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Dragon Valley - Strategies

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  • Dragon Valley - Strategies

    I got bored of playing mashtuur city, and decided to try a new map that I haven't played much - Dragon Valley. Anyone have any tips or team strategies for this map. Again, I only play 16 player maps

  • #2
    Re: Dragon Valley - Strategies

    Are you in TWL or something?


    • #3
      Re: Dragon Valley - Strategies

      noo.. I just like to play with my friends. We all go on one side and because we play 16 player maps, its usually us vs 8 other people. Its fun, but we aren't nearly as good yet to compete


      • #4
        Re: Dragon Valley - Strategies

        32 player is hell for the US
        64 is pretty good although you can find yourself stranded a long way from the action if a rear flag is capped


        • #5
          Re: Dragon Valley - Strategies

          Originally posted by $kelet0r
          32 player is hell for the US
          why's that?


          • #6
            Re: Dragon Valley - Strategies

            unless you're playing on a non clan pub it's damn near impossible to break out of the main base - a little Chinese teamwork makes for some very frustrating rounds. The blackhawk run up the valley is the only hope and even then you are fodder for the AHs and the mobile AA. Very difficult to win on 32 player indeed - 64 player is much more balanced


            • #7
              Re: Dragon Valley - Strategies

              Cant help u there. Dragon Valley is the best but I only play 64.


              • #8
                Re: Dragon Valley - Strategies

                which one is dragon valley? i only play the MEC vs US maps. the China vs US maps are teh suxzors


                • #9
                  Re: Dragon Valley - Strategies

                  KILLABROOKS, the strategy will change depending on the role you choose to take: will you be infantry? Armor support? Air support?


                  • #10
                    Re: Dragon Valley - Strategies

                    if you shoot at things - they might die

                    *bored at work*


                    • #11
                      Re: Dragon Valley - Strategies

                      In BF2, strategy changes YOU. I guess OT is playing 8v8 conquest so this is how it goes. If you and your buddy are good at choppers then make a decent heli team. Works well in dragon valley. Or if not, AT makes good infantry since dragon valley is all about tanks and choppers. Tactics in BF2 are very easily changed in terms how your enemy acts. So I wouldn't count on certain tactics but more or less tactics which matter at the moment you're playing.


                      • #12
                        Re: Dragon Valley - Strategies

                        I've been playing 16-24 max player on a large map. It brings up some strategy in that with so few people if you whore the airplanes, you will lose. So I work to get half the flags on our side, then fly a bit until we lose some flags, then back to ground pounding. It's back and forth like that and its good because your not constantly being bombed and if you are then you should win by capping all the flags.

                        For Tips, if your USMC, make a run on the enemy airport and try to cap it. If your PLA try to take the docks and blow the commanders assets when you do. Great sniper spots abound for both sides if you like the slower pace of sniping. Good map to be a chopper pilot, but there are stingers everywhere and two mobile AA guns to keep the sky clean.

                        If your trying to pilot, its a cake walk if you get the J10. If your looking for a challenge try the F35 and see how long you can live against 2 J10's. Thats where I started my "bail when locked" strategy. Cause if a J10 gets a lock on you, you might as well jump and HALO down to cap a flag if you can. When in the 35, always know where the nearest enemy OP is and try to be close so you can bail and cap it.


                        • #13
                          Re: Dragon Valley - Strategies

                          nice, thanks for the advice

