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Mouse woes

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  • Mouse woes

    Hello fellow BF2ers! I was wondering what mouse/pad everyone uses. I've just been getting by with a basic keyboard and mouse but I think it really hinders my game play. I want to know from all you pros what the best gaming mouse would be. Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I'm only a mear Seargant Major.

  • #2
    Re: Mouse woes

    ZBoard and Mx518 Logitech Gaming Mouse.

    I highly recommend both.



    • #3
      Re: Mouse woes

      mx518 and QCK


      • #4
        Re: Mouse woes

        Cool. I'll check 'em out.


        • #5
          Re: Mouse woes

          I use G5 (31,5 grams to be precise), Mantis speedpad, and a 5 dollar wired keyboard.
          I value accuracy and responsiveness in a mouse, plus of course a good glide, but what mouse is the best ... nobody knows, it's a matter of what shape/weight/button layout you like best. I could have bought the Razer Copperhead for this budget (it's got double the amount of frames per second, 1000), but I didn't like the feel of it, bit too flat, so I went with G5, and my aim/acc. has improved at least 30%

          As for a mouse pad, I dunno. Used to own a cottontop a while ago (faster stopping, bit rougher), but that doesn't work too well with newer mouse feet, so I switched to the mantis BC it was the smoothest I could find.


          • #6
            Re: Mouse woes

            I use a Razer Diamondback and a Saitek Eclipse keyboard. The Razer works wonders for accuracy. The Eclipse has backlit keys that I find very handy.


            • #7
              Re: Mouse woes

              I've found Razers and Logitechs uneasy to use because they aren't quick enough. I've been testing the affordable ($25) MS laser and it works very well. Smooth, 5 buttons, good scroll wheel, and not too heavy. You can use the side buttons for dpi change, but I haven't messed with it yet.

