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  • Unkillable?

    This guy ^^^ I was just playing with and he was unkillable. He had a -4 with 4 deaths from trying to switch teams it seems like. Anyway, the whole map he just say in the BH in the bottom of the carrier, once we shot at him, he flew around, then landed back in the carrier. I asked what he was doing with no reply. Then while in a cobra, I launch a TV guided right into his windshield. And laughed! Then, when the smoke settled, he was still there!!! Tried the cobra, C4, 50 .cal, not even the enemy J-10's could kill him. Here is a screen of the guy, my buddy took a better one of me before we C4'd him (will post later).

    Any of you guys ever seen this before? And before you ask, yes, FF was def. on.

  • #2
    Re: Unkillable?



    • #3
      Re: Unkillable?

      (what i think)

      This guy want to increase his time in vehicles so in order to do this un interupted he uses some cheat to make sure that no one kills him.


      • #4
        Re: Unkillable?

        was ff turned off?
        was ff turned off on vechiles?
        just because you cant kill some one dosnt automaticly mean there using hacks or cheating.
        theres even a glitch on sharki where the chopper can go through buildings an point you at flag points even with ff on,
        but when the chopper hits the wall an sends the player in side the building the chopper doesnt blow up.


        • #5
          Re: Unkillable?

          Originally posted by MemphisVon
          And before you ask, yes, FF was def. on.


          • #6
            Re: Unkillable?

            why have you got a pic of the clown from Devils rejects for a clan logo??


            • #7
              Re: Unkillable?

              Lol, the clown, thats captain spaulding, also from house of Horrors I think. Pretty good movie Devil's rejects, not exactly extreme gore, if you want that check out hostel lol.

              But back on topic, no idea what that was, but I've seen alot of high rankers sitting in a black hawk at the edge of the map, I went over to one of them once and he took off into the air, went away and I saw him go back there, weird.


              • #8
                Re: Unkillable?

                well when ever i see someone doing that. i uslly go tk them. and they start cursing at me. like they where on the other side.


                • #10
                  Re: Unkillable?

                  I love how he misspelled 'General'


                  • #11
                    Re: Unkillable?

                    meh they all look the same to me


                    • #12
                      Re: Unkillable?

                      Looking at his stats I'd say he's going for vateran helicopter badge!


                      • #13
                        Re: Unkillable?

                        Lag? I had no trouble killing him the other day.


                        • #14
                          Re: Unkillable?

                          I encountered a guy yesterday who was immune to shock paddles. He was lying prone in the grass and I came up from the side. I crouched and tried to shock. Nothing. I proned and tried to shock nothing. I tried this 5 times in a row without him moving an inch. What does he do? Looks at me and one-shot kills me with a G36C.



                          • #15
                            Re: Unkillable?

                            those of you who experience this invincibility bug, please get screen shots or a fraps if possible and I will get them passed on to the dev..

                            in fact you can email them to me at


