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Ive posted this before but..

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  • Ive posted this before but..

    ok, I make mods the old way
    actually editing the physical game files themselves
    And thats due to one reason
    When I use the EA modeditor, i boot up my mod and everything
    but the changes rnt shown ingame
    i think it creates the tweak files but idk for sure
    For those who use it, i know like everything
    can you give me a step by step as to how to actually have the changes you made take affect ingame, do i have to tell it to add that tweak somehow, and if so, isnt that real tedious? please help, cuz i wana stop givin people full server and client packages lol.

  • #2
    Re: Ive posted this before but..

    Works for me editing the, gameplayobjects.con file or using the Editor. Sounds like you are missing some steps...

    What exactly are you trying to do? More detail then we can help.


    • #3
      Re: Ive posted this before but..

      well, to make it easier
      can u just give me an example of how u make a quick, 1 change mod
      step by step
      and ill see
      that would really help


      • #4
        Re: Ive posted this before but..

        AS I explained in your last post:


        • #5
          Re: Ive posted this before but..

          This seems to be a really big question. There is a lot that goes into a MOD. Unless you just tweaking, then I guess notepad alterations might be enough.

          I couldnt do very much with only notepad. I can alter the tweak, but auditioning, and really using your skills (whatever they might be) is tough otherwise. Its definitely the case with audio, no doubt about it.


          • #6
            Re: Ive posted this before but..

            As GlobalFear said.
            If you have your mod created and you load it in at the start of the Editor. Any vehicles/objects you bring into the editor and "tweak" and then save will be saved into your mods directory inside a folder called "objects"
            I tweaked one of our tanks from stock BF2 last night and when I had saved it I went and looked into my bf2/mods/21cwaaf_minimod/objects/vehicles/land/ustnk_m1a2 folder and there is the m1a2 tweak file.
            Copy this file and go into your mods directory.
            Now extract your "" and insert this tweak file into objects_server/vehicles/land/ustnk_m1a2/ {Overight the existing one}
            Zip your objects_server folder back into a zip and start your mod. That's it.

            If you have not started a new mod you will find the same "objects" folder in your bf2/mods/bf2/objects folder. Just repeat the above.

            Hope this will make it clearer for you


            • #7
              Re: Ive posted this before but..

              there is really no reason to unzip your objects_server. Just replace the existing file within the zip.

              Sysex, it depends what you want to do. IF you are coding notepad is really all you need. Winmerge is really nice for merging two files though. The editor causes more harm than good. Unless I need to do some fine positioning or work on effects I never touch the editor.

