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Winning as USMC on karkand..

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  • Winning as USMC on karkand..

    ok, its been over a year since bf2 was released. one would assume players would KNOW how to win as USMC on karkand. i mean jesus christ. theres only 3 ways to assault the frontlines(hotel).

    1.straight up main road to landmines, at rockets, c4, snipers galone.
    2.go east through the mountains. land in the red zone and continue towards whatever base you want
    3.go west through the hills, maneuver the road to get suburb.

    now i was playing on a 24/7 karkand server just a few minutes ago, i take the jeep (since both apcs were taken already and it seems they want to go toe to toe in the main road) and wait for people to get in. i have 1 gunner and 1 passenger. i go towards the hills in the east. as im driving along the hills my passenger suddenly decides to jump ship while we were still in hills. i dont mind since i still have my gunner. me and my gunner then proceed in the red zone and make it through alive. we cap gatehouse area then my gunner decides to take the bridge area instead of capping back bases. i then procceed to warehouse and then factory, capping both flags with minimal resistance. at this point there is a stalemate going on at hotel, both sides are killing each other. i type, in all caps mind you, "WAREHOUSE AND FACTORY NEED DEFENDERS ASAP!" i type it about 3x. 1 person shows up at warehouse. 1 ****ing person. i was then defending factory from a few MEC soldiers. i die. i spawn again i die.
    you would think at this time my team would realize "hey, we have the back bases! lets spawn there! w00t!" but nooooooo. only about 3 of us were in the back bases.3 out of about oh 30 people. to make a long story short all back bases were lost and the mec won the round.

    sorry for the length but i am just a little angry at people. are stats really more important than winning rounds? =(. wait, dont answer that.

    rant off.

  • #2
    Re: Winning as USMC on karkand..

    [Sarcasm]Silly Rockett, Karkand isnt for winning rounds! Its for points!![/sarcasm]


    • #3
      Re: Winning as USMC on karkand..



      • #4
        Re: Winning as USMC on karkand..

        haha, well, karkand is a fav map for mec. now you know why most peeps have very little china time....


        • #5
          Re: Winning as USMC on karkand..

          Originally posted by ROCKETt
          sorry for the length but i am just a little angry at people. are stats really more important than winning rounds? =(. wait, dont answer that.
          Dude, some people just want a firefight. It's not you're going to get some sort of trophy if you win the round. Most people just like to kick back and play

          If you want real teamwork with real objectives, I suggest you try playing in one of the many tournaments established for Battlefield 2 (eg; 21CW). They have hundreds of players with military hierarchy and huge battles every week. It's really detailed and seems right up your ally.

          Other option is just hook up with a clan that plays in leagues. Just be careful ... the amount of competitiveness going on tends to drive a laid back person a little nuts. I spent 10 minutes in a TS of one of the top clans in HL and I'll tell ya ... they freaked me out. It felt like a religious war. Screaming, yelling, banging, slamming and god knows what else :laugh:


          • #6
            Re: Winning as USMC on karkand..

            OR just go play PR or Tactical Gamres. Awesome **** right there.


            • #7
              Re: Winning as USMC on karkand..

              I think I was in that server. Sry if I didnt help. But I would much rather pwn some ppl with my PKM, working my way around the Hotel and to the Sqaure. Cap that, then come up behind them, lay low, and fire off a couple a rounds. When ever I'm in SAK, I play USMC cause they seem to win all the time. Well, for me anyways.


              • #8
                Re: Winning as USMC on karkand..

                If its teamwork you want ROCKETt dear boy, get your sorry butt in a Tactical Gamer server - for a start, none of this typing merlarky - they all use VOIP. As it should be - Amen


                • #9
                  Re: Winning as USMC on karkand..

                  well i'm sry. I would be one of those people. I'd like points cuz wins don't matter as much unless u command. I love fightin 4 the hotel it's where everyone is. more points i hate when my team finally gets the hotel and there isn't a big battle ground anymore. but hey if I'm commander i'm on ur side


                  • #10
                    Re: Winning as USMC on karkand..

                    Originally posted by Sir. Blades
                    [Sarcasm]Silly Rockett, Karkand isnt for winning rounds! Its for points!![/sarcasm]
                    Aren't we all over the whole points thing now? Its been over a year people! Everyone knows points arent actually indicative of skill in any way, shape or form.....


                    • #11
                      Re: Winning as USMC on karkand..

                      Wow I even put the sarcasm HTML code there.....


                      • #12
                        Re: Winning as USMC on karkand..

                        everyone on the usmc side was probably to busy whining about grenade spam to see you type you need help. I mean the only option is to get hotel by walking through the hole in the fence right?


                        • #13
                          Re: Winning as USMC on karkand..

                          Originally posted by scarywoody
                          everyone on the usmc side was probably to busy whining about grenade spam to see you type you need help. I mean the only option is to get hotel by walking through the hole in the fence right?
                          Getting Hotel isn't that hard if you're a sniper. It all depends on the feel of the battle. Most MEC run towards the USMC main as soon as they spawn. This means if you take the western alleyway you will usually run into very little opposition. If you're able to pick of the few people in alley, you run behind the Hotel pretty much unopposed.

                          Once you get into the flag zone, place claymores on both main entrances and hope a grenade doesn't kill you. If you're lucky enough to have a squad, you'll be able to take it fast.

                          If there are claymores set at the entrances by opposition snipers, your only option is to drive a jeep to the telephone booth connected to the hotel patio. Jump on the jeep, jump on the telephone booth, get in the flag zone. The claymores are usually facing outward so they won't touch you. This tactic is pretty much impossible if you don't have other flags because your jeep will get annihilated on the way.


                          • #14
                            Re: Winning as USMC on karkand..

                            Originally posted by [MyIS]Spetsnaz
                            Getting Hotel isn't that hard if you're a sniper. It all depends on the feel of the battle. Most MEC run towards the USMC main as soon as they spawn. This means if you take the western alleyway you will usually run into very little opposition. If you're able to pick of the few people in alley, you run behind the Hotel pretty much unopposed.

                            Once you get into the flag zone, place claymores on both main entrances and hope a grenade doesn't kill you. If you're lucky enough to have a squad, you'll be able to take it fast.

                            If there are claymores set at the entrances by opposition snipers, your only option is to drive a jeep to the telephone booth connected to the hotel patio. Jump on the jeep, jump on the telephone booth, get in the flag zone. The claymores are usually facing outward so they won't touch you. This tactic is pretty much impossible if you don't have other flags because your jeep will get annihilated on the way.
                            :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: No no have to run through the hole in the fence right in front of the hotel. I think it's a rule.


                            • #15
                              Re: Winning as USMC on karkand..

                              Originally posted by scarywoody
                              :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: No no have to run through the hole in the fence right in front of the hotel. I think it's a rule.
                              What is this fence you speak of?

