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Rant v1.23.56

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  • Rant v1.23.56

    I get into the best spot ever what happens? I look up OH EM GEE a UAV, 20 seconds later OH EM GEE a arty strike. You cannot get into a sniper spot with a commander on the other team you have no chance all that happens is can you guess? UAV/SCAN/CARS/ARTY. I have been 5 EFFING FEET from enemys hiding in a bush shooting them out of J-10s on dalian plant and no one notices me, Then what happens OMG A UAV POPS UP IN THE SKY!

  • #2
    Re: Rant v1.23.56

    nerf the uav then? =)


    • #3
      Re: Rant v1.23.56

      haha, will there be a "hotfix" to your rant version or is this a beta??


      • #4
        Re: Rant v1.23.56

        sniper kit should have always been invisible to the uav. or at least a way that if you're stationary then youre invisible


        • #5
          Re: Rant v1.23.56

          only letting the sniper be invisible would cause complaints, what about spec-op etc...I would rather it be, if you or the vehicle is NOT moving, you dont show up, also if you are in a building, NOT on the roof, you are invisible, buts thats just me


          • #6
            Re: Rant v1.23.56

            If prone and still = NOT SHOWING UP ON UAV/SCAN
            If prone and moving = SHOWING UP ON UAV NOT SCAN
            If Crouched = SHOWING UP ON SCAN
            If Crouched and moving = SHOWING ON ON AND UAV/SCAN
            In building doing w/e = NOT SHOWING UP ON UAV/SCAN
            On rooftop any class = SHOWING UP ON UAV/SCAN

            Is my hotfix


            • #7
              Re: Rant v1.23.56

              or only to squad leaders and people in vehicles. only so many people would have the necessary equipment to download what the uav was sending.


              • #8
                Re: Rant v1.23.56

                hmm, now that i think about it what if the scan is heat sensitive?
                that would explain how comm sees all....right?


                • #9
                  Re: Rant v1.23.56

                  No one is invisable, do you know what todays technology can do?!?! It's fine the way it is, you can't get everything you want, its life. Deal With It.


                  • #10
                    Re: Rant v1.23.56

                    commander mode just ruins the the fun of original BF gameplay. 'cept maybe supply mode. take out the commander and have all squad leaders be able to drop supplies every few minutes.


                    • #11
                      Re: Rant v1.23.56

                      If you get spotted, move! THat's what a sniper does anyway.

                      I was sniper on Harvest last night and laying right in the middle of a field next to the grain elevator. I had UAVs and little birds all around me - I never even got fired at and took out 15 of their guys guarding the elevator.

                      If you start nerfing things like that, you might as well throw the whole game out fo the window.


                      • #12
                        Re: Rant v1.23.56

                        So.... basically you're upset that the UAV spotted you...? Isn't that what it's for...? Isn't a commander throwing up a UAV to help his troops pinpoint enemy soldiers and then nail them the way the game is supposed to be played...?

                        As for artillery, isn't that supposed to be used to soften up positions and clear out opposition? So that friendly troops can then advance in a somewhat safer environment (not that a battlefield is ever safe, but you get what I mean)...? Should the sniper class be invulnerable to artillery, is that what you meant?


                        • #13
                          Re: Rant v1.23.56

                          Would be good to hide snipers from UAVs...


                          • #14
                            Re: Rant v1.23.56

                            Lets see he likes to hide 300 yds away from the action and snipe unsuspecting soldiers and is whining that a uav spots him? pssst real snipers fire one shot and relocate


                            • #15
                              Re: Rant v1.23.56

                              If you see UAV is on you, and you hear arty in the distance, its a good time to run. DICE cant fix point hunger and stupidty.

