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    I've played on this server A LOT and usually they're really cool guys, but today they were being little b*tches. I'll admit it, and it's apparent over the last few weeks with all my threads complaining about servers, can be a little prick when I play. But today, I was being nice and not really doing anything to anyone. Barely typed anything.

    So I come into a round of Mass Destruction, and the Rebels are dominating. I jump in a helo with one of the TomClancy guy.. {TSCr} j0nt.rmx. He's a chopper whiz, owning everyone up. So he's flying around and whatever and I type to him, how about letting me shoot something. He goes over the VOIP, how about you stop being a d*ck and get out of my chopper. Something like that. So, since today I decide I'm not going to get into with anyone, I just shut up and shoot what I can and not say anything. He continues to b*tch and moan a little bit more. blah, blah, blah, if you can't hit something get out la la la. I don't type anything and we finish the round.

    Next round starts and I run for the helo and j0nt.rmx gets in it too. I'm the gunner and he starts moaning about how if I don't plan on spawn camping and helping him get the helo, that I can jump out. So whatever, I'm along for the ride. But we never take off. our well known friend, BLINKOFDEATH, wants to get in also. They're probably over TS talking with one another about their plan, but I'm not getting out. First in first served. So j0nt.rmx is moaning about stuff and the other helo blows us up. I respawn go back to the helopad and he's whining about complaining about that's what happens if you waste time. I got back and blink of death is there to great me with a rocket to the body. He TKs me to get into the helo with his buddy. So fine, I get kicked from the squad and decided to join another squad. That's fine. I precede to finish out the round. Mind you, not writing anything at all. I join a squad with another member of TSC and ask him why they were being pricks today, when usually the server is pretty decent.

    Next round, IRON GATOR. I decide to command. I get it and what happens? Apparently boats are dropping out of the sky on top of the enemies (MEC) helo pads. I'm yelling that I'm not doing it and I don't know what's going on. I'm even the one that brought it up. So guess what happens. BLINKOFDEATH decides to kick me for commander exploiting. Which is BS because I brought it up. I'm pretty sure it's a ban though, because it didn't say a length of time. I'm even speculating that it was one of the TomClancy guys doing it. I've been framed.

    So one, these guys we being @sshats and two, an unfair kick, possible ban. What's up with guys owning servers and thinking they can do anything they want? What a bunch of pricks.

  • #2

    That really sucks.

    The best server is the one with no admins. Thats how I am beginning to feel.


    • #3

      Lol BlinkofDeath has 7k teamkills, no one has topped col kam teamkill count I don't think.


      • #4

        Theres always two sides to a story.


        • #5

          Originally posted by CyberDuck
          Theres always two sides to a story.
          Yeah, there is and to be honest, I want to hear what they say about this one.


          • #6

            I bet you he left out some part where he teamkilled the guy or something, to make it look like the server is bad and he is good.


            • #7

              Haha, I was in there when this happened a few mins ago. Quite funny.


              • #8

                boom.. and that was obviously after I got kicked/banned. Because I was kicked at the beginning of the round. And the screenshots clearly show the late part of the round.

                Originally posted by CyberDuck
                I bet you he left out some part where he teamkilled the guy or something, to make it look like the server is bad and he is good.
                no, I didn't do any of that.


                • #9

                  I've tried TC before and had a bad experience there with idiots too, so I never went back.

                  Weird about the boats. Never seen that before. Sounds like the owner modded the server files. Is the server ranked?


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by Red Devil
                    I've tried TC before and had a bad experience there with idiots too, so I never went back.

                    Weird about the boats. Never seen that before. Sounds like the owner modded the server files. Is the server ranked?
                    Usually yes, and I just checked my points and got them too. So yeah, it's ranked.


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by Red Devil
                      I've tried TC before and had a bad experience there with idiots too, so I never went back.

                      Weird about the boats. Never seen that before. Sounds like the owner modded the server files. Is the server ranked?
                      It's the commander hack. Seen it before. There was infinate artillary all night in that server today.


                      • #12

                        I don't think it should be called a commander hack, because it insinuates that the commander has something to do with it... I obviously didn't have anything to do with it because obviously even after I got kicked/banned, it was still going on.

                        So it's not may fault. FRAMED!!!


                        • #13

                          Thanks for reporting this. It validates my suspicions of massive cheating going on out there. Sorry you goy dinged by them.


                          • #14

                            I'm sorry too...


                            • #15

                              I have nothing to say other than with your with a buddy or someone in your clan and you both wanna get in the chopper together its highly annoying when a PUB all-star hops in

                              Actally one time my gunner jumped out because he saw a clan mate running over, that was nice of him

