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BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

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  • BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

    ok we have the BFROE 64 man server up and running on 1.3..

    64 slots US Server - Ranked

    Operation RoadRage
    Operation Harvest
    Operation SmokeScreen
    Gulf of Oman
    Dalian Plant
    Wake Island
    Sharqi Peninsula
    Kubra Dam

  • #2
    Re: BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

    *BFROE Team Speak Server:

    WOOT WOOT!!!

    Come meet my sniper bullet people!


    • #3
      Re: BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

      Serious question: will you forward me to EA to get reset if I TK a guy for a F-35 on Wake so the USMC has a chance of winning?


      • #4
        Re: BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

        Nice one! All of those maps own.


        • #5
          Re: BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

          No but please play fair as long as you go by ROE no one will be turned in.

          Remember breaking ROE and server rules can be 2 total different things. We would never turn in someone for server rules unless it also broke ROE. Do not think of this as a server with a iron fist or the wrath of god is watching. We truely only want a fun clean place to play and get to know the community.


          • #6
            Re: BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

            I'm still waiting for the ROE 24/7 Karkand knife/pistol server.


            • #7
              Re: BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

              Originally posted by BFROE|GWA|Jaxx
              No but please play fair as long as you go by ROE no one will be turned in.

              Remember breaking ROE and server rules can be 2 total different things. We would never turn in someone for server rules unless it also broke ROE. Do not think of this as a server with a iron fist or the wrath of god is watching. We truely only want a fun clean place to play and get to know the community.
              Wait, I want to really know is if someone stands infront of your Jet, and you see it, would you wipe their stats loL?


              • #8
                Re: BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

                lol, anyone wanting a fast stats reset? go play on that server

                what the rules are on there?


                • #9
                  Re: BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

                  I might have to buy AF just for this server, the server is located on the mideast/east cost or otherwise?


                  • #10
                    Re: BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

                    Originally posted by EAGLE_18
                    I might have to buy AF just for this server, the server is located on the mideast/east cost or otherwise?
                    No idea, JAXX is in Germany, not sure about Indian Scout so it may be in Europe, hopefully.


                    • #11
                      Re: BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

                      Well for starters why would you TK repeatedly for a jet? That is more unfair sportmanship to me. As for wiping anyones stats I dont wipe stats EA wipes peoples stats. In fact I dont even submit reports people do that and we verify. But we will not wipe your stats just for a one time.. opps I shot a bfroe for a jet. I would personally rather ban a player for breaking rules then wipe anyones stats. Now if you cheat or exploit then Yes I will submit proof to EA. There is a difference IMO!

                      *Server is in states only reason I am in Germany is because I am US Military and stationed here. Ummm exact location I do not know, IndianScout does I am sure.

                      **Zefram You will NEVER see a ROE K&P!

                      ***BTW Eternal that sig is from an awsome movie bro... a classic IMO!


                      • #12
                        Re: BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

                        Originally posted by Eternal-Souljah
                        No idea, JAXX is in Germany, not sure about Indian Scout so it may be in Europe, hopefully.
                        With an IP like that I doubt it, all thought it would be nice.


                        • #13
                          Re: BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

                          Originally posted by BFROE|GWA|Jaxx
                          Well for starters why would you TK repeatedly for a jet? That is more unfair sportmanship to me. As for wiping anyones stats I dont wipe stats EA wipes peoples stats. In fact I dont even submit reports people do that and we verify. But we will not wipe your stats just for a one time.. opps I shot a bfroe for a jet. I would personally rather ban a player for breaking rules then wipe anyones stats. Now if you cheat or exploit then Yes I will submit proof to EA. There is a difference IMO!

                          *Server is in states only reason I am in Germany is because I am US Military and stationed here. Ummm exact location I do not know, IndianScout does I am sure.

                          **BTW Eternal that sig is from an awsome movie bro... a classic IMO!

                          cool so we can join that server and tk indianscout for a vehicle without having stats reset?

                          can we do it more than once??? :laugh:


                          • #14
                            Re: BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

                            Originally posted by BFROE|GWA|Jaxx
                            Well for starters why would you TK repeatedly for a jet? That is more unfair sportmanship to me. As for wiping anyones stats I dont wipe stats EA wipes peoples stats. In fact I dont even submit reports people do that and we verify. But we will not wipe your stats just for a one time.. opps I shot a bfroe for a jet. I would personally rather ban a player for breaking rules then wipe anyones stats. Now if you cheat or exploit then Yes I will submit proof to EA. There is a difference IMO!

                            *Server is in states only reason I am in Germany is because I am US Military and stationed here. Ummm exact location I do not know, IndianScout does I am sure.

                            **BTW Eternal that sig is from an awsome movie bro... a classic IMO!
                            Yah, FEAR and Loathing, got good taste .

                            Oh yeah what I meant is on Wake I usually have someone if I get in jet they want it and stand infront and I have no choice but to run over them. Let me illustrate it for you...


                            • #15
                              Re: BFROE ranked is up ! ! !

                              Zippor you would be banned or kicked I am almost positive if you went in there and did it after posting the intentions on this thread to do just that. What is your point? Are you trying to prove something here? Either play by our server rules or dont play on the server it's that simple. Why push the issue. As for IndianScout I am 100% sure that he would not punish anyone just to be GOD or to be mean to anyone that didnt deserve it.

                              Well that would probably get u kicked Eternal!

