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DICE please fix this!

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  • DICE please fix this!

    I'm driving up in a tank to support my squad that's pinned down by an enemy APC. I fire at the APC and being already damaged it starts to burn. Then the driver decides to drive it towards my squad where it explodes giving me one kill, but 3 teamkills and 1 teamdamage, that's -14 points! I'd really like to see this fixed too in the next patch.

  • #2
    Re: DICE please fix this!

    I agree with you there... I had the same experience last night where i drove up to my teammates apc in a tank to repair him, cause he was nearly finished off, and i bumped into him... That was enough to blow us both up + some other team mates... And ofcource i was punished for alot of tk's...


    • #3
      Re: DICE please fix this!

      Why should Dice fix that? If the guy was about to die, then why not drive it into your squad? Seems like a viable tactic to me.

      edit- nvm, i see what you're getting at now. You shouldnt be charged with teamkills, right?


      • #4
        Re: DICE please fix this!

        Originally posted by wootoow
        Why should Dice fix that? If the guy was about to die, then why not drive it into your squad? Seems like a viable tactic to me.

        edit- nvm, i see what you're getting at now. You shouldnt be charged with teamkills, right?
        Now that one idea I never though of. I wish dice would do something about jeeps dropping on the commanders post blowing up tanks and also dropping them in between gaps at Karkand.


        • #5
          Re: DICE please fix this!

          Hmm, you've just given me a great idea for the next time I'm in an APC!

