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OK 1.3 is bugging me.

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  • OK 1.3 is bugging me.

    Ever since I patched to 1.3 I have experienced the following pretty routinely:
    CTD's (at least 20)
    (Jaggies and "Puppet strings")
    Lockups, freezes and "Connection Problems".
    My memory (Corsair CL2 DDR400, pretty nice memory) ran up to 140 F last night during gameplay, this never happens.
    Has anyone else experienced any or all of these since 1.3
    My machine ran 1.2X perfectly.
    It is not a super machine by any means: AMD 3700+, 2GB DDR400 CL2, XfX Geforce 7900GTX, WD Raptor 74GB, X-Fi. A pretty solid machine, capable of high settings on all games. Any ideas?

  • #2
    Re: OK 1.3 is bugging me.

    Welcome to the club, take a ticket, and wait for 1.31 to come out.


    • #3
      Re: OK 1.3 is bugging me.

      well think of it this way, atleast it makes it easier to spot that annoying sniper


      • #4
        Re: OK 1.3 is bugging me.

        Wierd fractured graphics...sure it's not your video card? I freeze up too now and then since patch 1.3, but my screen just hangs along with the sound...The last time i got graphics images like that, was when i had my card o/c over its limits and it overheated


        • #5
          Re: OK 1.3 is bugging me.

          I don't know but every since I downloaded it my ping has gone through the rough. I'm not blameing it on the patch but is there anything you can do for ping? If anybody has any advice I will gladly take it, thanks.


          • #6
            Re: OK 1.3 is bugging me.

            i never got any graphical errors, but my game has been locking up ever since the patch, or it may be my psu, or ram that i switched with my dad, any how it freezes and the screen goes black accept for a few areas where the image of a tree renders through


            • #7
              Re: OK 1.3 is bugging me.

              Yes the puppet strings make it easy to find the sniper, but impossible to sight your weapon since the puppet strings block your sight picture. My video card is fine, It is not OC'ed, other than factory OC, I use RivaTuner to turn my fan to max (drops card temp by 24 F average! I have a temp guage on case) I have jumped back and forth between the Nvidia Beta Drivers and the latest release drivers, it is the same, the issue is the patch, no doubt about it.

              Originally posted by byrddog600
              I don't know but every since I downloaded it my ping has gone through the rough. I'm not blameing it on the patch but is there anything you can do for ping? If anybody has any advice I will gladly take it, thanks.
              By all means blame it on the patch, 1.3 seems to be the buggiest patch since 1.02 + hotfix.


              • #8
                Re: OK 1.3 is bugging me.

                ya im right there with ya


                • #9
                  Re: OK 1.3 is bugging me.

                  yea 1.3 is gay, I'm getting CTD's and freezes like crazy when I play AF


                  • #10
                    Re: OK 1.3 is bugging me.

                    lol I constantly get "There is a problem with your connection" after the patch. I can't even finish a round anymore without getting disconnected.

                    With that screenshot, it looks like your video card is having artifacts or something. Many people complain about 7900's having artifact problems, especially EVGA's.


                    • #11
                      Re: OK 1.3 is bugging me.

                      Score of 47. That's no cooincidence.


                      • #12
                        Re: OK 1.3 is bugging me.

                        It's bugging us too!

                        Here is what some of my clan members had to say about the patch and what still needs to be done...


                        The 1.3 patch is one of the worst developments that EA has ever made! EA needs to run more tests before allowing the file to transfer over to the public. This all could have easily been avoided if proper testing would have been performed to make sure that everything was correct. The public should not be used as lab rats to see how things go. EA sets deadlines for when their updates come out... If they would just push the date back and get it right the first time, customers who have spent millions of dollars to fund EA would be happier. In a nytshell, EA needs to stop being lazy and just do their job right. I now experience lag when I jump into tanks and such, sometimes randomly throughout the game. I was fine before the 1.3 patch was released. My ping is high enough on the server too, so that can't be it. I also think it's sad that the EA donwloader had a bug in it which made the 1.3 patch corrupt. How is it possible that the manufacturer of the game and patch cannot provide a reliable file, but yet Filecloud can? EA needs to stop sending all of our money to their founder's retirement/mercedes fund, and use the money where it should be spent.


                        Dear EA,

                        I really enjoyed your game prior to this patch......

                        With that said, I'll explain my loss of interest in your game.

                        1. Bunny hopping is still doable.
                        2. Dolphin diving is still readily achievable. (gun withdrawl/delay for proning is a good possibly to stop that)
                        3. Vehicle drops on commander assets.
                        4. Vehicle drops on runways, etc.
                        5. Horrible bullet registration (i. e. Netcode)
                        6. TV missile reload bug
                        7. Air to air missile tracking (ground AA is fine)
                        8. .........The..................J-10............
                        9. The horrendous F-35B (at the very least give it the F-18 heat signature)
                        10. C4 chucking (o rly? Yes rly. Still possible)
                        11. M203 is a bit random in "direction". Have no problems with the bouncing.
                        12. No matter what you hear about the duration of smoke grenades.....they are fine....
                        13. If I wanted an unrealistic FPS, I wouldn't be playing BF2. I realize some realism is sacrificed for gameplay.....WHICH IS GREAT....but the dolphin diving crap gotta go.....AIM first....move second.

                        You have done nothing to fix the real problems associated with this game. You keep adding content to keep all the forums whiners content and all that is causing is more and more problems. How could things like the vehicle dropping make it successfully through testing? Did you honestly not see that blowing up enemy commander assets with vehicles as a possible problem? It's the first thing I thought of....that and runway spamming. EA has been making a lot of good games for many many years and I just find it insulting to my intelligence that a lot of these things are still in the game and haven't been speedily fixed. Especially when FPS games have such a high potential for league play where there are prizes on the line.

                        In short, fix the gameplay issues. Kthxgg.


                        Dear EA,

                        I'm not really sure where to begin. Despite a lot of the griping that has been going on in the community, I continue to enjoy your games. Well, all of them except what used to be my favorite, BF2. It seems that with every patch that comes out, something gets tweaked that didn't need to be messed with at all or something horribly goes wrong for everyone. In this case, it's connectivity.

                        Prior to 1.3, I had no problems connecting to a server and playing without noticeable lag unless it was a server in Vietnam or somesuch. I have a state-of-the-art computer that has no problem handling any game nor did it have problems with BF2 until this latest patch.

                        My login time is ridiculous. It takes me, on average, a minute to log into the game. Before patch 1.3, it was something along the lines of 5-10 seconds. When I try to scan servers to see what's available, it takes 5 minutes, at least, for the sever list to be updated. Prior to 1.3, I was getting pings of about 30-60 on most servers, especially domestic ones. Post 1.3, the lowest I've gotten is in the area of 157, but I've found servers where I have aping of 20,000+. Even on my lowest settings, I barely get 16-20 frames per second where I was close to 100, before the patch. I can't hit anything. It's like playing a game where my screen and the battlefield is rendered in stop-motion photography.

                        None of the proposed fixes have worked. Whether it's the full patch, the upgrade from 1.22, downloading from fileplanet, gamespot, or somewhere else or the downloader. My issues are so bad, that I can't even address the gameplay changes that you've included in 1.3 simply because I can't actually PLAY the game anymore. I was really looking forward to Armored Fury, but now I'm becoming discouraged. This has adversely affected my ability to participate with my clan in practices, scrimmages and matches.

                        I've been loyal to EA Games for as long as I can remember, but this is pushing me close to the breaking point. Just please, fix whatever 1.3 screwed up, even if it means reverting back to 1.22 and institute better quality control measures because you're losing a lot of customers over this.

                        Scott Fitzpatrick

                        Blue Echo

                        Altough many issues addressed here before are true in their entirety, along with patches that fix some problems yet manage to ignore others is also a concern that reaches up to the professional level of a developer.

                        But then again BF2 is a big, big game with many things, adornments, whistles that gives a kick to the game. It is reasonable to understand that the bigger the game, the bigger the problems that arise. So, I am patient.

                        What I heavily criticize is not a game and some bugs, but the route of an entire franchise and the decision of entrepreneurial company, specially a company whose clear intensions are to revolutionize the industry and the way it markets.

                        I have written about this before and in the following paragraph I will quote myself. To some in my gaming community this subject will sound familiar, to others this might be a new opinion:
                        March 22, 2006

                        What a dissapointment. Ceirtainly this was NOT the way that the BF series should have gone. The next groundbreaking move should have been an MMOFPS. In a virtual Middle East, Asia or Europe, with cities, towns, villages, and large scale theathers of action as the capture points, something similar to WWII Online which has been runing around for a good streak of years now, and which the developers of WWII Online still to this date brag about being the "Only true virtual battlefield".

                        Battlefield 2145? I'll wait for the Shattered Faith mod. I am not saying that I will be the last player to log off the BF2 servers but ceirtainly not buying a "downgrade" to the genre.

                        After big humongous maps, incredibly sized clans and teams, and far reaching vehicles. Why not have massive servers, full scale wars, united clans/companies/teams/platoons to assemble attacks, defenses, ambushes, etc? Day, night, climate changes (snow, rain, storm). Real special operations behind real enemy lines, a true enemy airspace, etc.

                        That's an upgrade to the BF.

                        Not necesarily the "upgrade" of futuristic weapons.

                        And this is just the begining, we are not speaking on the abscence of support to the competitive community, those of us who participate in events similar to CAL or TWL and require accuracy. One of the reasons why particular communities of other games see Battlefield 2 as "n00by".

                        Round-based battelfield? Great! Let's keep it, but we could go higher.

                        Give me better gameplay, just don't take away my M16.

                        -=DW=-(Doomsday Warriors)


                        • #13
                          Re: OK 1.3 is bugging me.

                          i dont know if im the only one, but ever sonce 1.3 ive been getting this...

                          thats right a black screen, every 30 min or so it just goes black for about 10 sec. kinda anoying

