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  • #16
    Re: $h4nkUpr4nk

    Originally posted by NOSKills001
    The person he shanked was probably distracted looking in the opposite direction.
    ...or AFK.

    Originally posted by diesalot
    Ugh a unique post and people bash it...
    Make sure your next post is about 1.3, a bad server, how n00bs are ruining your game, J-10 being overpowered, cheaters, hackers, and of course about how much you hate EA.
    How unique is it when there is an entire thread devoted to it?

    Still active.


    • #17
      Re: $h4nkUpr4nk

      or was padding


      • #18
        Re: $h4nkUpr4nk

        he wasn't padding i was on the same exact server as him when he ranked up, i congrats him but he didn't say nothing......


        • #19
          Re: $h4nkUpr4nk

          Originally posted by <}US{> Need_2_Kill
          Probably not?
          Either I read that wrong or did Mr. I have 3,500+ posts AND 1,000+ hours ingame just try and tell someone they have no life?


          • #20
            Re: $h4nkUpr4nk

            lol yeah sombody who definently plays a lot tells another guy that he has no life is hilarious


            • #21
              Re: $h4nkUpr4nk

              Congrats on Maj.General. But after looking at your photo album, I'd say you were Maj. General of Cool-ology:


              • #22
                Re: $h4nkUpr4nk

                Originally posted by stephensolfo
                wow a magor general?u do have a life right?
                I am married w/ 1 child, & I make a good wage so I can provide for my family on 40 hrs pay, which allows me free time for other persuits


                Originally posted by <}US{> Need_2_Kill

                Originally posted by [AK]Nuts
                Congrats on Maj.General. But after looking at your photo album, I'd say you were Maj. General of Cool-ology:

                THX bro'


                Originally posted by jimmy_396_jimmy
                lol yeah sombody who definently plays a lot tells another guy that he has no life is hilarious
                Oh THX jimmy, I am sorry I didn't notice



                • #23
                  Re: $h4nkUpr4nk

                  1 entry found for shanked.

                  shank ( P ) Pronunciation Key (shngk)
                    1. The part of the human leg between the knee and ankle.
                    2. A corresponding part in other vertebrates.
                    1. The whole leg of a human.
                    2. A leg or leglike part.
                  1. A cut of meat from the leg of a steer, calf, sheep, or lamb.
                  2. The long narrow part of a nail or pin.
                  3. A stem, stalk, or similar part.
                  4. Nautical. The stem of an anchor.
                  5. The long shaft of a fishhook.
                  6. The part of a tobacco pipe between the bowl and stem.
                  7. The shaft of a key.
                  8. The narrow section of the handle of a spoon.
                  9. Printing. The section of a body of type between the shoulder and the foot.
                    1. The narrow part of the sole of a shoe under the instep.
                    2. A piece of material, such as metal, that is used to reinforce or shape this part of a shoe.
                  10. A projection, such as a ring, on the back of a button by which it is sewn to cloth.
                    1. See tang1.
                    2. The part of a tool, such as a drill, that connects the functioning head to the handle.
                    1. The latter or remaining part, especially of a period of time.
                    2. The early or primary part of a period of time: the shank of the evening.

                  tr.v. Sports shanked, shank·ing, shanks To hit (a golf ball) with the heel of the club, causing the ball to veer in the wrong direction.


                  • #24
                    Re: $h4nkUpr4nk


                    shank 3 sounds knife shanked prison shiv stab cut pantsed shanking **** beaner blade gangsta gat ghetto jack jig ****** pants poke screw sex shag **** shived steal stitches weapon
                    1.shank3 up, 3 downA weapon that a big, sweaty, bald white guy in jail uses to come up behind somebody, stick them many times, then walk away casually and hand the blade to some crackhead to hide it because, lets face it, crackheads may not be smart but they can damn sure hide things like an expert!
                    see my definition of im gonna cut him homes for a related definition.
                    by da hood' Dec 19, 2004 email it
                    permalink: del.icio.usSend to a friendyour email:their email:

                    shank imagesshanked2.shank327 up, 47 downshank, shanked

                    orgin: prison slang

                    A homemade knife.

                    made out of scrap of metal found anywhere and sharpend like a knife. and bottom tightly wrapped with a cloth as a handle.


                    to be stabbed by a homemade knife.
                    "CrookedEye John" got shanked up..

                    I heard he got hit with a rusty shank.
                    by Lec2 Feb 9, 2003 email it

                    3.Shank183 up, 24 down(n.; v.)

                    1. Any crude, sharp weapon created from otherwise non-imposing objects. Screwdrivers, socket wrenches and hammers are not considered "shanks" because (a) they are not homemade, (b) they are not "crude," improvised weapons, (c) tools are inherently dangerous to begin with, and (d) none of them, with the exception of the screwdriver, are sharp objects. Shanks are created by the desperate for the purpose of stabbing, not bludgeoning.

                    A true shank would be something like:
                    - A broken piece of glass with a wrapped towel for a handle.
                    - A broken piece of plexiglass. Prison lunch trays are made of plexiglass, so shattering one might yield a suitable shank.
                    - A sharpened piece of wood, usually whittled into a stake rather than a shank, but as it is used for stabbing it is considered a shank nonetheless.
                    - A sharpened piece of scrap metal. Can be pilfered from just about anywhere.

                    2. A shank is also the U-shaped part of a padlock, or any other narrow-but-essential part of an object.
                    1. "See this carrot? This carrot's raw. I'm gonna shank you, whiteboy."

                    2. "I can't lock this damn thing; I think the shank needs oiling."
                    by Siegfried Zaga Hotlanta May 24, 2005 email it

                    4.shank64 up, 25 downTo stab someone quickly and repeatedly in the side or lower back, usually with a shiv or, occasionally, a spork.
                    Dude, I totally just got shanked by that guy.
                    Your kidneys are bleeding. Did someone shank you?
                    It is impossible to shank The Unshankable Man.
                    by Heretic666 the giraffe exhibit Jun 23, 2005 email it

                    5.shank81 up, 47 downSHANK - to walk up behind someone and stab them, most of the time the lower back-kidneys
                    kenard, if u dip, im gonna shank ur ass in school
                    by tomme Aug 20, 2003 email it

                    6.shank35 up, 6 downAn item that is used as a weapon but wasn't originaly inteded to be a weapon. A homemade prison blade is a perfect example.
                    Dude! You just got shanked with a rake!

                    Dude look out! That broken beer bottle can be used as a shank!
                    by Stui Canada Aug 21, 2005 email it

                    7.shank40 up, 20 downto stab/slice cut or in general kill with a sword/knife or other sharp shiny object
                    yo that ***** just shanked sombody, lets bounce from dis hizzouse before the 5-0 roll up
                    reply- fo-shezy
                    by d-bizzle Nov 15, 2004 email it

                    8.shank14 up, 4 downa prisoner-made knife like weapon usually made of metal. the first such weapons were fashioned form the metal shanks on prison issue boots. because of this, most modern prisons no longer issue prisoners boots with metal shanks
                    Cricket always makes the best shanks for 20 cigarettes and a pair of boots.
                    by Capt_capacitor Maryland Jul 12, 2005 email it

                    9.Shank15 up, 7 down1. A homemade knife, sometimes very crudely made from ordinary objects (sharpened end of a toothbrush), fashioned from various materials i.e. steel, glass, plastics, woods, etc. It can be made into multiple sizes and styles such as a serated or smooth blade. Found and used in prisons.
                    "Hand me that shank,ese! I'm gonna punch this fools ticket if it's the last thing I do!"
                    by Jukeboxjerk Bay Area by way of Long Beach May 25, 2005 email it

                    10.shank20 up, 16 downto sneak behind somebody and pull down their pants. synonyms: pants
                    I shanked this guy at school to day and he was free ballin!
                    tags shank
                    by CJLin Philly Nov 16, 2005 email it

                    88 definitions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 next



                    Originally posted by Wreck
                    Whats the point of this thread? Should everyone post a screenshot when they rank up?
                    I thought it was a "cool" screenie


                    Originally posted by Wreck
                    ...or AFK.

                    How unique is it when there is an entire thread devoted to it?


                    Still active.
                    I ranked up by knifing a guy a split 2nd before being launched by "friendly" arty

                    It is the irony of accomplishing something, & getting "blown to kingdom come" 1/2 a sec later

                    & I just thought it was a "cool shot"


