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Mines destructible again?!

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  • Mines destructible again?!

    Patch 1.4 beta2. Road to Jalalabad.
    I was a MEC engineer. I made a line of mines at the entrance to a flag (Junkyard).
    Here comes a tank, right over a mine and all 3 of them exploded.
    Same place, different team. I am in a tank and I noticed some mines there. I carefully approach the flag and stop. Unaware of the situation, here comes a buggy and step on a mine. BOOM! We were both destroyed, as all of the mines exploded.
    Could this be another game play change?
    And if it’s so, I wonder if there is a change to claymores, too. I can’t verify this right now, but someone could do it…

  • #2
    Re: Mines destructible again?!

    They do chain react if they are too closse together.


    • #3
      Re: Mines destructible again?!

      I know it was like that, but I don't remember it in 1.3, in fact I remember quite the opposite, as a jeep runs over a mine and just that exploded, near the TV station, Sharqi, the other mines didn’t chain react. But I could be mistaken…


      • #4
        Re: Mines destructible again?!

        No, if you put them too close to each other they all go off. It does this right now too even in 1.3. If you dont want them all going off, dont put them close to each other. I dont play engineer too much, but I know 1 is enough for a hummer. And 2 should be enough for any tank.

        Maybe even 1, will take out a tank. I am not sure.


        • #5
          Re: Mines destructible again?!

          mine ff would have probably been left on.


          • #6
            Re: Mines destructible again?!

            FF was off, as I recall.


            • #7
              Re: Mines destructible again?!

              for explosives... ?

              ive not seen mines go off in chains unless mine FF was left on. when off and on a 1.3 server only one mine will explode, no matter how close the others are.


              • #8
                Re: Mines destructible again?!

                Originally posted by zipp0r
                for explosives... ?

                ive not seen mines go off in chains unless mine FF was left on. when off and on a 1.3 server only one mine will explode, no matter how close the others are.
                I'm not 100% sure FF was off ... anyone care to test this?


                • #9
                  Re: Mines destructible again?!

                  Originally posted by Batausu
                  I'm not 100% sure FF was off ... anyone care to test this?
                  well, if tks happened then FF was on, but mine tk's can happen with mine ff on or off.

                  best way to test is join the same server, lay a mine and drive over it


                  • #10
                    Re: Mines destructible again?!

                    I just created a local server (FF on), laid all mines close together and then went over one in a jeep. Guess what? Only one exploded, no chain reaction.
                    I did it both in 1.3 and 1.4, same thing.
                    So what happened earlier that made all mines blow up? More bugs?


                    • #11
                      Re: Mines destructible again?!

                      ok heres the answer,
                      mines setting of other mines..NOPE but if a vehicle exploding from one mine is close enough to another mines hit box its debri will set it off because the mine still sees it as an occupied enemy vehicle.


                      • #12
                        Re: Mines destructible again?!

                        I did more testing and what a surprise! I could drive over mines (FF on) with no explosion. Look at this:

                        And when I got out of the tank while still on the mine, it exploded!
                        But not the first time, I had to move over the mines for a while and then exit the vehicle. This is how it looks from under the tank:

                        Same thing happened when I dropped a mine in a boat (on Dalian). I start driving around and when I got out, BOOM!
                        What kind of bug is that?! And no, I'm not kidding, FF was on, default setting...
                        Update: after more testing, I realise I can cause the explosion only if I get out of the vehicle on the mine and the vehicle is still moving.
                        Claymores have the same behaviour: I can move in front of them all I want, they only go off if I get out of a moving vehicle.
                        Another picture:

                        This is weird!


                        • #13
                          Re: Mines destructible again?!

                          um its been like that for ages


                          • #14
                            Re: Mines destructible again?!

                            psssst.. mines have to arm.....


                            • #15
                              Re: Mines destructible again?!

                              Originally posted by =IMO=THJones
                              psssst.. mines have to arm.....
                              And how long does it take to arm? 3 minutes?? Because I drove around the city and over the mines longer then that.
                              Anyway, I just got back from a game (FF on, I checked) and me and everybody else could drive over mines like nothing. Can someone confirm this?

