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Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

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  • Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

  • #2
    Re: Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

    I can honestly say that its a fun game, but isnt much more than a mod in my eyes. They had some nifty features in 2142 at e3 but nothing that blew my socks off.


    • #3
      Re: Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

      Atleast its being made by DICE Sweden. I'm starting to question DICE Canada's ability.

      Although i quite liked BFV since it didn't have mirror balancing.


      • #4
        Re: Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

        no, battlefield 2142 lookin like just another mod with new skins and some new objects, vehicles, and maps thrown in


        • #5
          Re: Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

          Originally posted by USARANGER01
          no, battlefield 2142 lookin like just another mod with new skins and some new objects, vehicles, and maps thrown in
          Hmm sounds like BFV, and BF2 to me. You guys are funny, people have been saying this since the exansions to BF1942.


          • #6
            Re: Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

            Is it just me or do those screenies really look like strike at karkand.


            • #7
              Re: Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

              Updated in the future version? Maybe. lol.

              Here are some new screens: (just got an update from gamespot)


              • #8
                Re: Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

                I've been a Battlefield fanboy since 1942. But sadly I think I will be choosing Quake Wars over this one. Unless I see that people love it of course . But for now, QW is on my "to get" list over this one =/


                • #9
                  Re: Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

                  Originally posted by Killuminati
                  Atleast its being made by DICE Sweden. I'm starting to question DICE Canada's ability.

                  Although i quite liked BFV since it didn't have mirror balancing.
                  Dice Canada was not involved with BF2 vanilla's development (other than beta testing) - Vanilla was made by DICE sweden - so i don't know why you made that remark.

                  Dice Canada was responsible for BF2:SF....

                  quakewars isn't on my agenda simply due to the numbers its meant to do during multiplayer... not high.


                  • #10
                    Re: Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

                    Originally posted by jimbob

                    quakewars isn't on my agenda simply due to the numbers its meant to do during multiplayer... not high.
                    Excuse me if I'm wrong, but I do believe Quake Wars will support 64 players.


                    • #11
                      Re: Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

                      It'll support 32, but I can honestly tell you that you wont notice.... The game was great.

                      Read my preview here:


                      • #12
                        Re: Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

                        Bf2142 will probably be better with bugs and all as they have been working on it since they were working on BF2. Anyway go over to totalBF2142


                        • #13
                          Re: Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

                          iv never liked futureistick games...


                          • #14
                            Re: Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

                            okay heres what I think about this whole it just looks like a mod stuff.

                            it sorta does, there are some aspects that do look like a mod with new skins etc, and some aspects that dont. the problem is, it looks (judging by the screenies and gameplay videos) like it plays just like Bf2.
                            it may have mechs and spaceships and lasers, but the "gameplay" just looks like the same as Bf2. it is due to just the game makers as well as the engine.

                            they should have tottaly redone it that way it could get a much better sci-fi feel. this is where ET:Qw is gonna own it. ET is way more sci-fi feely, because A. its dev'd from Quake 4, and B. the devs know what they are doing. they are tottaluy redoing it. they are taking the Q4 universe but re-doing the game, this way they can make it perfect and they way they want it to be / feel. I doubt it will be anything like ET:Wolfenstein because they know what they are doing.

                            Bf2142 isnt gonna feel right. I mean look:
                            on the 5th picture posted by alecs, you can already see some ass whoring the 2142 -version of c4. look at him!!! hes sitting there waiting to blow some bitch up whos gonna run over it lol!

                            I sersiouly think DICE didnt want to make 2142. That should have been left up top mod teams, now look. Bf2 hasnt even been out a year and they are already making a new game. They should continue supporting Bf2 and making it better and building a bigger and better community then just going and making 2142.

                            I really do think EA DOES NOT care about the games or the players and just making money and being big. look at how they ruined the James Bond games after Rareware. Or the madden series (which is good, but its the same every year.)

                            When EA said they would discontinue support for C&C Generals BEFORE C&C3 was even known about, Jeremy from Purepwnage said "Basically Im saying, EA can suck my balls."

                            I think he spoke beautifully.


                            • #15
                              Re: Battlefield 2142 lookin sweet!

                              ill still buy it
                              though they should have atleast made a new engine for it =(

