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i say no to the aerial service riboon

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  • i say no to the aerial service riboon

    well the past couple days i have benn tryign to get ti but to no avail so today i fgo on the wake insomnia server and decide ill fly the f35 just for fun as every1 wants to fly the j10 so i fly hit the airstrip rack up 3 kills and etc but i do ths constantly and not just the airfiled racking up a kill every strfting run eneding with a j10 whore ponts of around 29 kills and 56 pints or so due to smacktards standing in froiont of my its just frustrating to do so good but no ribbon but hey who cares its a game!

  • #2
    Re: i say no to the aerial service riboon

    Hmm, I got my Expert Engineer (not repair) over at insomina a few weeks ago and it never stuck (I even have a screen shot of the award). Kind of strange you did not get the award.

    BTW, I just removed my was starting to cloud up all the other quotes I was making in a single post, I hope you keep it for a while.


    • #3
      Re: i say no to the aerial service riboon

      [QUOTE=RocketChild]Hmm, I got my Expert Engineer (not repair) over at insomina a few weeks ago and it never stuck (I even have a screen shot of the award). Kind of strange you did not get the award.

      odd u should mention that. ive been going for my heli Medal. 100H 5000 kills and 30 kills IAR. i have the 100h and 5k. and got over 30 kills about 6 times in 6 different rounds. and have yet to recieve the medal. not even a notice IG.


      • #4
        Re: i say no to the aerial service riboon

        I've gotten all the kills IAR necessary for the Air-Defense, Ground Defense, and Armored Service Ribbons, but not the time IAR, which is probably what kept you from getting your Aerial Service Ribbon. EA likes to reward retardedness, not efficiency, for awards. Which is why I spent a minute firing zip lines and throwing grappling hooks at my feet like a ****, instead of helping my team in SF to get my shiny badges.


        • #5
          Re: i say no to the aerial service riboon

          yeah just makes me mad that had to happen ,once i had my 19 kills i was just fying around waitign for the ribbon but once the tickets reached 30 i stated strfting again but no ribbon.


          • #6
            Re: i say no to the aerial service riboon

            try the 5 bomber on gulf of oman....that's how i got mine.


            • #7
              Re: i say no to the aerial service riboon

              i get the kills np its just the time requirement


              • #8
                Re: i say no to the aerial service riboon

                To get the time requirement, you need to play on an underpopulated server. A fully populated 64-player server generally has 15 to 20 minute rounds. Find a 64-player server with fewer than 30 people on it, and it should go 25+ minutes.


                • #9
                  Re: i say no to the aerial service riboon

                  i've got my aerial service ribbon twice now ... the first time I lost my internet connection and couldn't get back in the game in time to pick up my score etc ... second time server crashed ... lol


                  • #10
                    Re: i say no to the aerial service riboon

                    i got my on dragon valey, it wasnt easy but im happy i've got it
                    before i thought i will never get this ****!

                    maybe try on server where are weak players, and they dont fly?


                    • #11
                      Re: i say no to the aerial service riboon

                      wtf is a aerial service riboon?

