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faces of war

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  • faces of war

    faces is a rts with direct control (think army men). this is not a resource management rts like c&c/warcraft. its a tactical rts that actually takes some tactical skill. if you expect to have any success by simply selecting a huge group of mixed soldiers and sending them at the enemy you will be quite disappointed. if you enjoyed sudden strike or blitzkrieg this game will blow you away. it looks gorgeous on my average system and i was able to set everything at high with no frame loss. every single thing in the game can be destroyed and used as cover. vehicles can be disabled. attributes like ammo and fuel are in the game and it has an rpg style inventory.

    this game was previously released as soldiers: heroes of ww2 and did poorly due to lack of support and it being underdeveloped. faces of war is a huge improvment upon soldiers and will have solid multiplayer. for those of you that say the market is saturated with ww2 games, you are right, the market is saturated with BAD ww2 games, theres plenty of room for quality ww2 games. dod is the only real good ww2 fps, and it doesnt even have vehicular combat.

    oh and just so you know, soldiers and faces were developed by best way. codemasters stopped publishing (paying for) soldiers when they didnt get big sales initially. ubisoft published faces and now the game shines its brightest. its funny when a company like codemasters gets impatient and throws away a piece of gold like soldiers. only to have a smart company come and finish the game. basicly my point is scew codemasters, horrah ubisoft!

    heres the web site for demo and screen shots

  • #2
    Re: faces of war

    I loved Blitzkrieg and Blitzkrieg 2, defiantly will download and try it out...


    • #3
      Re: faces of war

      so nobody else cares?


      • #4
        Re: faces of war

        I just spent the last two hours playing it, beat the first mission, it was okay, nothing to spectacular about it, then I played the next one, thats were I spent the most time on, not because it was difficult, because I was having fun, I was able to take a 75mm AT gun at the start of the mission and take out infantry from afar (and many a building) and the two Tiger Tanks. Allowed the rest of the mission to be completed at my leasure and ease. It was fun tearing through buildings with AP rounds (to save HE) to get to infantry and armored vehicles. Its also fun to seperate your sniper from your squad and go pick off infantry, slowly but surely.

        Will defiantly be picking this bad boy up. Love the graphics and the game play is great.


        • #5
          Re: faces of war

          super, ill cya online when it comes out!


          • #6
            Re: faces of war

            im having trouble with the demo, it wont play, i reinstalled DirectX 9 and nowthing happened


            • #7
              Re: faces of war

              Originally posted by SgtMattBaker
              im having trouble with the demo, it wont play, i reinstalled DirectX 9 and nowthing happened
              Restart your computer, I had the same problem (if its what I think it is), but when I restarted it seemed to fix it and I was able to play. Love playing the second mission over and over again and taking the AA gun and the two AT guns on the left side (throw nades behind them to get rid of the enemy troops on em) and just annilating the Wehrmacht from a distance (while ocassionally sending my sniper out to take out enemys).


              • #8
                Re: faces of war

                Great demo, though I'm lost with the first mission, it's good that you can just click the pic at the bottem and play the 2nd one.
                I also like how easy it is to mod.
                I will be buying this game when it come's out, oh and theres NO starforce with it either if your wondering.


                • #9
                  Re: faces of war

                  What are you lost with on the first mission?


                  Was reading on the forums, some of the mods look pretty nice. Though, I didn't like the one that made it easier for your soldiers to die, yes that would make it more realistic, but with how "all-knowing" the germans are once you get within a certain range, it would make it pretty damn hard...

