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helo gunner tip

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  • helo gunner tip

    this topic is for players that dont knew about this i just found out after 8 months of bf playing.

    to guide the tv guided missile dont hold the mouse button. u see the crosshaird in the ''box'' in the middle, when u shot and we say u will aim it to the left u take the crosshair to the left of the ''box'' and click the mouse button many times.:rock:

  • #2
    Re: helo gunner tip

    Originally posted by yehaaa7
    this topic is for players that dont knew about this i just found out after 8 months of bf playing.

    to guide the tv guided missile dont hold the mouse button. u see the crosshaird in the ''box'' in the middle, when u shot and we say u will aim it to the left u take the crosshair to the left of the ''box'' and click the mouse button many times.:rock:
    This topic is for players that don't know about this particular tip in attack helicopter gunning that I just found out after 8 months of playing Battlefield 2.

    To guide the TV Guided Missile properly, don't hold down the mouse button. You see, to aim the TV Guided Missile properly you must take the crosshair out of the white 'box' and continually click on the target many times.


    • #3
      Re: helo gunner tip

      and who are you? some kind of pshyco??


      • #4
        Re: helo gunner tip

        If the definition of 'psycho' is, "One who corrects grammar, spelling and sentence structure, thereby lending coherency and clarity to anothers post" then yes, he is a psycho.

        Or maybe an english teacher. One and the same? Perhaps.

        Either way, it's part public service, part subtle flame. Enjoy!


        • #5
          Re: helo gunner tip

          Who the hell didnt know that? If you visit this forum, you know that.


          • #6
            Re: helo gunner tip

            if i only had the chance to kick his ***!!!


            • #7
              Re: helo gunner tip

              Originally posted by yehaaa7
              if i only had the chance to kick his ***!!!
              I laughed


              • #8
                Re: helo gunner tip

                Another basic tip to go along with this one, since you just learned it, would be that you can change your camera view so you can see under the Helo. When being in the gunner seat, be sure to always change your camera view so you can see what is under you. Nothing worse then hovering over a kill zone and the gunner not firing because they dont see the bad guys directly below. Then taking a SAW in the buttock. Also be sure to spot out enemy Heli's and tanks and AA ( if for some reason they are within site ). This helps a pilot know where things are on his HUD. These are basic things that sould have been picked up in the first 2 hours of being in a helo, but a lot of people don't do these things. As for the missle control, where ever your crosshair for the TV missle is when you hit the mouse button, that is the direction it will go in.

                BTW, if anyone ever needs a great gunner, hit me up. I enjoy finding a great pilot to work with, and not one that will bail out over a flag!! You don't have to baserape to do well in a heli. :2cents:


                • #9
                  Re: helo gunner tip

                  thanks for that black_05


                  • #10
                    Re: helo gunner tip

                    Another obvious one that a few newer players might not know. You "DON'T" have to have the target in the box in tv missle mode.

                    Aslong as your at a medium range to the target you can click anywhere on the screen and the missle will zoom around to that point. Your pilot just has to be facing in the general area and you can hook the missle around to hit the target.


                    • #11
                      Re: helo gunner tip

                      sir blades i didnt know that becuse no one told me how too. so everyone that didnt know this can read here and be happy


                      • #12
                        Re: helo gunner tip

                        Originally posted by Black_05_TL_6sd
                        Another basic tip to go along with this one, since you just learned it, would be that you can change your camera view so you can see under the Helo. When being in the gunner seat, be sure to always change your camera view so you can see what is under you. Nothing worse then hovering over a kill zone and the gunner not firing because they dont see the bad guys directly below. Then taking a SAW in the buttock. Also be sure to spot out enemy Heli's and tanks and AA ( if for some reason they are within site ). This helps a pilot know where things are on his HUD. These are basic things that sould have been picked up in the first 2 hours of being in a helo, but a lot of people don't do these things. As for the missle control, where ever your crosshair for the TV missle is when you hit the mouse button, that is the direction it will go in.

                        BTW, if anyone ever needs a great gunner, hit me up. I enjoy finding a great pilot to work with, and not one that will bail out over a flag!! You don't have to baserape to do well in a heli. :2cents:
                        <3 your avatar


                        • #13
                          Re: helo gunner tip

                          Originally posted by Ghost_Op
                          This topic is for players that don't know about this particular tip in attack helicopter gunning that I just found out after 8 months of playing Battlefield 2.

                          To guide the TV Guided Missile properly, don't hold down the mouse button. You see, to aim the TV Guided Missile properly you must take the crosshair out of the white 'box' and continually click on the target many times.

                          how do u take the crosshair out of it? pick it up and drag it then continiously cliking target? or take it out by click inany where outside the box then continiously clicking there?


                          • #14
                            Re: helo gunner tip

                            The crosshairs move by mouse. You move the mouse and the crosshairs follow you. Click where you want it to go after the missle has fired and the missle will move towards the clicked crosshairs.


                            • #15
                              Re: helo gunner tip

                              Another well underused tip.

                              To change the sensitivity of the cannon, LAND VEHICLE CONTROLS is for that.

                              Cannon tip. For cars and infantry, aim BELOW (at the legs, wheels) the target and in FRONT. Theres some odd **** going on, like the bullet stream not going off the cannon like the cannon is situated. Kind of like with the firearms, youre shooting off your belly (maybe head point fo view?) and not the actual firearm muzzle.

