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1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

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  • #16
    Re: 1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

    they lob the grenades much farther then that


    • #17
      Re: 1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

      How hard is it to avoid nade spamming? Here's an idea go a different way then straight to the fence. Or better yest why not nade spam from the US side to where the most spamming goes on inside the second fence? What the hell is wrong with people. Why does everyone expect the game to change because they can't do exactly what they want. ADAPT TO WHATS GOING ON PEOPLE!!!!!! If you are actually killed multiple times by nade spam in the same spot you need to quit playing anyway.


      • #18
        Re: 1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

        Atleast even the playing field by removing choppers, jets and tanks from the game if you're going to do nerf support. Oh and while you're at it make it so AT rockets don't have a guidance system because they're just too accurate. Making rockets turn corners on a dime and hit infantry is much more realistic than carrying grenades.


        • #19
          Re: 1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

          HOLY ****!!!!! IF you guys want something changed or you dont like they way something works. GO play Counter Strike or some other game. BF2 IS FINE, eccept for a few things but its FINE so stop, doing the nurf rants.


          • #20
            Re: 1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

            Originally posted by [STO] Killer Dragon
            HOLY ****!!!!! IF you guys want something changed or you dont like they way something works. GO play Counter Strike or some other game. BF2 IS FINE, eccept for a few things but its FINE so stop, doing the nurf rants.
            F***'in A! Stop screwing around with the damn game you P******! It is people like you that have got us in this crappy state already, bitching all the damn time! Shut up for a change.


            • #21
              Re: 1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

              I agree to not nerfing the game more then it already is but at the same time i'm tired of people throwing the words noob and "counter strike" around like it's goin out of style. Think of something original once in a while it's boring me.


              • #22
                Re: 1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

                Originally posted by Michaiel
                The grenade spam problem is really only present on Karkand. Nerfing the support bag just to please people who play on 24/7 Karkand servers seems a bit much.

                24/7 Karkand servers have destroyed BF2.
                That is all.


                • #23
                  Re: 1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

                  Originally posted by Harmor
                  Good anyone else have a better solution?
                  I have one. Leave things alone just play the game and adapt?


                  • #24
                    Re: 1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

                    why do you karkand WHORES keep pining for stupid fixes for things that kill you.

                    so bloody what if an ammo bag gives 3 grenades...


                    • #25
                      Re: 1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

                      Originally posted by Harmor
                      Good anyone else have a better solution?
                      Sure. Nerf their splash damage, like AT rockets. And give them more, like 20. :laugh:


                      • #26
                        Re: 1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

                        anyway why dont u start a thread about something like AT rockets being better than sniper rifles, close up or faraway, 1hit kill!!
                        but i doubt you would since u luv karkand and its probably what everyone on there does!!


                        • #27
                          Re: 1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

                          Originally posted by zipp0r
                          anyway why dont u start a thread about something like AT rockets being better than sniper rifles, close up or faraway, 1hit kill!!
                          Are you comparing a sniper's bullet with a rocket?!
                          Of course it's a 1 hit kill. What did you expect? Eat a rocket and still walk away??
                          And a headshot is a sniper's best friend…


                          • #28
                            Re: 1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

                            Originally posted by Batausu
                            Are you comparing a sniper's bullet with a rocket?!
                            Of course it's a 1 hit kill. What did you expect? Eat a rocket and still walk away??
                            And a headshot is a sniper's best friend…
                            its the sillyness that someone can fire a rocket and hit a person. but the karkand whores dont even consider it being more silly then grenade spam (which aint hard to avoid). reason? well everyone on that map plays as anti tank :|

                            dont go on at me when im simply pointing out that there are OTHER things in the game which are far stupider than the retarded suggestions all the karkand whores make.


                            • #29
                              Re: 1.40 B2: Replenish 1 grenade when you pickup a Support kit

                              We should start a thread about stupid things in BF2...

