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BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

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  • BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

    Searched and checked everything.

    REWARD: $25 PayPal – To who ever helps me fix this, or gives me the most helpful information that will lead me to getting this game running on this computer.

    I found several people with the same problem that have never been able to fix it, so if I ever do get to the bottom of this, I will try to help the rest.

    First off... I'll list my specs:

    AMD 64 3800+
    Asus A8R32-MVP Deluxe Motherboard
    1GB Corsair XMS 400Mhz Ram
    ATI Sapphire X1600XT

    Things I have installed

    DirectX 9.0c Junes Version - dled from MS site
    .NET Frameworks 1.1
    Latest ATI Driver
    Updated Latest Asus BIOS 0502

    I'll also evaluate the things I've tried.

    At first, I was on XP Service Pack 1 and .NET Frameworks 2.0 & older BIOS (0311)

    Step 1: Installed BF2 for the first time, launched game, worked fine.

    Step 2: Fully & Successfully installed Patch 1.3 FULL downloaded from BF2S site.

    Result A: Tried launching game, black screen went on for 2 seconds, and came back to desktop.

    Step 4: Uninstalled BF2 and reinstalled it,

    Step 5: Tried Installing Patch 1.3 FULL again

    Result B: Patch Installation never completed, it closed off on this part of the installation.

    Result C : Same as Result A

    Step 6: Installed XP SP2, uninstalled .NET 2.0, and installed .NET 1.1

    Step 7: Repeated Step 4 & 5, result was “Result B”

    Then I did some googling and came up with this…

    Installed BF2 again, deleted the mods folder, booted into safe mode and installed the patch, it never finished installing.

    Step 8: Repeated step 4, downloaded Patch v1.2, successfully installed.

    Result D: Same as Result A

    Step 9: Downloaded Patch v1.3 Incremental, attempted to install never completed.

    Updated BIOS (0511)

    Step 10: Repeated Step 4 & 5 – Result B

    Step 11: Repeated Step 4 & attempted to install v1.2 FULL again – never completed.

    Yes, I checked my bf2.exe file, its named correctly. Yes, I waited after attempting to install the patch and waited after attempting to launch the game, nothing ever came up.

    I downloaded 3 different v1.3 FULL patches from:,, and

    Between all those steps, I installed and uninstalled BF2 about 15 times. I already memorized the CD key.

    I also tried running the CCleaner as one user recommended. It cleans the registry, I tried that after uninstalling BF2 but that didn’t help.

    Then I came upon this…

    “That brings us up to this evening when some of our readers contacted us saying that they and a few others were experiencing random performance issues in real world programs (such as Quake 4 and Battlefield 2) when using their A8R32-MVP. Having read through those issues it was clear that they too had attempted many of the same fixes as us and as they did not have access to the timing fix bios (v 0309) they were left with an unusable board and worse, a waste of money.”

    But I think that excludes me as my BIOS were 0311 when I got my hands on the Motherboard, and now the BIOS are updated to 0511.

    Things I’m going to try:

    Uninstall everything, clean registry, and delete any BF2 related files, boot into safemode and install bf2 along with patch v1.3 FULL.

    If that doesn’t work, I’ll format the pc and try again.

    If that doesn’t work, sell the MB and get something else.

    Try to install all this crap on my other pc (im sure it’ll work)

    If you have any helpful information that will lead me to getting this game running on this computer, please post it here, I would REALL appreciate it. Thanks.

  • #2
    Re: BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

    This is probally pointless but when you installed your new drivers did you delete the registry/all the crap it leaves behind?


    • #3
      Re: BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

      Run memtest on your RAM to check for no errors. Run test on your hard drive (refer manufacturers website). Perform 100% clean install (not an upgrade or repair) of Windows XP. Install drivers. Install nothing else except for BF2 and a patch (make it 1.21 or 1.12, not 1.3 it's dogcrap for most people). Let me know how you get on.


      • #4
        Re: BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

        Use this link to ensure that you have a system clean on bf2 files before reinstalling

 got a curly one. 2 days ago I couldn't play the game because of all the lag, then my cpu support on the mother board broke and my heatsink fell off. Crap. Anyway, removed all the hadware and mobo, fixed the backet and put it all back together tonight. Jumped on the same servers that gave me problems 2 days ago and played with no lagging at all.

        My fps via the in game counter (renderer.drawfps 1) were 68/17 fps average. BUT NO LAGGING..

        I had also done the following
        1. completely clean install (several times)
        2. install full patch of 1.3 from EA downloader(did have trouble patching before the complete clean install)
        3.updated punkbuster
        4. ran memtest to check ram
        5. installed a second hdd for the pagefile to write to. don't know if i needed to do this as i already had 2 gig of ram.
        6. killed pc motherboard bracket
        7. rebuild sytem
        8. adj punkbuster via console ( ` )pb_sleep 500
        to stop punkbster checking the system so much whilst playing

        But alas , still no closer to a straight answer. I've got bf2 running in the background at the moment and there's still no lag with the frame rates down to 45/20. I have a feeling it is not sytem related but perhaps server related or punkbuster?


        • #5
          Re: BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

          ok wat i recommend, is install the game in safe mode patch it in safe mode.

          If that doesnt work make sure ALL you drivers are uptodate.

          When trying to run BF2 take off everything running on the startup bar. Or go to msconfig (run > MSCONFIG) click start up and deselect it all then restart. Then give BF2 another try if it runs slowly reactivate stuff 1 by 1 in msconfig till it does it then its that APPlication doing it!

          Also what OS are you using?


          • #6
            Re: BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

            The last time somebody offered a reward for helping them in this section, they NEVER visited the thread again and no reward was ever given (although I assume the problem got solved)

            So, you'd better come through if somebody helps you

            My suggestion is to follow Abomination's advice VERY closely via the URL:

            Also try setting up another Windows account that is streamlined for games as outlined here:

            ..and install under that account.


            • #7
              Re: BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

              Originally posted by Talus
              The last time somebody offered a reward for helping them in this section, they NEVER visited the thread again and no reward was ever given (although I assume the problem got solved)
              Dont worry, I'll come through. I'm not a scumbag, if anything, you can find me on million other forums including my own (

              I will let you guys know whats up. I have this problem posted on several forums to help me resolve it quicker. I will post any update.

              Originally posted by ab0minati0n
              Use this link to ensure that you have a system clean on bf2 files before reinstalling

     got a curly one. 2 days ago I couldn't play the game because of all the lag, then my cpu support on the mother board broke and my heatsink fell off. Crap. Anyway, removed all the hadware and mobo, fixed the backet and put it all back together tonight. Jumped on the same servers that gave me problems 2 days ago and played with no lagging at all.

              My fps via the in game counter (renderer.drawfps 1) were 68/17 fps average. BUT NO LAGGING..

              I had also done the following
              1. completely clean install (several times)
              2. install full patch of 1.3 from EA downloader(did have trouble patching before the complete clean install)
              3.updated punkbuster
              4. ran memtest to check ram
              5. installed a second hdd for the pagefile to write to. don't know if i needed to do this as i already had 2 gig of ram.
              6. killed pc motherboard bracket
              7. rebuild sytem
              8. adj punkbuster via console ( ` )pb_sleep 500
              to stop punkbster checking the system so much whilst playing

              But alas , still no closer to a straight answer. I've got bf2 running in the background at the moment and there's still no lag with the frame rates down to 45/20. I have a feeling it is not sytem related but perhaps server related or punkbuster?

              The people that have problems with punkbuster are usually the people that try to connect to a server and then get kicked back to their desktop. But I'll try updating punkbuster once I complete the bf2 install and before I install the patch.

              After every uninstall, my registry is clean of bf2 or any ea related files.

              Originally posted by Sir. S.A.S
              ok wat i recommend, is install the game in safe mode patch it in safe mode.

              If that doesnt work make sure ALL you drivers are uptodate.

              When trying to run BF2 take off everything running on the startup bar. Or go to msconfig (run > MSCONFIG) click start up and deselect it all then restart. Then give BF2 another try if it runs slowly reactivate stuff 1 by 1 in msconfig till it does it then its that APPlication doing it!

              Also what OS are you using?
              I stated in my original post that I will be attempting to reinstall the game in safe mode, I also stated that I tried patching it in safe mode but it didn't help... we'll see later on today.

              ALL my drivers are upto date.
              - BIOS Updates
              - ATI Cat. Driver Updated
              - Updated to XP SP2
              - Latest Version of DirectX

              what else do I need? Sound driver?

              I'll try the MSConfig thing later on, but It's already almost empty as I just got this thing running less than a week ago and not much **** installed on it.

              But Thanks.


              • #8
                Re: BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

                yep sound driver is needed!


                • #9
                  Re: BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

                  i once heard from a friend he had this problem and he sourced it to his mouse :cry: could be the mouse drivers or even keyboards have been known to do it i had a problem with my logitech keyboard drivers killing my sound in game

                  hope this helps you

                  P.S i dont want your money if it helps just a nice thanks will be in order

                  excuse my spelling/grammer im dyslexic:cry:


                  • #10
                    Re: BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

                    I just installed the game on my other computer, it installed fine on XP SP1 and currupt .NET 2.0 (installation didn't finish) and old ATI Drivers.

                    Game is running smoothly.

                    Im going to format my new computer now and reattempt the installation.


                    • #11
                      Re: BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

                      Seams you may have not done the first thing you should have done, run the game in window made and note down any error you get.

                      right click the shortcut and click properties then change +fullscreen 1 to +fullscreen 0


                      • #12
                        Re: BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

                        I just formated... same thing, this time it didn't even finish installing the patch like it did the very first time I tried it.

                        Next thing Im going to try is take the files from my other computer and put them on this one.


                        • #13
                          Re: BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

                          Try installing the game over the network...put the CD in your other machine and share the drive.

                          Then install the game on your machine by browsing to the shared CD on the network.

                          You may have a bad optical drive.


                          • #14
                            Re: BF2 Crashes after ANY Patch - Tried EVERYTHING - REWARD !!!

                            Originally posted by Talus
                            The last time somebody offered a reward for helping them in this section, they NEVER visited the thread again and no reward was ever given (although I assume the problem got solved)
                            Sorry for the thread resurrection, but it's mine so I think I'm allowed to do that... no?

                            Anyway, like I said... I'm no scumbag, i never got it fixed, I'm going to try again w/ my new motherboard and let you guys know what happens.

