lag

    In the past feww days there have been many threads about this subject where a hacker does hundreds of veh drops in one place. Today on sharqi on insomnias servers, everyone was getting connection problems when he did it, and lag after/during it. This is a huge problem, not only is this happening alot(the hacking) but it is lagging the servers. If anyone experiences this, please take ss's of everyone on the server, then the next time it happens see who is on both lists, this way we might find out who are the people doing this.

  • #2
    Re: Vehicle Drop HAck causing lag

    this hack is already being dealt with.. please hang tight..


    • #3
      Re: Vehicle Drop HAck causing lag

      I didnt get lag, i only got 5 fps ^^


      • #4
        Re: Vehicle Drop HAck causing lag

        Happened to us yesterday during two sessions of Dalian Plant, on a swedish Telia server (not a cheat-*** server, some of my clanmates are Admins there and we try to keep it clean from idiots and cheaters).

        Unfortunately I didnt't take a ss on the player list. But I had my suspiscions on two or three players on the opposite side (there weren't many players left on the server in the end, but the cartillery continued with just a few people left on the server).
        And you can also see which side the cheater is on. If he is on China-team, he will be spamming FAV-byggys and on US-team DPV:s.

