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how is this possible? (TV missile related)

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  • how is this possible? (TV missile related)

    ok so I played against kojimab like a week ago, anyways...I was the first to take a shot at his chopper but he took a shot right after me too, I took him down but his missile still hit me and blew me up after i shot him down, how is this possible??

    it happened to my friend also and he said he was trying to dodge the missile too(this wasnt against koji)

    lol it was funny tho, when we killed each other I said "fair enough":laugh: :laugh:

  • #2
    Re: how is this possible? (TV missile related)

    That's nothing strange, try for ex sitting in a TOW and shooting a missile against a tank shooting at you. If the tank kills you, it doesn't matter, you still kill him


    • #3
      Re: how is this possible? (TV missile related)

      yes, your ammo doesnt magically go away right after you die


      • #4
        Re: how is this possible? (TV missile related)

        Originally posted by (4THIDUSA) SSG H.
        yes, your ammo doesnt magically go away right after you die
        This is one thing that is realistic in BF2


        • #5
          Re: how is this possible? (TV missile related)

          Originally posted by Doggie52
          That's nothing strange, try for ex sitting in a TOW and shooting a missile against a tank shooting at you. If the tank kills you, it doesn't matter, you still kill him
          yea lol but my friend was trying to dodge the missile, theres no way that missile could have still followed him after he killed the gunner who sent that missile his way........unleas that gunner used auto aim, well i dunno about that, I dunno how it works

          I dont remember if i was trying to dodge kojis missile tho


          • #6
            Re: how is this possible? (TV missile related)

            Originally posted by =PSU=PJMAK1
            yea lol but my friend was trying to dodge the missile, theres no way that missile could have still followed him after he killed the gunner who sent that missile his way........unleas that gunner used auto aim, well i dunno about that, I dunno how it works

            I dont remember if i was trying to dodge kojis missile tho
            freak accident. If he was trying to shoot ahead of where you were moving (or where he thought you were going), leading you, then his missle might have been close enough and at the right angle to hit you.


            • #7
              Re: how is this possible? (TV missile related)

              Originally posted by BigBadBob
              freak accident. If he was trying to shoot ahead of where you were moving (or where he thought you were going), leading you, then his missle might have been close enough and at the right angle to hit you.
              Yeah, and you have to consider the hitboxes, which are abit bigger that the actual vehicle...


              • #8
                Re: how is this possible? (TV missile related)

                Yep. Freak accident: he died, but the TV was already on its way to your future location...

                You arrived, kissed and said goodnight.


                • #9
                  Re: how is this possible? (TV missile related)

                  Originally posted by (4THIDUSA) SSG H.
                  yes, your ammo doesnt magically go away right after you die
                  It does for me. Every. Single. Time.

                  I'm not kidding, whether it's an AT rocket, or a TOW, I can shoot it, and if I die, the projectile heading for the whatever, never connects. Ever.


                  • #10
                    Re: how is this possible? (TV missile related)

                    Well... BF2 is abit strange "sometimes"...


                    • #11
                      Re: how is this possible? (TV missile related)

                      It's like when I stab someone and kill them and somehow I get knifed too by the guy I just knifed...oh well, guess we both started our stab at about the same time.


                      • #12
                        Re: how is this possible? (TV missile related)

                        My favorite (if we're talking about killing eachother at the same time) is throwing a nade at a guy, get killed by him right after, and then kill him with the nade


                        • #13
                          Re: how is this possible? (TV missile related)

                          Originally posted by [ht].ken
                          It's like when I stab someone and kill them and somehow I get knifed too by the guy I just knifed...oh well, guess we both started our stab at about the same time.
                          those kinda kills are always the funniest kills to get.


                          • #14
                            Re: how is this possible? (TV missile related)

                            Agree... But probably the funniest are the TKs you get from landing on another person . That has happened to me...


                            • #15
                              Re: how is this possible? (TV missile related)

                              When I toss a grenade at someone:

                              I get killed before my grenade hits the floor/ground

                              then my grenade seems to disappear

                              but it will stay if my grenade has hit the floor

