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A couple of tips that may help you

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  • A couple of tips that may help you

    Here are just some random tips you might not have known that can sometimes be helpful.

    1. When you are an engineer and you notice that a vehicle isn't really paying attention, plant some mines around it. However, an apc can stay in on spot firing away and not move on your at mine. Throw some nades at it and it will eventually move, thus running over your mine.

    2. Rarely, you will see an apc in the water. However, it does happen, especially on a map like Operation Clean Sweep. If you are in an apc or AA and fire on it, the apc will rock back in forth in the water making it near impossible for it to fire back or see anything.

  • #2
    Re: A couple of tips that may help you

    i like the apc water tip


    • #3
      Re: A couple of tips that may help you

      the first tip is bad. u can put mines in the front and back. same with the tank when the shot the mines blow.


      • #4
        Re: A couple of tips that may help you

        I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying. You can put mines around an APC and it might not move, or (if you're a point whore) you are afraid an anti-tank will take your kill, so go prone and lob nades and it will have to move to shoot you, and it will move over your mine.


        • #5
          Re: A couple of tips that may help you

          No, I have a better tip, but the mine ON TOP of the APC, when it moves, it dies.


          • #6
            Re: A couple of tips that may help you

            yeah wat da mighty carrot said prob works well...i havent tried it in a while but when i tried it worked pretty well (the only problemw as it rolling off)


            • #7
              Re: A couple of tips that may help you

              this stuff is why engineer is quickly becomming my best class.


              • #8
                Re: A couple of tips that may help you

                Try putting a mine inside a humvee or vodnik and see what happens.Great fun.


                • #9
                  Re: A couple of tips that may help you

                  dommafia, im canadian and I really don't appreciate your sig. Also, on the subject of planting mines, as many already know, plant them at the top of ramps or in shallow water where the enemy has to go but won't see it very well. Or, for the more devious players out there, lay some mines in one area then lay more in the bushes/shrubs/alleyway/ whatever they are gonna have to go through to get around the first placed mines.


                  • #10
                    Re: A couple of tips that may help you

                    sierrahotel its better to put mines behind and infront instead of around it cuz

                    1. u save mines
                    2. even if he moves he dies.


                    • #11
                      Re: A couple of tips that may help you

                      What i meant by around is behind and in front -.-


                      • #12
                        Re: A couple of tips that may help you

                        Originally posted by yehaaa7
                        the first tip is bad. u can put mines in the front and back. same with the tank when the shot the mines blow.
                        When tank shoot at mines, they dont blow up, since the patch 1.2 I think, ONLY arty and nearby vehicles explosions can blow up mines.


                        • #13
                          Re: A couple of tips that may help you

                          Originally posted by lethal_ranger
                          dommafia, im canadian and I really don't appreciate your sig.
                          hahahahahhaha. Its the internet man, get over it. Everyone knows Canada pwns. lol.


                          • #14
                            Re: A couple of tips that may help you

                            I enjoy going prone, sneaking underneath armor and placing a mine. it moves, it dies. just remember to get out from under there and take cover (giving the armor reason to move)


                            • #15
                              Re: A couple of tips that may help you

                              Engineer tip. Set mines in an obvious spot, so that they cant go around them. If theres an engineer in a tank/APC he MIGHT come out to take the mines off the street. Then, jump out and steal the tank/APC. Works more times than you can imagine. Has to be a little off the main battle area, or else they will just back off and drive around. More often than not they wil just drive over the mines though, but thats extra 2+ points anyway.

