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How to play Karkand. An overall view

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  • How to play Karkand. An overall view


    I just spent the last 10 minutes of a round at Karkand watching our US team lose pitifully.

    US -
    GO FOR THE FACTORY!!!! There will be tons of noobs working on the Suburbs and the Hotel so don't worry about that. From a tactical point of view they are not key targets. Take a vehicle, preferably one that is REALLY fast, and book it to the factory. If you're one guy, form a squad and invite people to join in and spawn on you so you have some help taking that flag. Don't go it alone because, of course, you will most likely get killed. If you're all by yourself and on the MEC side of the river then stay there and don't make too much noise until you have enough guys to take flags. KEEP MOVING! Drive around and give the enemy something to shoot at. If you neutralize a flag, don't stay there and try to bring it up unless you know your chances are good of doing it before someone comes by. Neutralize it and go to the next one, neutralize that one and go to the next one etc etc.... I once had both APC's and a tank running around their side of the river trying to nab me and in the end they *did* get me but for about five mintues, I had them busy trying to kill me instead of being on the front lines with their team. Don't just think of your own score. Think of WINNING

    MEC -
    I know it's boring but WATCH THE RIVER FRONT!!! I see it all too many times. The commander is so preoccupied with the hotel that he totally forgets to do a scan and then suddenly realizes that the factory flag has been neutralized.
    I usually take an APC and go to the wall, lay down mines and wait. It's boring. It's not getting me points but it's keeping the enemy from sneaking over and raping the MEC side. Meanwhile I have invited people to join my squad giving them a different spawn point to spawn off of as opposed to spawning up in a melee of battle. The factory is key here and if the US takes it then they have a compliment of 4 APC's and 2 TANKS and if they use all of them, it's most likely a loss for MEC.

    I hope this helps some people. Not everyone is going to agree and that's fine but I hate seeing a team loose all because the players are too selfish to think of their unit instead of themselves. Oh, I also just saw A FEW GOOD MEN so I guess it inspired me to write this lol


  • #2
    Re: How to play Karkand. An overall view

    Good advice. Thanks


    • #3
      Re: How to play Karkand. An overall view

      The best way to help yout team win is to command and fight for it or kill as many enemy as possible. I dont realy care about winning anyway I just want to kick ***. And why do you call it "overall review" lol


      • #4
        Re: How to play Karkand. An overall view

        You should be able to take the factory with 1 APC and two (semi-good) guys. Form a squad and kick ***.

        Hint: The river is your friend and the APC doesn't sink.


        • #5
          Re: How to play Karkand. An overall view

          Originally posted by pYura
          The best way to help yout team win is to command and fight for it or kill as many enemy as possible. I dont realy care about winning anyway I just want to kick ***. And why do you call it "overall review" lol
          I call it overall because from an individual standpoint, this tactic does not get you allot of points MAJOR . I've been on really well organized teams where everybody DID work together and I don't just mean a few guys, I mean every single guy on the team right up to the commander. We were winning every round in under ten minutes each. If I don't get many points but my team won as a result of me standing a post and guarding the area then I'm glad to do it. Go kick some A$$ as you put it, I'll do my job according to what my team needs at that particular time. However, judging from your rank I take it you kick A$$ well. you're definitely a front line guy. I'm not lol

          Originally posted by LT_SE7EN11
          You should be able to take the factory with 1 APC and two (semi-good) guys. Form a squad and kick ***.

          Hint: The river is your friend and the APC doesn't sink.



          • #6
            Re: How to play Karkand. An overall view

            So you mean 64 player?

            Yes, the Hotel is the usual cluster-f^*k, and "smart" players avoid it. The players who like the stand-off are medic-whores or wanna-be killing machines.

            As USMC, I will usually cap the suburbs first then move to the river, but it is smart to cap the Factory first (or close to first).

            MEC - blow up the bridge by the Gatehouse! Yes, blow it away! Then you force all the USMC vehicles to go through the river - a nice choke point.

            ^Oh, BTW, pYura is only a Sgt. Major in BF2... he's a major on the forums because of the amount of his posts.


            • #7
              Re: How to play Karkand. An overall view

              good advice.
              to bad people(most people) only want to get get points, and don't care if there team loses.


              • #8
                Re: How to play Karkand. An overall view

                Originally posted by spirit3
                good advice.
                to bad people(most people) only want to get get points, and don't care if there team loses.
                So true, and that's the most frustrating part.


                • #9
                  Re: How to play Karkand. An overall view

                  Usually i stay at the hotel and try to defend it with my squad and a few other squads.

                  This is because i generally do not like flag hoppers who slow the game down so much by continuosly taking all the bag flags.


                  • #10
                    Re: How to play Karkand. An overall view

                    Originally posted by Sir. SuperTyphoon
                    Usually i stay at the hotel and try to defend it with my squad and a few other squads.

                    This is because i generally do not like flag hoppers who slow the game down so much by continuosly taking all the bag flags.
                    Haha. That's WAR lol. The enemy is supposed to make you hate them. That's how you loose your cool and screw up. It's happenned to me


                    • #11
                      Re: How to play Karkand. An overall view

                      I do exactly what thsi thread is abotu ever since a guy showed me the whole, stay close to the wall get to the island trick thing, I love it so much but, I never go for factory first, I have a system that I find works very well,

                      1.cement factory

                      2. gatehouse

                      3. *optional* if you still have cement factory, go for warehouse.

                      4. Speed demno yourself all the way to subs if your team don't have it yet.

                      5. market

                      6. By now its al out war everywhere.

                      Reasons why I do this, not only is this a pretty godo track that you can cover pretty fast and, the factory and train accident, IMO anyway, always seem to leave you really vulnerable and take a long time to cap.


                      • #12
                        Re: How to play Karkand. An overall view

                        good advice....BUT as people stated already, players dont play this map for the team. they play for stats. sad but true.

                        anyways, i usually go to the east hills then near the side of the wall. go to gatehouse first then warehouse then factory. sometimes i take a risk and go full factory but thats rare.


                        • #13
                          Re: How to play Karkand. An overall view

                          Originally posted by ROCKETt
                          good advice....BUT as people stated already, players dont play this map for the team. they play for stats. sad but true.
                          very true, took me 4 servers untill I could find a karky server with squads using coms and sticking together. I cant stand servers where everyones scattered across the map doing there own thing. 16 people and maybe one squad with 2 people... Whats the point of a squad it you have 6 suwads with one person, and like 8 lone wolfs... jeesh!


                          • #14
                            Re: How to play Karkand. An overall view

                            The sad thing is most people don't realize that if you do the things that help your team win (join a squad, work together, cap flags...) you usually do quite well on the points side too. Couldn't be game design could it?

                            On 32 Karkand, the MEC main needs to be your main priority. If USMC takes that, holds it, and doesn't cap another flag the whole round, they still win 9/10.

                            As MEC, protect your main, Suburbs is a very close second. You can afford to let the battle push back & forth between Market, Square, and Hotel the rest of the round.

                            64 Karkand is a much bigger ball of wax. While one or two players can defend the river on 32, you need a whole squad really on 64. And one that works together too, since there is more room for people to sneak past and cause damage. You need people that can patrol the flags while Engs and Spec Ops keep the entry ways booby trapped.

                            This is often mitigated by the fact that after the USMC takes a flag on the east side of the river, people too caught up in the fight, keep spawning on the west side. If you're the one capping that flag, expect armor to start rolling your way as soon as that flag goes neutral.


                            • #15
                              Re: How to play Karkand. An overall view

                              I tend to agree with alot of the ideas here. Nice job. The thing about Karkand is that it can and should be played very different with the different size maps. I prefer the 32 player size.

                              In that case, I find that holding the Suburbs is key. When we have a small squad of clan members or even players that like to play as a squad (god forbid!) it is far easier to hold the suburbs than the gatehouse. I know that the armor is at the mec base but for some reason holding the suburbs pisses the other team off and they throw themselves at it! Not to mention u are able to let ur other teamates flank 3 other flags to get them back if u loose them. There are so many good spots to hide at the suburbs and as the armor comes over the hills they are easy to kill with the Tow. It negates most of the problems of loosing the mec base for a short period of time.

                              While I know point wise u need the main base along with ur assets but if u can always launch a counter-attack from the suburbs u are still in the game. Try it if u get bored one day. It can be slow if all the noobs are tussling over the hotel but if u protect it...they will come!

                              As for the point thing, if the only thing u are working on is points...not having fun and learning to play as a team this game will get old fast and u will move on. For those that like to work as a team and try different tactics...that is what will keep u coming back for more! Try it u lone wolfs...squad up with someone and work as a teamplayer. Ur score might take a small hit but u will have more fun and play more rounds.

