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BF2 start up problem

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  • BF2 start up problem

    ok well this isnt a major problem but its really annoying, ive had it for a while now, the problem is when i hit the BF2 icon it takes like 2 minutes to start the game, the screen will just go black and sometimes the monitor goes into sleep and than comes on after like 1-2 min. any solution? Could it be a virus? Ohh and reinstall does nothing

  • #2
    Re: BF2 start up problem

    so no help for this, no suggestions?


    • #3
      Re: BF2 start up problem

      I don't know exactly how long your wait time is, but i realized that it depends on your CDROM speed. Mine's not the best but I noticed that if my cd is already being read by the drive before i click the icon to start it up, it goes much faster.

      I found this out one day trying to run COD2, my cd drive started to read the cd....but like an addict bf2 was still in. so i decided just to play bf3 instead and it loaded up in less than a second (compared to 30 seconds or more trying to run from a "cold start")

      hope this info is somewhat helpful.....



      • #4
        Re: BF2 start up problem

        well i got a cd/dvd rom combo but i could only get the cd rom version of bf2, but it used to go really fast like it should so im thinking its a virus

