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Strange problem since 1.3

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  • Strange problem since 1.3

    Since the 1.3 patch, I have been getting an odd bug. I will be running along, not shooting my gun and I will see a soldier in the distance. I point at him to see if he is friendly or not, and he dies. Other people were shooting at him so I assume that one of them actually killed him, but I see the spam:

    KangarooSalesman [killed] SomeRandomEnemy

    I never actually fired a round. This has only happened a couple of times, but I was wondering if other people have seen it. I suppose this kind of thing could happen often, and no one notices, because when you are about to kill someone and someone else gets the just assumed that he/she fired and got the last shot in.

    Yesterday it happened and I joked that the enemy was so terrified of me that they die even when I just look in their direction.

    I have also had a similar one where I was running along with my squad, and I see the spam:

    SomeRandomEnemy [killed] KangarooSalesman

    But I am still alive. One of my squadmates even asked: "Kanga, what killed you?" I know it was not old spam, because the round had recently started (2-3 minutes), and I had not died yet.

    This one could happen without me knowing as well, because I don't generally look to see who killed me unless I am dead.

    Anyhow...I just thought I would ask.


  • #2
    Re: Strange problem since 1.3

    hmm... Strange.. Never seen it before. did you get points for the killing?


    • #3
      Re: Strange problem since 1.3

      Hard to say...I don't keep a running total of my kills in my head while playing. I usually have an idea about how far above 1:1 I am, but I don't know the exact number of kill/deaths until I am dead and I know I cannot be brought back. (That's when I check the scores .)

      I should have looked at the one where I was killed to see if I was credited with a death, but I did not think about it at the time.

      I am guessing that this has happens more often than people realize; they just don't notice it.



      • #4
        Re: Strange problem since 1.3

        When I was able to play MP I checked scores regularly, and can say with certainty this game does not score properly. Just another in a long list of bugs.

        I've seen the "false death" messages, no score given for kills and flag caps/assists, and I think I remember a death not being credited once up in the message area.

        Maybe this all ties in with the netcode issues or whatever has missiles/shells/etc going through targets... or red/blue tag bug... or...


        • #5
          Re: Strange problem since 1.3

          Very strange indeed. seen the random killing of me thing alright when im alive and well a few times.

          lol, i can understand your rage CinC, im pretty much an anti tank only kinda guy, i've never experienced the firing of something without pressing a button, but i have fired an anti tank missile and it appeared to have left my launcher on my screen, but doesn't hit/kill anything, and my launcher never reloads and i still have full ammo, think they fixed that in this patch though cause hasn't happened in a while. and yes, my missiles STILL GO STRAIGHT THROUGH OBJECTS INSTEAD OF HITTING THEM!!! GRRRR!!!


          • #6
            Re: Strange problem since 1.3

            I played a few rounds on a 24/7 Karkand server the other night, and kept noticing that now and again I was being teamkilled by my own team mates (which wasn't happening at all, not even accidentally). I don't know if any of my team mates got minus points because of the bug, hopefully not!

            Has anyone else experienced this or has had points deducted for teamkilling without firing a shot?


            • #7
              Re: Strange problem since 1.3


              I play AT almost exclusively as well (you can check my stats if you want to see some crazy hours). I was AT at the time, and I had my shotgun out. I know the AT bugs you are talking about, but I don't think this strangeness applies.

              I did not have my rocket out, I did not press the fire button, and there was no animation of the gun firing or bullets hitting him. I just pointed at him, and he fell over. I did not even know he was an enemy yet.



              • #8
                Re: Strange problem since 1.3

                It just says [killed] and not a name of any kind of weapon? Strange, never happened to me at least, and probably just one more of these awesome new bugs


                • #9
                  Re: Strange problem since 1.3

                  That has been going on since 1.2 I believe. If you plant a claymore and jump in a tank, the kill report board will say:
                  Happens with just about every vehicle. I think it's one of those things that is totally random. AE put it in there to mix it up...LOL!


                  • #10
                    Re: Strange problem since 1.3

                    I have seen this too...Unfortunatly It showed that I was killed and it gave me a death each time. What Also since 1.3 I get connection problems and loose connection with the servers sometimes once a round. Any body else had this issue or know of a fix?

                    Originally posted by KangarooSalesman
                    Since the 1.3 patch, I have been getting an odd bug. I will be running along, not shooting my gun and I will see a soldier in the distance. I point at him to see if he is friendly or not, and he dies. Other people were shooting at him so I assume that one of them actually killed him, but I see the spam:

                    KangarooSalesman [killed] SomeRandomEnemy

                    I never actually fired a round. This has only happened a couple of times, but I was wondering if other people have seen it. I suppose this kind of thing could happen often, and no one notices, because when you are about to kill someone and someone else gets the just assumed that he/she fired and got the last shot in.

                    Yesterday it happened and I joked that the enemy was so terrified of me that they die even when I just look in their direction.

                    I have also had a similar one where I was running along with my squad, and I see the spam:

                    SomeRandomEnemy [killed] KangarooSalesman

                    But I am still alive. One of my squadmates even asked: "Kanga, what killed you?" I know it was not old spam, because the round had recently started (2-3 minutes), and I had not died yet.

                    This one could happen without me knowing as well, because I don't generally look to see who killed me unless I am dead.

                    Anyhow...I just thought I would ask.



                    • #11
                      Re: Strange problem since 1.3

                      Originally posted by KangarooSalesman
                      Since the 1.3 patch, I have been getting an odd bug. I will be running along, not shooting my gun and I will see a soldier in the distance. I point at him to see if he is friendly or not, and he dies. Other people were shooting at him so I assume that one of them actually killed him, but I see the spam:

                      KangarooSalesman [killed] SomeRandomEnemy

                      I never actually fired a round. This has only happened a couple of times, but I was wondering if other people have seen it. I suppose this kind of thing could happen often, and no one notices, because when you are about to kill someone and someone else gets the just assumed that he/she fired and got the last shot in.

                      The first part sounds like some ghost story.......such as silent hill........


                      • #12
                        Re: Strange problem since 1.3

                        I know this: Rarely, i will be walking along minding my own business, when all the sudden, i just die! My health stats going down, but no one is shooting me or hitting me with any weapon. I wasn't standing near a burning car. It's completely random too.


                        • #13
                          Re: Strange problem since 1.3

                          Ho ho ho i've had a lot of strange problems almost every time I play BF2....ermm sorry

