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Rant Version 1.00

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  • Rant Version 1.00

    I was bored decided to do some co-pilot TV action on gulf of oman got the helicopter as a pilot :-/ fly to te end of the carrier get out and im just about ready to hop out and the ****** in my gunning position takes off goes and picks up his clanmate. I join his squad and ask him why he took off. Oh I didnt see you get out, THEN HOW DID YOU SWITCH TO PILOT, Then he goes and takes off with his teammate and gets raped by a mig 5 seconds later :-/

    What a moron

    /rant off

  • #2
    Re: Rant Version 1.00

    Some peoples kids...


    • #3
      Re: Rant Version 1.00

      the trick is to not let things like this get you all worked up so much that you quit BF2 just to tell everyone here about your little incident

      Water off a Ducks back

