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The Genesis of BF2: A Chronicle of Updates

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  • #16
    Re: The Genesis of BF2: A Chronicle of Updates

    As the teacher in 'A Christmas Story', A++++++++

    Nice post man, I really enjoyed reading it.


    • #17
      Re: The Genesis of BF2: A Chronicle of Updates

      Originally posted by oaKenfoLd
      I may disagree with a gameplay opinion or two, but a great post nonetheless.

      If anybody wants to really look at how badly EA has fuxxored up this game in the last few months especially, take a look at CAL.

      On April 30th, the season in CAL started big with 54 teams. Now, in the same season, the vast majority(including my squad) have dropped out from competition, and halfway through the season CAL is down to 16 teams.

      70% of competitive teams on CAL didn't even wait for the season to end, and just flat dropped out.

      Coincidence? Jump-shots gone, squad hopping gone, the list goes on and on. @#$@ you DICE, you suck.

      Know of any huge mutliplayer FPS games where competition died and all the servers were still up and running 6 months later?

      That's lame man. It's chilling to see those numbers presented like that. Hopefully 1.4 will restore the competition. If you watch that video with the Dice guy recently posted, you get the sense that they know they really pooped on the buffet. Hopefully they will listen to skilled clan players more, and whiny, hate to work for it, idiots less.

      To the poster, great peice of writing! I read it all, and I think that is a good timeline of what has happened. It also brought back some very similar memroies, and some fantastic 5v5 clan matches that I was fortunate enough to participate in before the extremem gameplay changes.

      P.S. I never dolphin dived. That was too lame. I've been seeing something like it lately though. I swear people are firing thier guns at me in the air. I was shot by a guy on Sharqi that was mid-air between buildings at construction site. That wasn't lag, it's a long jump, and his gun was blazing. hmmm.


      • #18
        Re: The Genesis of BF2: A Chronicle of Updates

        Originally posted by PrayingHands
        you get the sense that they know they really pooped on the buffet.
        :laugh: love the imagery.


        • #19
          Re: The Genesis of BF2: A Chronicle of Updates

          Great read,nice chance to reflect on my own BF2 experiences.


          • #20
            Re: The Genesis of BF2: A Chronicle of Updates

            an amazing post that kept me entertained throughout! As a newbie, its amazing to see how much the game has evolved. I don't know how others feel, but for me, the teamwork aspect of the game sounded much better back at the start than it is now.


            • #21
              Re: The Genesis of BF2: A Chronicle of Updates

              Bump. Great post man.


              • #22
                Re: The Genesis of BF2: A Chronicle of Updates

                Nice read mate, brings back some memories.

                Along with CAL and the mass drop out of teams. Australia's no1 BF2 ladder Gamearena had something like 130 teams and the day 1.3 arrived they were forced to shut the ladder down completely and it hasn't re-opened since. Due to the server crashes mainly, how many of those teams will return? I'd be suprised if there were a 1/4 of the teams when or if it ever re-opens again. Also don't forget 1.3 completely wiped out the unlock ladders, they disappeared overnight.

