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Very weird commander bug/hack

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  • Very weird commander bug/hack


    I was playing on a 24/7 Wake Island server yesterday. After a while I found a RPV which seemd to have landed. I thought it was just a small bug:

    (Click for a larger pic)

    I went to Northern Base and tons and tons of RPV's and cars spawnd there. Most of the cars exploded which caused a lot of deads, but there weren't any kill messages in the upper-left text box. Here's a pic of a guy shooting at one of the RPV's in the sea:

    Strangest thing was the other team didn't had a commander, which mades me think someone was using a hack on the other team. Also in the next round it happend again when we just started on the american ship:

    Anyone happend this before, or has anyone some info about this bug/hack? Don't want to know how this bug/hack works, only interrested in some information about this.

    Thanx in advance,

  • #2
    Re: Very weird commander bug/hack

    OMFG !!! Hillarious, I would say !

    It can be a hack, but probably not a bug, if the other team didn't even have a commander . There are commander hacks that can spawn arty, vehicles and crates unlimited, but I've never seen UAVs spawning at the ground .


    • #3
      Re: Very weird commander bug/hack



      • #4
        Re: Very weird commander bug/hack

        Originally posted by Mr Pmosh
        Errrmhhh..? How could it be fake?


        • #5
          Re: Very weird commander bug/hack

          LOL...that is awesome...that first one is almost PotD worthy!

          To address the bug...I have never seen that before.


          • #6
            Re: Very weird commander bug/hack

            Originally posted by Tren
            LOL...that is awesome...that first one is almost PotD worthy!
            Never thought of that, why not send it in, it's actually good The second one is IMO also POTD worthy!


            • #7
              Re: Very weird commander bug/hack

              i've seen the UAV on the ground in Kharkand, we messaged each other to go and have a look, round the the train accident, dont know if someone shot it down and it didnt explode or?

              i've also come across another player, not sure what side, stood up straight in Dalian, but no blue or red name, but stood perfectly still, i tried knifing it and after about 10 seconds it disappeared, think he'd just been killed and body had landed like that?

              anyone got any other anomolies?


              • #8
                Re: Very weird commander bug/hack

                well its funny, but it would be funny even more if there waz a UAV inside a jeep on the carrier


                • #9
                  Re: Very weird commander bug/hack

                  Originally posted by bazzamattaza
                  anyone got any other anomolies?
                  Well I guess you all have seen the no kit bug


                  • #10
                    Re: Very weird commander bug/hack

                    Originally posted by Doggie52
                    Never thought of that, why not send it in, it's actually good The second one is IMO also POTD worthy!


                    • #11
                      Re: Very weird commander bug/hack



                      • #12
                        Re: Very weird commander bug/hack

                        i've had the throwing grenades and them not expolding glitch aswell, thats a good one when half of the USMC army is advancing on you!! Dummy grenades, scares them to death


                        • #13
                          Re: Very weird commander bug/hack

                          Originally posted by bazzamattaza
                          i've had the throwing grenades and them not expolding glitch aswell, thats a good one when half of the USMC army is advancing on you!! Dummy grenades, scares them to death
                          ... Sounds strange .. I have actually not played so much 1.3, so I haven't able to see as many glitches


                          • #14
                            Re: Very weird commander bug/hack

                            Originally posted by Doggie52
                            OMFG !!! Hillarious, I would say !

                            It can be a hack, but probably not a bug, if the other team didn't even have a commander . There are commander hacks that can spawn arty, vehicles and crates unlimited, but I've never seen UAVs spawning at the ground .
                            I knew there were suchs hacks, but never witnessed somone using it. The UAVs all spawned in the air like car-drops do and then landed like an plane. That's why all those UAVs are in the sea. The person using the hack wanted them to land at Northern Base, but they only spawned there, flew over Northern Base and landed in sea (screen 2).


                            • #15
                              Re: Very weird commander bug/hack

                              That would be a good addition to any future mods

