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Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

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  • Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

    Okay, I am sick and tired of this.....

    Sometimes when I am in a jeep/APC/tank/buggy and I am getting fired upon, I keep firing until I see my vechile's life is down to 1 bar or less. Then I jump out and run away to avoid blowing up with it. The thing that really pi$$es me off is that sometimes when I jump out of the vechile and start running, I am actually running into the vechile.

    How F@CKEN stupid is that?? Why would I be running into a vechile I have just jumped out of? Who the hell sets things up like this? Have you experienced this too or am I just that "lucky"? How can I avoid this from happening besides jumping out of a vechile sooner?

  • #2
    Re: Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

    Which direction are you turning before you start running?


    • #3
      Re: Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

      I'm not sure about this, as I haven't tried it out and I'm too lazy. So I'll just hypothesize...

      When you exit a vehicle it is the always the same point relative to the vehicle and the direction you face in the vehicle translates to the direction you face when you exit the vehicle. At least that's how I would do it if I coded it.


      • #4
        Re: Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

        jus jump out earlier....


        • #5
          Re: Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

          Whenever you exit a vehicle you are on the left side facing forward. If your running into yoor vehicle, than your doing it yourself.


          • #6
            Re: Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

            Originally posted by |D|-Crazycanuck
            Whenever you exit a vehicle you are on the left side facing forward. If your running into yoor vehicle, than your doing it yourself.
            Hmmm, how does that explain how a few times i've jumped out a moving vehicle i was driving and the fecking thing has run me over?


            • #7
              Re: Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

              What i hate is when you are the gunner on a Vehicle and your dumb a$$ driver decides to drive you straight into a battle which is cool but then abandons ship in the middle of it with a perfectly good vehicle and runs off gets his A$$ killed!


              • #8
                Re: Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

                I've had this happen, or used to.
                Its lessened since I turned graphics settings down... which I did b/c upon jumping out I used to get bad lag for ~2 seconds, and I think that was doing it, the game not registering my movements properly f/ the lag.

                And you can't leave earlier. If you bail before the vehicle starts to burn an enemy is likely to snitch it, get repaired and leave your team w/out the vehicle at all.


                • #9
                  Re: Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

                  I honestly think the is the silliest tactic.
                  If you just out of the vehicle while you're being fired at doesn't that make you more vulnerable?

                  When I'm hammering a vehicle and the driver jumps out guess what...I'm now going to fire AT YOU.
                  I never understand this.
                  Sometimes people survive but it can't be that often.
                  I'd rather stay in the vehicle and continue fighting with the chance that I may take out the enemy first.


                  • #10
                    Re: Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

                    Originally posted by NOSKills001
                    Okay, I am sick and tired of this.....

                    Sometimes when I am in a jeep/APC/tank/buggy and I am getting fired upon, I keep firing until I see my vechile's life is down to 1 bar or less...
                    Not a criticism, just a suggestion - If you are taking fire and beng damaged, why not take evasive action/retreat instead of continue to fire and possibly be killed (Sometimes you get to one bar, and sometimes you don't!)


                    • #11
                      Re: Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

                      they shud make it so u get out in the most logical place. e.g. ur the driver in a jeep, so wen u jump out u go to the driver's door. if u wer the passenger, u jump out the back. with an apc, its out the back. in a tank, its on top of the hatch. this wud make more sense. it wud mean u cant jst drive rite nxt to a wall, or u wont be able to get out.

                      also on the subject of ppl gettin run over when they jst get tapped by a vehicle. they tried to fix it in an earlier patch, but not enough. a vehicle hitting u at a slow speed should push u backwards, or at most do a small amount of dmg, not kill u.


                      • #12
                        Re: Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

                        Originally posted by VC_Resurrected
                        Hmmm, how does that explain how a few times i've jumped out a moving vehicle i was driving and the fecking thing has run me over?

                        Thats happened to me at least 20+ times.


                        • #13
                          Re: Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

                          Originally posted by LoganX
                          I honestly think the is the silliest tactic.
                          If you just out of the vehicle while you're being fired at doesn't that make you more vulnerable?

                          When I'm hammering a vehicle and the driver jumps out guess what...I'm now going to fire AT YOU.
                          I never understand this.
                          Sometimes people survive but it can't be that often.
                          I'd rather stay in the vehicle and continue fighting with the chance that I may take out the enemy first.
                          True, but if you're playing AT and you're almost dead in an armor fight, turning so that you can jump out with your about to die vehicle shielding you can get you enough time to get off an AT round that can finish your opponent... Quite a useful tactic as opposed to sitting in a vehicle that the next main gun round will finish off...


                          • #14
                            Re: Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

                            Originally posted by VC_Resurrected
                            Hmmm, how does that explain how a few times i've jumped out a moving vehicle i was driving and the fecking thing has run me over?
                            I've been playing almost daily for a year now, and it's never happened to me. Must have something to do with pubbers and ranked servers


                            • #15
                              Re: Jumping out of vechiles...(My rant)

                              Live and DIE in your ARMOR.

                              I think it has something to do with people not wanting to get killed.

