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Sometimes in game I have no rank

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  • Sometimes in game I have no rank

    I have over 33,000 points but sometimes in game I have all my unlocks but no rank. I look like a noob to everyone.

    Not sure what can be done about it.

  • #2
    Re: Sometimes in game I have no rank

    You mean like this?


    • #3
      Re: Sometimes in game I have no rank

      Its a bug, restart the game and rejoin and you will have the unlocks back.


      • #4
        Re: Sometimes in game I have no rank

        yeah seen that countless of times....

        do u still get points if u play like that?


        • #5
          Re: Sometimes in game I have no rank

          It ****es me off to have to log back in and sometimes that does not work...I will have my weapons but no rank and I get the stupid basic ribbons again...oh well....
          dont know if you gets points though....


          • #6
            Re: Sometimes in game I have no rank

            Yes, you still get the poiints, its happened to me many times, and on one server i got Basic Exploive, Sniper, Spec ops, and medic, and got all the points!


            • #7
              Re: Sometimes in game I have no rank

              <---surprised you havent seen the other hundred posts about this yet.


              • #8
                Re: Sometimes in game I have no rank

                Wow, I saw it once.

                I assumed it was the server was running a server side mod. Never saw it again , never thought about it till this thread.

                Played the whole map with stock weapons.

                I was about to comment about about another 1.3 bug on PBF about a missing TOW, the comment was...

                Why the bugs and a greater question why bugs in areas that were not being tweaked?

                Missing ranks? Missing Tows and Static MGs? I could see if they were fixing graphical or display problems in these areas. Not that it would make the screwups any less incompetent, but at least it would make some sort of sense.

                What could they possibly have been working on that would effect the display of rank? The ranking system itself? The TOWs? It's not as if the community was asking for a fix to textures or appeareance on TOWs, or their locations were being changed.

                Just bizarre some of the anomalies this patch has created for some people.


                • #9
                  Re: Sometimes in game I have no rank

                  Originally posted by Revoluti0n
                  <---surprised you havent seen the other hundred posts about this yet.

                  Never had this problem and so I never cared to really pay attention...Glad he did point it out because now I know others are having the same problem.....

