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I'm not getting my points or rewards!?!?!??!

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  • I'm not getting my points or rewards!?!?!??!

    Okay so I was playing this knife only server and got a bunch of points and stats. I didn't get the points or the awards i should have gotten (got 400 command points in the round and didn't get basic command badge which requires 40 points in a round). I got kinda mad but was like w/e.:|: And started another game right when I got a point I was promoted to sergant (which I was 300 points away from before i got the 400 points) so i thought "yea sweet i got my points":laugh: but after the game i disconnected and then i didn't have sergant rank yet. I was confused. I ended up going back to the server where i got 400 points iplayed the game and after that i got my rewards i deserved. Then i played the server again today. I didn't get much points but i got basic ground defense badge, ground defense ribbon, and expert knife bagde. Then I exited after the game was done and didn't get any points or any of my awards. I played on a different server that was a normal game. I got the all awards again and 150 command points. I exited and didn't gain a point or award.
    does anybody know whats goin on

  • #2
    Re: I'm not getting my points or rewards!?!?!??!

    if ur playing on unranked u got lucky cause knife pstol servers will get ur stats WIPED


    • #3
      Re: I'm not getting my points or rewards!?!?!??!

      He just said he got promoted so it is ranked.

      What is your s/n so we can have a look?


      • #4
        Re: I'm not getting my points or rewards!?!?!??!

        nice nee to kill.


        • #5
          Re: I'm not getting my points or rewards!?!?!??!

          Originally posted by <}US{> Need_2_Kill
          He just said he got promoted so it is ranked.

          What is your s/n so we can have a look?
          my stats got wiped then i played a round a then checked my bfhq and they were all restored

          i just checked my bfhq and i now have the three awards that earned during the game but no points. I'm gonna play a round and see if i get points.


          • #6
            Re: I'm not getting my points or rewards!?!?!??!

            BFHQ seems to run way slow on weekends. I'm missing points right now, this isn't the first or last time it will happen either. Another thing, it's best not to tell people (here or in the bf2 community in general) that you go to K&P servers. I guarantee you that some people will report you without ever even coming into contact with you, if given the chance


            • #7
              Re: I'm not getting my points or rewards!?!?!??!

              Originally posted by Paul Day
              BFHQ seems to run way slow on weekends. I'm missing points right now, this isn't the first or last time it will happen either. Another thing, it's best not to tell people (here or in the bf2 community in general) that you go to K&P servers. I guarantee you that some people will report you without ever even coming into contact with you, if given the chance
              Yera that I not doing those anymore but i got the basic explosive ordinance badge and i don't have it and then i got the veteran command badge but i don't have that either.


              I got 2 new awards that aren't showin up in bfhq??? this is confusing


              • #8
                Re: I'm not getting my points or rewards!?!?!??!

                It's just BFHQ, it runs so slow on weekends it isn't funny.

                Answer these questions (again if you already have): Did you see the little prompt for the award/new rank come up in game?

                Did the server crash or restart before the round ended?

                If you said "yes" to the first question and "no" to both things in the last question then you will be credited with what you got in game.

                If you answered differently you will have to attempt the awards again.

                There are always random glitches that may occur that would ignore what you should be credited with, but it doesn't happen often. Give it till Monday, All your stuff should be up.

                Also, my points from this weekend have just started to update so you may want to check your stats just in case


                • #9
                  Re: I'm not getting my points or rewards!?!?!??!

                  Well I think It is just really slow because i just checked and an award i got 2 hours ago finally showed up. so i'm glad i don't have to redo them.

