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CTDs REALLY pissing me off

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  • CTDs REALLY pissing me off

    I am getting one every thirty minutes. Not at join game, but while I am playing. Completely randomly. Its so ****ing annoying. I have CTDed like 5 times already and I started playing an hour ago. ****ing ridiculous. Is there anything I can do to help this go away? Paging file perhaps? I have 1 gig of RAM.

  • #2
    Re: CTDs REALLY pissing me off

    Not much you can do.

    YOu can try deleteting all of your bf2 cache. And your prefetch files. *go to start > run, type prefetch, and delete everything in there.

    OR you can try re-installing.

    Otherwise, you need to wait for the patch. Happens to me only sometimes, not too often, when I am joining a server. But this has started happening with me only with the latest patch so I know its related.


    • #3
      Re: CTDs REALLY pissing me off

      Lol, I know how you feel, but tell me do you have a dual core processor?


      • #4
        Re: CTDs REALLY pissing me off


        AMD 3000+
        1 gig of RAM
        6600 Vanilla vid card

        Almost like yours, except for the processor


        • #5
          Re: CTDs REALLY pissing me off

          Originally posted by Sir. Blades

          AMD 3000+
          1 gig of RAM
          6600 Vanilla vid card

          Almost like yours, except for the processor
          O, well I turned one of my CPU's off for BF2 and it doesn't crash, well for the time being it hasn't anyway, hope it stays like that though.


          • #6
            Re: CTDs REALLY pissing me off

            ctd= ??? Just getting disconnected from the server? Could be your service provider?


            • #7
              Re: CTDs REALLY pissing me off

              Try 1.4, no more CTD for me.


              • #8
                Re: CTDs REALLY pissing me off

                CTD, CRASH TO DESKTOP. When you go to hit the join button on the server and it crashes to desktop, very annoying.


                • #9
                  Re: CTDs REALLY pissing me off

                  Originally posted by Sir. Blades

                  AMD 3000+
                  1 gig of RAM
                  6600 Vanilla vid card

                  Almost like yours, except for the processor
                  Sounds similar to the problem I had. We also have very similar specs. May I ask what graphics drivers are you running?


                  • #10
                    Re: CTDs REALLY pissing me off

                    oh that might be it. Im running 84.21.
                    damn i am behind. latest is 91.31
                    dling it now


                    • #11
                      Re: CTDs REALLY pissing me off

                      Originally posted by Sir. Blades
                      oh that might be it. Im running 84.21.
                      damn i am behind. latest is 91.31
                      dling it now
                      I'm running 84.21 very good set of drivers, I'm afraid I cannot help , I have problems running BF2 (CTD wise) with any other drivers. I wouldn't recomment them personally.


                      • #12
                        Re: CTDs REALLY pissing me off

                        if your CTD whilst playing its seperate from the CTD when clicking join.

                        i suggest: making sure your cpu isnt overclocked too far or overheating. or your ram timings are too tight or maybe not being given enough voltage (vdimm).


                        • #13
                          Re: CTDs REALLY pissing me off

                          i still got the exe files for 84.21
                          so ill switch back if this is bad

                          course it might just be EA
                          Eagle, are you overclocked?


                          • #14
                            Re: CTDs REALLY pissing me off

                            Originally posted by Sir. Blades
                            i still got the exe files for 84.21
                            so ill switch back if this is bad

                            course it might just be EA
                            Eagle, are you overclocked?
                            No everything is at stock speeds.


                            • #15
                              Re: CTDs REALLY pissing me off

                              Ah...I overclocked my CPU to 2.32 and my card to 340 and 584
                              I idle at 41. Is that a little high?

