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hello all, just trying to get some help with an iron fury issue, please

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  • hello all, just trying to get some help with an iron fury issue, please

    ok, so i downloaded ARMORED fury, properly & legally, like a few other people apparently did - when i used google to try & find a solution to my problem.

    basically, i can install the game, & i see the new maps in game & the origional bf 2 works, also special forces & to my knowlege so does Euro forces, BUT when i select a map in AF, & try & start even just a single player game, to try out the new stuffs in AF, i get the message that i have to buy & install the pack before i can play it..

    but obviously, the thing is, i HAVE bought the pack & installed it :P & i can even view the new map infos, but just cant start an actual game.

    as you can imagine, this is quite annoying, so i was wondering if anyone could point me in the rough direction of a solution to the problem.

    i hear it might help to clear your reg key, but can someone tell me exactly where to go & how to do that, because i have no idea, (Me = Noobish) & does that mean just the AF booster pack reg key or the whole origional bf2 reg key?

    as you can probably tell from my confusion, i'l need you to describe in detail what to do if you please can, & i appoligise if im not makeing much or any sense..

    also, do i have to have put in some different reg key then or just leave blank?

    & i find it odd if i do have to do that, because, like i said, my other bf2 games are working fine & the keys are totally legit..

    sorry also if this issue has already been brought up.

    this is seriously annoying..


    and thankyou hugely for any help in advance!


    ok, p.s:

    now both my euro forces & special forces have the same error message window come up aswell.


    THEY USED to work fine at least, but now ALL my addon packs are rooted, the only thing i can play is the origional bf2.. well wow whoopteedoo..

    dammit EA, im not rich you know, it took a long time to save to buy those games & i put other more important things off in doing so, & now theyre all stuffed..

    sometimes i really hate EA.. or whoever is responsible for all the problems we get with these games.

    it makes me so frustrated i want to snap my bf cds, or hunt down whoever is responsible & abuse the **** out of them.

    *sigh*.. sorry, end of rant.. :P

  • #2
    Re: hello all, just trying to get some help with an iron fury issue, please

    My sixth sense tells me this has to do with a registry problem, BF2 not registering the presence of AF (Armored Fury, not Iron Fury ). I'm not so experienced in managing registry but you can try reinstalling everything . I know it sounds bad but sometimes it's the best sollution...


    • #3
      Re: hello all, just trying to get some help with an iron fury issue, please

      yeah, thanks for that, but actually, i tried uninstalling & reinstalling twice

      & it made no difference

      & yes, sorry, dammit, my bad, *kicks self*, Armored Fury.
      no wonder noones posting replys, i already stuffed up at the thread title :P

      nvm me, im an idiot.

      thanks anyway, dont get me wrong.

      & still, i need some more help!


      • #4
        Re: hello all, just trying to get some help with an iron fury issue, please

        Are you using your first profile??
        I had same problem! You download your booster packs with EA Downloader??


        • #5
          Re: hello all, just trying to get some help with an iron fury issue, please

          Am not sure what is happening with your BF2:SF, but for EF and AF, you need to associate your BF2 online profile name (also called your Gamespyname) to your EA account name you used to purchase EF and AF. assuming that you purchased both using the same account.

          to associate, follow

          if you purchased EF and AF using different EA accounts, you'll need to have EA transfer em to one account. Transfer of Entitlement.

