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EAX Sound question

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  • EAX Sound question

    I currently have onboard sound and was thinking of purchasing a soundcard that supports EAX. A few questions... is the sound so much better in EAX to purchase a card? And does anyone have problems running EAX? I see some people with Audigy 2z are having some issues with punkbuster.


  • #2
    Re: EAX Sound question

    The thread you were looking into is probably the one where post #17 has the sollution to it all


    • #3
      Re: EAX Sound question

      u should have searched first. its pretty answered already. and EAX is real nice. should get an x-fi card.


      • #4
        Re: EAX Sound question

        honestly i havent noticed much difference with EAX enabled. the only real times i can see it working is when ur in a warehouse or building and its all echoey...its pretty cool but i turned it off to get more FPS


        • #5
          Re: EAX Sound question

          when turned off, u got more fps? what sound card u using conscriptvirus?


          • #6
            Re: EAX Sound question

            I was just upgrading my computer with some components and wondering if purchasing a EAX compatible sound card was worth it. So far from the responses I am leaning towards not.

            Thanks again!


            • #7
              Re: EAX Sound question

              I just purchased a Creative X-fi XtremeMusic Edition, and its AWESOME!!!


              • #8
                Re: EAX Sound question

                That is the card I am looking at Mr.Wobbles. So it works with EAX enabled with no issues? Also do you use headsets or speakers? If headsets which one?


                • #9
                  Re: EAX Sound question

                  Originally posted by mdspeed
                  That is the card I am looking at Mr.Wobbles. So it works with EAX enabled with no issues? Also do you use headsets or speakers? If headsets which one?
                  i'd recommend x-fi musicextreme, or audigy 2 zs platinum (look for $100 MIR for 2 zs platinum).... of course if you have crap speakers don't bother with it (i.e. not at least a 5.1 set).

                  difference between the 2 is x-fi features eax 5.0, audigy 2 zs only supports up to 4.0. IT seems as though people are having a lot of trouble with x-fi, however they have recent released new drivers for it, that appear to be working (my borther hasnt run into any trouble). If you do buy either of the creative cards i listed, make sure to not put the creative cd into your computer, just DL the drivers only from creative's site.


                  • #10
                    Re: EAX Sound question

                    Originally posted by nip_touches
                    If you do buy either of the creative cards i listed, make sure to not put the creative cd into your computer, just DL the drivers only from creative's site.
                    You do realize that you can do a custom instal from the Creative cd and pick and choose which apps you want, including NOT installing the drivers that are on the cd?

                    There is a Control Panel that comes with the drivers, but it is a little to basic over the apps it replaces (EAX Console, Speaker Settings, Surround Mixer, Equalizer, etc for the Audigy's; can't comment on the X-Fi apps, haven't played with one yet).


                    • #11
                      Re: EAX Sound question

                      im using a sound blaster live! with 4.1 sound. and shouldnt u get more fps? its like a feature that produces higher quality sound, and higher quality = lower fps


                      • #12
                        Re: EAX Sound question

                        Originally posted by mdspeed
                        That is the card I am looking at Mr.Wobbles. So it works with EAX enabled with no issues? Also do you use headsets or speakers? If headsets which one?
                        currently i use the Logitech X-530 5.1 Speakers and the EAX works without problem,the only thing you have to be careful of is that the card has different control panels, a Game Mode, an Entertainment Mode, and an Audio Creation mode. Each has their own specific uses, the entertainment is used for movies and listening to music, and the game and audio creation do what they say, but you HAVE to have it in the Game mode for Battlefield torecognize that you even have the card, otherwise it gives you weird settings. Other than that It's well worth the money


                        • #13
                          Re: EAX Sound question

                          Depends on whether it is in hardware or software mode. Don't forget the original Live (4.1) is not in the list of cards that support hardware mode in BF2.


                          • #14
                            Re: EAX Sound question

                            You do realize that you can do a custom instal from the Creative cd and pick and choose which apps you want, including NOT installing the drivers that are on the cd?
                            the audio console has everything i need. creative's software is poor to put it nicely.

