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when it's okay to teamkill.

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  • when it's okay to teamkill.

    I find this setup to be the most annoying thing, I also found a nice remedy for it. Take Mushtaar City map. At startup when you go to capture the flags where the tanks spawn. You have a vodnik with 4 people and as soon as you get to the flag three of the ****ers go and jockey to try and getthe tank. Leaving you alone ot capture the flag. I found the perfect cure for this. Intentional Tamkilling the ****ers who are more concerned for the tnak than the flag. Now some of you will think I'm off my rocker and judging by my stats I will admit I do like armour. But if I don't get it I don't get it. That's why I can't fly worth crap can never get my hands on a plane. Now I'm not saying it's allright to TK for a vehicle but come on show some class and grab the flag then grab the tank.
    My poll question is do you agree with my plan or desagree?

  • #2
    Re: when it's okay to teamkill.

    I tk all da time. When I have a bad score on a server, and I feel kinda down, the only thing that brings me back is to massacre my squad and then get kicked for it. I love to tk people randomly and revive them or something. This happens about 5 times every month of so, I just can't stop being an a$$ sometimes, but I love every minute of it. TK anytime you want FTW!!!!!


    • #3
      Re: when it's okay to teamkill.

      I agree that your squad/team mates should help you cap the flag as their first priority (the tank doesn't even spawn until you've capped it anyway so it's not like the tank it about to get stolen by the enemy if they don't take it), but I just can't agree that there's ever an excuse for deliberately TKing someone...

      If they want to be babies, fine, let the 12 year olds have their fun... why do you need to join them? All you're likely to do is start a huge "friendly fire" fest where your team will be wiped out by itself without the enemy having to fire a shot. Not exactly good combat sense.


      • #4
        Re: when it's okay to teamkill.

        Hey hey hey...I'm not saying that I wanna tk everyone in my sight for ten minutes or anything. Sometimes...I just need to kill something in-game. I choose to tk because I know that I am getting punished for it by losing points. I don't know why, but it's not exactly against my morals to ruin the game for someone fact, I think that that is the point of the game...killing someone ruins the game for them, why does it matter whether they are on my side or not? If I'm having a bad round, I feel kinda low, and feel like ruining the game for some other people too, the only way that I can do that is to massacre me some peeps. Also to Gav: I'm 14, but I will have my load of need to see me on a TKing rampage...I got -66 points once before I was kicked.


        • #5
          Re: when it's okay to teamkill.

          if i'm waitin for a jet an some noob comes an trys to get it, i tk him...unless he gos away after i plead with him...lots of people dont see the big sign on the back of the planes that stats " this belongs to DeVilish " but i make sure i inform them!


          • #6
            Re: when it's okay to teamkill.

            better to take the tank and take the flag with it!


            • #7
              Re: when it's okay to teamkill.

              Nice to see some real mature people....not a surprise considering the standard of posters on this forum.

              I have never Teamkilled ANYONE intentionally. Its sad, irratating and immature. If i had teamkilled anyone, especially for a vehicle i would expect to be kicked/banned from a server, and this is exactly what i do if anyone teamkills purposely on any of our servers, i ban them without warning and take great pleasure in doing so. The game would be better without you.


              • #8
                Re: when it's okay to teamkill.

                Originally posted by Deliverance
                Nice to see some real mature people....not a surprise considering the standard of posters on this forum.

                I have never Teamkilled ANYONE intentionally. Its sad, irratating and immature. If i had teamkilled anyone, especially for a vehicle i would expect to be kicked/banned from a server, and this is exactly what i do if anyone teamkills purposely on any of our servers, i ban them without warning and take great pleasure in doing so. The game would be better without you.

                mabe so...but if i'm waitin for a jet for 10 min an then some guy runs up an just gets it or tks me then goddamit i want revenge! call me immature but thats my way of doin things.


                • #9
                  Re: when it's okay to teamkill.

                  I had the luck of rounding a corner into a teammate and then shooting on instinct. Of course he had like 1 bar of life and dies with the punish button already in hand. So this meatball spends the rest of the round as a sniper following me around trying to tk me back! He waitied until our team had one flag left and I was defending so he picked then to shoot me so we lose the flag and the round! How is that for teamwork?


                  • #10
                    Re: when it's okay to teamkill.

                    Originally posted by DeVilish
                    mabe so...but if i'm waitin for a jet for 10 min an then some guy runs up an just gets it or tks me then goddamit i want revenge! call me immature but thats my way of doin things.
                    Why are you waiting 10 minutes for a jet? Wouldnt you be better served doing something useful for your team?

                    And why shouldnt the other guy have it, sure, its annoying, but the usage of a vehicle isnt your god given right. As far as im concerned, the only fair way to do it is fastest finger first (or E wars) If you lose, oh well, go help the team by doing something, dont just slap C4 on his jet then blow him up once he takes off.


                    • #11
                      Re: when it's okay to teamkill.

                      Originally posted by da mighty carrot
                      I think that that is the point of the game...killing someone ruins the game for them, why does it matter whether they are on my side or not?
                      It matters because ruining the game for others is not the point of this game. It's not a game that's made solely to be fun for you at the expense of all others. Killing the enemy is part of the game, and they try to kill you - that's competition. Killing your own team, who are expecting you to help them attack the enemy (since that is the point of the game) is no competition at all.

                      Originally posted by da mighty carrot
                      If I'm having a bad round, I feel kinda low, and feel like ruining the game for some other people too, the only way that I can do that is to massacre me some peeps.
                      Such a mature attitude... The idea is that, as you grow up, you learn to control your emotions so that you don't need to lash out in a senseless temper tantrum when things don't go your way.

                      Originally posted by da mighty carrot
                      Also to Gav: I'm 14, but I will have my load of need to see me on a TKing rampage...I got -66 points once before I was kicked.
                      What do you want, a medal? Is this supposed to impress people? Dazzle us with your TK über-1337n355 or something...? Most would consider it childish.

                      Originally posted by Deliverance
                      Nice to see some real mature people....not a surprise considering the standard of posters on this forum.
                      Spot on...


                      • #12
                        Re: when it's okay to teamkill.

                        Originally posted by da mighty carrot
                        Hey hey hey...I'm not saying that I wanna tk everyone in my sight for ten minutes or anything. Sometimes...I just need to kill something in-game. I choose to tk because I know that I am getting punished for it by losing points. I don't know why, but it's not exactly against my morals to ruin the game for someone fact, I think that that is the point of the game...killing someone ruins the game for them, why does it matter whether they are on my side or not? If I'm having a bad round, I feel kinda low, and feel like ruining the game for some other people too, the only way that I can do that is to massacre me some peeps. Also to Gav: I'm 14, but I will have my load of need to see me on a TKing rampage...I got -66 points once before I was kicked.
                        Where can I look up my worst round? It must be something about -100
                        Sometimes you just have to teach them a lesson about teamkills. (I only do this when I get Tk'ed without a reason beforehand. If I notice the person is an arrogant "§$%§$% he might get some more.)

                        But Back To Topic:
                        NO, i wouldn't TK for that reason you mentioned. I let everybody do what he pleases as long he's not asking me to TK him by beeing a complete schnook and Tk'ing me before.


                        • #13
                          Re: when it's okay to teamkill.

                          How about this for all the tk funboys- go to an unranked server where it wont matter! Start a TK:Clan! Then you can blast each other all you want and not annoy everyone else! Like it or not, people on the ranked servers are trying to earn points/badges/awards and trying (sometimes) to play as a team. These kids that talk about tk for fun just ruin the overall experience of the game for others-


                          • #14
                            Re: when it's okay to teamkill.

                            But they don't care about that, Cazzy, because of exactly what you said - it ruins the overall experience of the game for others. Not for them.


                            • #15
                              Re: when it's okay to teamkill.

                              Good point.... I guess I just dont understand the thrill of killing my own teammates just for a cheap giggle or out of frustration... take it out on the enemy!

