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Shock Paddle Kills >*

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  • Shock Paddle Kills >*

    Im sorry but you absolutely gotta love owning people with the shock paddles. I was on Wake as US. We capped North Village , i swam across the little bit where the bridge is , ran up and kind of sneaked behind a bunch of Snipers and a Medic.

    From left to right , Down goes one Sniper , then another. By now both are calling me a hacker. Then the third. There getting shocked like hell. The fourth then finally the fifth sniper. I get 5 kills and then the medic turns around and starts shooting immediately , but no biatch one shot with the defibs and he was down.

    I just killed a whole squad with Shock Paddles. That was the best moment ever. Simply because they would of been shocked as hell , they were all sniping and looking on at the North Village section all basically in a row and then all of a sudden down they go with shock paddles.

    Any great Shock Paddle experiences guys ???.

  • #2
    Re: Shock Paddle Kills >*

    I've never done it, had alot of chances to but I just like to plug em. Lmao I still remember that guy calling them ''stat paddles''.


    • #3
      Re: Shock Paddle Kills >*

      I have a lot of shock paddle kills. When ever i come up to unsuspecting enemy, i say nay to the knife and bring out the paddles. Getting killed by paddles means you got OWNED!

      A few times i've spiced it up a bit and thrown a medic bag in front of the victim right before i whip out the paddles just to get them a little more confused before the kill....once the guy even said thanks. LOL


      • #4
        Re: Shock Paddle Kills >*

        Last time i killed someone with the shock paddle was at Karkand, buy that steps between Square and Train. A teammate had just been poped by top of the steps, I come running up to revive him and see a knife poking out the corner. So I make it like if I shocked him, and he moved closer and I killed him, and still get a revive lol


        • #5
          Re: Shock Paddle Kills >*

          I have 5 shock paddle kills and I can remember only 2 of them. I think I confused the laying enemy with some dead teammate LOL.


          • #6
            Re: Shock Paddle Kills >*

            I have a lot of shock paddle kills, for some reason I find it easier than knifing someone. Maybe I just concentrate harder?


            • #7
              Re: Shock Paddle Kills >*

              I doubt I have more than 5 shock paddle kills in my entire BF2 career.

              The only one I remember was on accident.....I was trying to revive a teamate when some dude from the other team just happened to be behind my fallen comrade. I didn't even see the guy, I think he was trying to knife me.

              After accidentally 'resusing' the enemy, I then proceeded to revive my teamate....Two for the price of one I thought.................


              • #8
                Re: Shock Paddle Kills >*


                This guy is crazy. Ive seen his stats before. He has like 400 chock paddle kills. The second video is better but i dont know where to find it. He jumps on a freakin tank and kills the guy off the top with his paddles.


                • #9
                  Re: Shock Paddle Kills >*

                  I ahve a good ammount of Paddle kills, but my favoerite was at Karkand.

                  I was going to reveive a fallen team mate, i go prone, and right when i get to my teamate i start getting shot at, i look up just as i click to save my teamate, and there was a enemy standing right over me, and i paddle him with me even knowing.


                  • #10
                    Re: Shock Paddle Kills >*

                    best moment for me was clearing hotel on kark as US. throw in nades get 2.

                    run up nail 1 with my pistol switched to shock paddles to get the medic in the corner.

                    and shock paddles are easier then knifes they have more range, and you dont get the dodgy hit detection like you do with the knife


                    • #11
                      Re: Shock Paddle Kills >*

                      Originally posted by Eternal-Souljah
                      I've never done it, had alot of chances to but I just like to plug em. Lmao I still remember that guy calling them ''stat paddles''.
                      LOL! :rofl: oh ya, that was amusing. i luv shock, its got a longer range than knife. i started using shock alot more after i got my exp knife. nw i got almost 100 shock kills

