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Which Gives More?

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  • Which Gives More?

    Hey, this is a system comparison. I've been thinking about buying some upgrades to my computer, and would like to know which of the following would give me more of a boost in performance.

    My system:
    Athlon 64 3200+ CPU
    Asus Deluxe AGP board.
    1 Gigabyte of Corsair DDR RAM
    Radeon 9800 XTX 256MB AGP card

    What I plan to get:
    1Gigabyte of Corsair Digital DDR
    Radeon X1600 Pro 512MB AGP card.

    My question is, will adding one gigabyte of ram, making the total to two gigs of ram, really make a large difference? Or, would getting a new, better video card make the real difference? Also, please keep in mind that I will be using this system for BF2142 as well. Thanks.

  • #2
    Re: Which Gives More?

    This is just me but if your going to get a new video card I wouldnt recommend getting a 2004 video card because then your already behind the "curve" I would get atleast a 7300 equivelant but dont listen to me im probally wrong.


    • #3
      Re: Which Gives More?

      2004 card? that card was released only a few months ago (march) and a good bang for the buck. i run all maxed settings 6 times AA with anywhere from 60 to 100 fps. 60 during major arty droppage with that card at 256 meg, (released nov 2005). thats also with 2 gigs ddr2 533 and a 2.66 clocked to 4.11 gigs tho.


      • #4
        Re: Which Gives More?

        get a x1900xt and another 1 gig of ram. cant go wrong.

        O wait you only have AGP. I say another stick of ram because eye candy isnt really needed in this game if you are very competitive.


        • #5
          Re: Which Gives More?

          Get more RAM. It's a lot better for your system.


          • #6
            Re: Which Gives More?

            I suggest going with 2 gig of ram. Upgraded my video card to a 7900GT, was getting about 75fps with detail on high but still ran like ***, laggy and choppy like you have probably seen. Upgraded to 2 gig of ram and BF2 runs smooth as silk and load times, particularly the verifications are faster. Everything runs better in fact.


            • #7
              Re: Which Gives More?

              Overclock your current card and instead buy another gig of RAM, perhaps?


              • #8
                Re: Which Gives More?

                I would suggest switching to a PCI board. From what I understand AGP is being phased out. So in order to 'future proof' your rig, go in the direction technology is taking you.
                Another 1G of RAM absolutely makes a difference in this game. Load times are much better.
                Regarding your video card - can you run all settings on high? If so, stick w/ it and get RAM. Possibly try to OC it w/ RivaTuner. Its real simple.

                If it has to be one or the other, get more RAM.

                *EDIT: Oops, just saw your other thread about switching to PCI. Oh well, guess you got your advice there too.

