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Infantry only - Hypocritcal?

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  • Infantry only - Hypocritcal?

    So EA have annouced theres going to be an infantry only mode on ranked servers, but...

    will the people who got banned/stats reset for being in a IO before 1.4 get reinstated with there account/stats? Seems hypocritical if they dont, and im sure it will annoy many people if they not.

    While saying this, they did break the rules in the first place, regardless of what the rules are now.

    What do you think?

  • #2
    Re: Infantry only - Hypocritcal?


    • #3
      Re: Infantry only - Hypocritcal?

      What are you talking about? There wasn't IO before 1.4, was it?
      If you mean knife & pistols only servers, those were less IO as it is today in 1.4 patch.


      • #4
        Re: Infantry only - Hypocritcal?

        Did they go back and award championships and wins to sports teams affected by rules that were changed later? (Infield Fly rule, illegal defense in the NBA, etc etc)


        Rules like this change because the powers that be recognize that a change was needed, in this case, why fight IO mode when you can embrace it as a rule-set that players want... that doesnt change the effectiveness of the prior rule against it.


        • #5
          Re: Infantry only - Hypocritcal?

          Originally posted by Batausu
          What are you talking about? There wasn't IO before 1.4, was it?
          If you mean knife & pistols only servers, those were less IO as it is today in 1.4 patch.
          Server admins enforced a infantry only server rule, where if u use a vechle, u got kicked.


          • #6
            Re: Infantry only - Hypocritcal?

            Ok, I didn't know about them. But I don't think anyone is going to bother looking into this anymore.


            • #7
              Re: Infantry only - Hypocritcal?

              i think io is jsut stupid its like ceral without milk


              • #8
                Re: Infantry only - Hypocritcal?

                You've never had a baggy full of Cherrios?


                • #9
                  Re: Infantry only - Hypocritcal?

                  I was under the impression IO mode was for UNRANKED servers only????

                  Can we get some clarification on this and I'm not talking about the latest gossip from a 14 year old....


                  • #10
                    Re: Infantry only - Hypocritcal?

                    Originally posted by Domino
                    So EA have annouced theres going to be an infantry only mode on ranked servers, but...

                    will the people who got banned/stats reset for being in a IO before 1.4 get reinstated with there account/stats? Seems hypocritical if they dont, and im sure it will annoy many people if they not.

                    While saying this, they did break the rules in the first place, regardless of what the rules are now.

                    What do you think?
                    I think the difference is that if Dice creates the IO mode with no attack vehicles in the maps is one thing, but having a bunch of server owners that want to play P/K only is quite another. I really do not see what your confusion is based on.

