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Idea For Wake 2007

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  • Idea For Wake 2007

    USMC should have the F-15E (two seater bomber). That would make the map so much more interesting, would balance USMC out with China's J10s. All the time on Wake I see USMC not capturing one flag, and being crappy for the whole round. Tanks on the beaches and the J10s just hold them back so much, this would get rid of the tanks for the most part. All the USMC needs is only one F-15E, this would make Wake so much more fun than it already is. It should spawn on the far end of the Carrier (opposite end from the rest of the stuff), so you would get as few runway blockers as possible. My favourite vehicle is the bomber because it's so satisfying to just fly over someone and blow thier vehicle to smitherines. It's rare to see the USMC get a total victory over China and this is something that could help even it out, Thank you.

  • #2
    Re: Idea For Wake 2007

    double post?


    • #3
      Re: Idea For Wake 2007

      Other deleted, sorry.


      • #4
        Re: Idea For Wake 2007

        Interesting idea.. not likely to be implemented though. Against a couple of experienced j10 pilots, would the f15 even make it near land?


        • #5
          Re: Idea For Wake 2007

 would the F-15 make the balance any better? I was thinking, howabout switch it the other way around, give the PLA the Su-30! Would solve all invinciblity problems. Everything goes back to the typical air war situation you see on any other map!


          • #6
            Re: Idea For Wake 2007

            Replacing the F-35s with F-18s would be better IMO.


            • #7
              Re: Idea For Wake 2007

              move the f22 into bf2....


              • #8
                Re: Idea For Wake 2007

                Originally posted by venny
                move the f22 into bf2....
                I hope you understand that the TYPE of plane has absolutely no importance. Its the planes characteristics and hitbox mesh that does. So, you can have a Boeing 747 with J10 characteristics flying around there, being the king of the skies and all.


                • #9
                  Re: Idea For Wake 2007

                  Originally posted by venny
                  move the f22 into bf2....
                  F-22? Not ACC based as well as the F-15E (all the F-15s realy)

                  And you think an F-15 will balance wake, hate to brake it to you the J-10 would shred a F-15 into tiny bit before it reached it target with relative ease.

                  I'm sure still not sure why they implemented the F-35B (JSF) into the game considering it is not operational and to my knowledge is still in testing stages, as it is still designated, YF-35.
                  If BF2 is supposed to be modern (present) day, then why isn't the F-18 the main carrier aircraft?


                  • #10
                    Re: Idea For Wake 2007

                    I think if the US got 1 or 2 little birds on the carrier, and/or an APC in the boat bay, they would have a better chance.
                    I like wake because it's hard for the US to win, I like a challange, thats why I always play as US, but on the other hand, I dont think it should be made too easy for them.


                    • #11
                      Re: Idea For Wake 2007

                      Originally posted by Sgt_Splinter
                      I like wake because it's hard for the US to win, I like a challange, thats why I always play as US, but on the other hand, I dont think it should be made too easy for them.
                      It is a Full on assault map for the USMC, your right it shouldn't be easy for them to get onto land, look at any amphibious assault throughout history without naming any (got to have a little respect) I'm sure you can appreciate the point I'm making.


                      • #12
                        Re: Idea For Wake 2007

                        Let's give the Chinese a carrier while we're at it.


                        • #13
                          Re: Idea For Wake 2007

                          Originally posted by coolbho3000
                          Let's give the Chinese a carrier while we're at it.
                          n the mec too.


                          • #14
                            Re: Idea For Wake 2007

                            Originally posted by venny
                            n the mec too.
                            An MEC carrier on Wake Island. Haha.


                            • #15
                              Re: Idea For Wake 2007

                              i got a better idea, fix flares and fix aa, to give the f35 a fair chance.

