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Warning to headphone users.

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  • #76
    Re: Warning to headphone users.

    heh...for some reason i dont put my headphones all the way on (im usually not suppose to be playing so i have to hear if anyone is coming)


    • #77
      Re: Warning to headphone users.

      I'm not worried. In the future, I'm just going to get laser ear surgury and get perfect hearing.


      • #78
        Re: Warning to headphone users.

        i'm more afraid of Q-tips.

        I think I'm addicted to them. It's about as heavenly as back-scratchers.


        • #79
          Re: Warning to headphone users.

          thx man i think i might cut down on the headphones and only use them when nessesary dunno about you guys but i like to be able to hear things. Jw how often did you wear your headphones and how long for before you got tinnitus


          • #80
            Re: Warning to headphone users.

            I tried to use speakers, but i got massive feedback on ventrilo and couldnt resolve it. So i went back to headphones. If i could fix the feedback i would use speakers.


            • #81
              Re: Warning to headphone users.

              I wear headphones, but I also lower my ingame sound to around 30% so I can hear people on vent. It's not even loud.


              • #82
                Re: Warning to headphone users.

                Originally posted by Slocum
                I tried to use speakers, but i got massive feedback on ventrilo and couldnt resolve it. So i went back to headphones. If i could fix the feedback i would use speakers.
                mute your mic


                • #83
                  Re: Warning to headphone users.

                  I don't use headphones because I have an amazing speaker system. Why waste it on some dinky 2.0 thing when I can use 5.1? I might, just MIGHT sell these speakers though if I can get headphones of as good, if not better quality (dont worry I'll keep the volume down).


                  • #84
                    Re: Warning to headphone users.

                    I know what you mean. Recently my friends hearing has declined to the point of missing casual indoor voice conversation when Im sitting next to him close enough that you couldn't get a horizontal pencil between us. Now that you mentioned this I think I know the cause. When I play I plug my Mic's transmit plug in but leave out the volume, as is such I get sound from the speakers and speak into the mic, which I belive is a plausible and simple solution. My friend however is another story. I went to his house and slid on his headphones and joined a game; I stared to sprint in one direction and the steps were incredibly loud, distant gunfire sounded close and as soon as arty began to strike around me I simply tore off those things and dropped them. I tured the ingame volume to 50% in all catagories but I still couldn't stand to be a gunner on a tank's 50. because the noise of the treads was unbearable even at 50%.


                    • #85
                      Re: Warning to headphone users.

                      I think it's all about moderation. I'm 38 and have used headphones for years. I tested my hearing and can still hear above 19000Hz. I always adjust the volume in Bf2 so I can hear what I need but nothing more. I use soundquality on medium because it cuts down the amount of treble and I have turned down the sound of my own gun in the con file. The artillery is a pain in the *** though and I have a few thoughts for DICE since you can't turn it down separately.


                      • #86
                        Re: Warning to headphone users.

                        People really never understand till it is too late. It sucks that it has to happen before you realize, then it is too late. I listened to headphones most of my teenaged years when I was in bed so I did not blast the house. My friend at the time, who also plays BF2, had a pimp car with serious bass. My clubbing lead me to get musician's hearing protection. I spent the money on custom molded ones for my ears.

                        At about 23, I noticed a small subtle ring in my ears. Super faint. At that point, I knew something was up...and whenever I left clubs, it was really pronounced (if I did not wear my protection).

                        Now, 29, I still hear the ring, maybe 5% worse. I am confident that I could get much worse if I screwed around.

                        I do use headphones when it is late at night and people are sleeping in the house. They are earbuds and I know for a fact, they are bad. When I go to bed, the ringing is more pronounced (what is crazy, I don't have my headphones that loud either).

                        Most of the time I use speakers, but they still can do damage.

                        People. Take this serious!!! I don't care what your excuse is! Be moderate on anything when it comes to loud noises. Want to hear something crazy? At my server data farm, they have piles of earplugs because the dull white-noise of server fans will cause you to go deaf too! WTF!

                        Take this serious! I still have amazing hearing, but it could be much worse with the ringing.



                        • #87
                          Re: Warning to headphone users.

                          I already have a quiet ringing in my ears, and I am 16.

                          It is definately not from headphones. It's from guitar, all the endless band practices I have had, shows I had, concerts i've been to, local shows i've been to, my car stereo, my dad's car stereo, and my home stereo.


                          I don't notice it unless I am sitting completely still and everything around me is quiet. It's like white noise mixed with a constant ringing sound. Very quiet though.. I don't hear it unless I listen for it.


                          • #88
                            Re: Warning to headphone users.



                            • #89
                              Re: Warning to headphone users.

                              Originally posted by metallicaguitrst
                              I don't notice it unless I am sitting completely still and everything around me is quiet. It's like white noise mixed with a constant ringing sound. Very quiet though.. I don't hear it unless I listen for it.
                              right, what we are saying...that is nothing, wait till it gets worse, because 16 is a drop in the bucket in the length of your life. I has gotten for me, everything is normal, but now, it sucks because I love loud music, but loud noises bother me. I sucks when you like to feel the music. Trust us, it can get way worse.


                              • #90
                                Re: Warning to headphone users.

                                Originally posted by bitvomit
                                You are wrong. Real life guns can damage your hearing, but you fail to realize that having a source of loud concentrated noise directly beside your ear is just as bad, if not worse! Like I said, no one listens, they always seem to have some ignorant reason to continue destroying their hearing. Just because your hearing is already messed up does not mean it's high time to start ruining it even more or that you are somehow immune to more damage.
                                I don't use my headphones over anything other than a reasonable decible level so I'll take my chances. Only time they come on my head is for BF2 about 10 hours a week now. The computer is in my bedroom and unless I want to hear another kind of noise (wife) the headphones have to come on. Don't get me wrong because I care about whats left of my hearing and I don't blast my headphones.

