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Buying a VID Card help!!

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  • Buying a VID Card help!!

    HI all,

    I'm running an outdated ati 9550.. with a 2.2 cpu processor.. 2 gigs for mem

    i can run overclocked with it and my processor around a few mediums and some lows just fine..

    i want to be somewhere in the mostly highs a few mediums..

    not sure what card would be good there is only 50 of them...

    I want the best bang for my buck that will run with my cpu.. and i can overclock it.

    please help.. also.. something that will be good even when i update my cpu and motherboard to a 3.7 range.. if possible..

  • #2
    Re: Buying a VID Card help!!

    how much you willing to spend?


    • #3
      Re: Buying a VID Card help!!

      What Motherboard do you have?
      Im guessing AGP.

      Then you ned a budget.


      • #4
        Re: Buying a VID Card help!!

        thanks for the quick replies..

        yeah currently i have an older mother board... but dont want to upgrade it yet...
        around 200 to 300.. will that be ok.. anywhere around there or maybe a little higher.. please give me options.. and likes and dislikes...


        • #5
          Re: Buying a VID Card help!!

          just wait for the directx 10 cards that will be released soon. That coupled with the Intel Conroe, and you've got yourself a good rig for the future.


          • #6
            Re: Buying a VID Card help!!

            also... can someone tell me the difference in the interfaces whats the 9550 ati.. is that just pci.. whats pci express???... will i be able to by a vid card that rocks.. with an older mother board..

            ahh crap the 9550 is agp.. so this means i cant purchase a pci slot connection vid card.. can i?? i hate pc's

            whats the best agp graphics card out..

            i did some checking this looks like the high end agp card out... its the

            clock speeds for the GeForce 7800 GS are 375MHz for the core, with a 1.2GHz

            compare this to the ati 9550... will i be able to run on mostly highs and some mediums.. with bf2.. will i see a big difference in graphics..


            • #7
              Re: Buying a VID Card help!!

              yea the best agp card you can probably get is the geforce 7800 line. it will be a crap load better then what you have, but you know you are just buying old technology. because for a 7800gs its around 250-275 which is alot, considering you can get a 7900gt ko @ 500/1500 for 260 and mail in rebates that drop it down to like 230. if you could i would wait and do a complete upgrade, with new mobo, and everything so you can get pci express.


              • #8
                Re: Buying a VID Card help!!

                Originally posted by absoluteczech
                yea the best agp card you can probably get is the geforce 7800 line. it will be a crap load better then what you have, but you know you are just buying old technology. because for a 7800gs its around 250-275 which is alot, considering you can get a 7900gt ko @ 500/1500 for 260 and mail in rebates that drop it down to like 230. if you could i would wait and do a complete upgrade, with new mobo, and everything so you can get pci express.
                yeah... if i wait.. i think im going to wait until vista.. and directx 10..

                how long is it for this to come out anyone.. know... i would rather wait and drop like a grand on motherboard.. cpu.. and graphics card... i already have an x-fi sound card.. it just sucks because i just dropped some 2 bills on upgrading my memory.. to 2 gig..

                man im starting to pile up in spare components.. lol i got 2 extra vid cards a motheboard a cpu... 1 gig extra mem.. extra sound card.. its getting crazy..


                • #9
                  Re: Buying a VID Card help!!

                  supposedly dx10 cards should be coming out in the fall, and vista HA thats what everyone wants to know. the latest is info is that supposedly their shooting for janurary, which probably will still be pushed back. i wouldnt care & wait about vista, the dx10 cards should work fine in xp.


                  • #10
                    Re: Buying a VID Card help!!

                    yeah, im defiantly not buying into the whole Vista OS, not for a while at least. They have like, 7 "versions" of the OS as it stands right now, even one for gamers. I'll bet my bottom dollar that all the "versions" are are tweaked registry settings and what not that can be easily done, given the right information....


                    • #11
                      Re: Buying a VID Card help!!

                      just get the to**ent of vista ultimate as that will have everthing and all options :-)


                      • #12
                        Re: Buying a VID Card help!!

                        Just find the cheapest 6600GT you can. Should tide you over nicely, and will beat the pants off the 9550.


                        • #13
                          Re: Buying a VID Card help!!

                          buy the 7800 gs and enjoy it fora year-1.5 years and then a brand new rig to vista dx10, im asuming you are running intel, which at 2.2, im not sure if you wont be cpu limited (i.e. the cpu wont allow you to fully utilize a 7800 gs). ask around if you are cpu limited or gpu limited with 2.2 intel


                          • #14
                            Re: Buying a VID Card help!!

                            well my hd failed on me so i decided to upgrade 3 components on my computer including ram, hd, and vid card. i was going to get the 7900 xfx but i forgot im running an older board that can only support agp and not pci express.

                            anyways, getting to the point, it is cheaper to invest another 400 into your computer you have now and wait a few years to make a new one. get your moneys worth out of the computer you own , make it last a bit longer. to go and make a new computer just for the conroe will cost a fortune. especially for people like you and i. then again i do not know your budget but i think it would be best to wait another yr or two to switch over to the newer systems. think about, conroe will be like a fraction of what it will cost when it first comes out. keeps money in your pocket.

                            7800 has a lot of good reviews, actually, they are all 5/5 and there is soooo many too - i got tired of reading them all. check it out for yourself if you already havent:

                            if they like it and say there games are doing great, then its worthwhile.

