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The small brained strike!

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  • The small brained strike!

    Post any stories you have about stupid players here!!

    Here's one of mine.

    So im a sniper lying in some trees in an enemy base (yes I spawn camp) when I see this guy running in circles. So aim and take a shot, he jumps and I hit him in the foot! He spins around and starts firing at me. Theres this big thing in front of me so we sorta circle it like in all the cartoons. Then I dash to their teams transport chopper that just spawned and get inwith 1 bar of health left). So he just stands there looking at me like "Darn that ****** is taking of". So I hop to the gun side and blow his head off. A quick yet entertaining story.

    P.s. I then took off and was killed instantly

  • #2
    Re: The small brained strike!

    I hate the blokes who get in the Ground Defense on Wake when its Airfeild vs. Beach. Once i was a Sniper and was hiding basically infront of the left gun tower but was hidden behind the trees. I sniped the dude in the gun towers head off ... 5 times but he didn't die. I then managed to sneak my way into the Airfeild base and up the gun defense tower , i then put a claymore right behind him and shot him in the foot. He then turned his back and BAM he got owned. Problem is so did i.


    • #3
      Re: The small brained strike!


      (> <) This is bunny. copy him into yor signature and help him on his way to world domination


      • #4
        Re: The small brained strike!

        I love it when I'm a sniper and some guy is running at me with a pistol, or chasing me, and I'm reloading, so I go around a corner, set up a claymore, then take out my pistol, he comes around BANG!


        • #5
          Re: The small brained strike!

          I like chillin with the sniper riffle and the chopper landing it to use its missles if I dont have a flyer...I drop off the claymore's and sit and chill for a bit...good practice I suppose when I have not a whole lot going on..


          • #6
            Re: The small brained strike!

            I like to be an engy and sneak into an enemy base, then put mines in front of all the vehicles but one, and drive off in that one lol.


            • #7
              Re: The small brained strike!

              Well, One day on this server (Slips my mind)
              It was Karkand..
              This player suddenly finds me, In his scopes and fires at my foot he goes..
              "sorry didnt mean to shoot u"
              I'm like "It's alright, Just let me around you.."
              He goes.. "k"..
              I'm a sniper aswell, I walk infront of him he goes.. "omg dude get out of my scopes i dont tk"
              (The admins even checked if I had the Blue/red bug, None. they just joined my team and squad and said "This is TOO funny..")
              So I whip out my knife he goes "dude wtf?" then I go..
              "...Just wait, theres an enemy behind you!" he turns around, I lay a claymore down, RUN LIKE HELL!...
              He then turns around sees claymore, Me gone..
              "ah ****."
              So funny.


              • #8
                Re: The small brained strike!

                was on karkand on the east side at the stairs I laid a claymore stood there waiting for a guy someone saw me ran down the stairs BOOM I go up to look he was like 25 feet away and got killed by the claymore

                The epic Train Accident VS Mec Bridge place these 5 snipers I kept killing them they kept getting revived they wouldnt move spots though I got like 60 points that round

                (2 diff times)


                • #9
                  Re: The small brained strike!

                  Originally posted by CyberDuck
                  The epic Train Accident VS Mec Bridge place these 5 snipers I kept killing them they kept getting revived they wouldnt move spots though I got like 60 points that round
                  Yeah once I was on top of the square building in Karkand, as a medic, with four snipers and a support guy on the roof shooting nonstop at the US owned Hotel. One dies about every 7 seconds, so I revive him. I got so many points off that situation. Then came the arty . . . their commander finally realised that was the only way to kill us


                  • #10
                    Re: The small brained strike!

                    hmm, i kinda luv runnin around with clay in hand around small corners like karkand n plant clay the moment i see an enemy, then lure him to my clay....

