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  • Cartillary.

    Ok, so people are pretty torn on the new vehicle drop feature since the patch. I go back and forth myself, but must admit something are kind of funny about it. This is just musings of things I have seen and some curiosity about things I have been told/read.

    #1. I have noticed the cars fall straight down. Where you click is where they go. Nothing else in the game does this. I think that is kind of odd. Supplies and humans float in different directions, but a car drops in a line like a rock. If it hits something during descent, it may rock back and forth.

    #2. Cars do collateral damage to things they land on and this one bugs me quite a bit. You can drop a car on something like another vehicle or arty and it will either take damage and or blow up? With reference to another poster who mentioned something about being in a tank and getting killed by a car drop, I have not been killed instantly that way, but have gotten severe damage from it.

    #3. Cars being used a one shot kills of people out in the middle of nowhere by landing it on their head. This one is a personal favorite of mine. It eliminates the use of arty on those pesky snipers and hidden commanders. Drop a car on them.

    #4. Hit the "E" key guys! If the car is going to hit you, hit "E" and you get in it. You won't die. It still amazes me most have not caught on to this.

    #5. Pizza deliveries; If your lucky enough to be on a team that knows how this works you will have some serious fun. Get a bunch of guys to be engineers. Have them throw mines around flags. When bad guys show up at the flag, drop a car on the mines. !! BOOM !!. Bad guys dead and your engineer can get some points. I have given expert explosives badges to guys this way. Most people don't think twice about running up to a flag with mines on the ground since you can no longer detonate them with grenades. Muwhahahahaha ! Bombs away !

    #6. Vehicle hit boxes are whacked. No longer can the rails on the side of buildings or carriers be in your way. Feel free to drive your Humvee right over the edge of the ship and or building. They now have molecular displacers installed to prevent those annoying barriers.

  • #2
    Re: Cartillary.

    1. Cars fall slightly North. Supplies float West.

    5. You could never detonate land mines with grenades...


    • #3
      Re: Cartillary.

      Originally posted by Boots
      1. Cars fall slightly North. Supplies float West.

      5. You could never detonate land mines with grenades...
      #1. Cars go down in a straight line. If they float north then it's so minimal, that they still hit EXCATLY where you dropped them. I only have 160 hours of command time so maybe I just didn't notice rght?

      #5. Yes you could. Just like tank shells could. It was I think two patches ago. Those who have been playing since the games release have seen it, like I have.


      • #4
        Re: Cartillary.

        im sick of idiot commanders dropping vehicles everytime the meter is full...there should be a vehicle assett to destroy to......too many times ive4 requested a vehicle drop legitemately, only to be denied because easily amused commanders drop them any/everywhere as soon as its full.....lame

        i was in a server once, i was in an APC, trying to cap flags, i see a vehicle/infantry comming my way....then suddenly my commander drops a vehicle, blocking any shot/view i have of the enemy, sometimes getting me killed...almost always when im in a vehicle, the commander will drop one in front of me, blocking passage, i have no choice but to destroy the vehicle....

        cartillery is played out to the point where its almost lame....should be used when vehicle drop is requested....not wasted paying jenga on a blackhawk :laugh:

        oh yeah, and also, i noticed i dropped a car right when the enemy started an arty strike.......the vehicle was nicked on its way down, it then decended at a ridiculously slow rate, rocking back and forth....funny as hell


        • #5
          Re: Cartillary.

          Originally posted by AlphaCueUp
          im sick of idiot commanders dropping vehicles everytime the meter is full...there should be a vehicle assett to destroy to......too many times ive4 requested a vehicle drop legitemately, only to be denied because easily amused commanders drop them any/everywhere as soon as its full.....lame

          i was in a server once, i was in an APC, trying to cap flags, i see a vehicle/infantry comming my way....then suddenly my commander drops a vehicle, blocking any shot/view i have of the enemy, sometimes getting me killed...almost always when im in a vehicle, the commander will drop one in front of me, blocking passage, i have no choice but to destroy the vehicle....

          cartillery is played out to the point where its almost lame....should be used when vehicle drop is requested....not wasted paying jenga on a blackhawk :laugh:

          oh yeah, and also, i noticed i dropped a car right when the enemy started an arty strike.......the vehicle was nicked on its way down, it then decended at a ridiculously slow rate, rocking back and forth....funny as hell
          As it relates to commanders wasting cars, I agree with you 100%. They should reserve spamming them as soon as they have them. It does not hurt to anticipate them being needed if you see guys walking out in the middle of nowhere, but I have had my position given away by commanders dropping them by me when I was hiding.

          It's like any other tool, you need to have an understanding of what it is intended for.

          I won't lie and say I have not played with them a bit, but I would like to think I have not wasted them. I have not missed a request for one yet.

          You can use them to aid your team by dropping them in front of enemy tanks and vehicles to slow them down or impede them.


          • #6
            Re: Cartillary.

            lol yeah...using them as roadblocks is brilliant......but not when u create roadblocks that only hinder your own

