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Playing Deathmatch in BF2

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  • Playing Deathmatch in BF2

    Ok, the way I see this game is (please correct me if I am wrong): BF2 is a tactical FPS which is intended to be played as a team with the sole purpose of the game is winning this round. Now, the existing points system does not really care whether you are contributing into the team's win or just playing a deathmatch trying to get yourself as many points as possible (to enjoy further unlocks or just to be able to brag about your rank, etc.) or trying to get a specific badge, etc. People like that do not care about tactical nature of the game, do not care about their team, and they usually steal armor, jets, heli just to get their hands on the equipment which gives them more chances to score some frags. The most simple solution for this situation could be cancelling all points of the team which lost the round, including badges, medals, etc received by individual players during this round. I know a lot of people will not like this idea, but cancelling these points might be the only solution to get a lot of skilled players start playing for their team rather than just for scoring for themself.

    Besides, this could bring the game closer to a real life - you loose the battle - you die and gain nothing.

    I wonder what you guys think....

  • #2
    Re: Playing Deathmatch in BF2

    wow. this game would be way more frustrating. Imagine going a whole night and not earning a single point or badge.


    • #3
      Re: Playing Deathmatch in BF2

      Quit thinking about it and just play the darned game...Does it really affect you if someone gets the armor/jet/helo before you, really? Get over it, move to another server, or join a clan that has manners. Just quit posting the same "NERF THIS", "POINTS SUCK", crap on here days after day.

      This is not so much at you, but all the whinning lately is just out of control!!!






      • #4
        Re: Playing Deathmatch in BF2

        MFPS Zero that's the worst idea I've ever heard in a long time. Why should I be held accountable for other people's noobishness. Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you will lose the round because half your team is dicking around in the wrong places.

        cancelling these points might be the only solution to get a lot of skilled players start playing for their team rather than just for scoring for themself.
        That's where you're wrong, anyone who frags an opposing player is contributing to the team's victory. The one who fragged the most contributed the most. Unless you haven't noticed, each kill is one less ticket for the enemy.


        • #5
          Re: Playing Deathmatch in BF2

          Wow, Holy MUCK! I love the idea. Think of removing kill points COMPLETELY. Maybe only commander gets them. And you only get teampoint work. This would be so much fun as a server option..! Think of 10 engineers running to repair your vehicle... 25 medics running to revive you... all fighting for the point... it would be so much fun, I can picture myself lol


          • #6
            Re: Playing Deathmatch in BF2

            Chill guys... I'll say it again - this is a tactical game, not a team deathmatch - if you do not see a difference, well.... Yeah, thats right - I do not play for points, I play for a win for my team. I'm just tired of situations where you spend like 40 min playing the game and you loose just because nobody cares about primary objectives on the map... Yeah... everyone is busy getting another badge, a high score or just mastering a jet. All these people are usually too busy to notice that the team got no "flags" or about to loose the last one. I do know that every enemy kill takes tickets off the enemy, but thats no good if in a minute you'll loose your last flag and you are still too busy to put it on your priority list simply because you are "killin people". Sometimes a low score single engineer may contribute to the teams win more than a high score tank driver - simply because he prevented the main base from being captured... I mean - it is obvious that every map has primary and secondary objectives.... The answers here just demonstrate that most of the people care more about getting points and badges rather than a win in a well structured tactical game... I know its hard to achieve that in a pub game, but it is still sad to see a lot of people play the game as a DM or TDM.... And if you do not want to be responsible for what others do on your team - why play a tactical shooter with all the classes and squads? Its just a wrong game then...



            • #7
              Re: Playing Deathmatch in BF2

              Originally posted by {MFPS}ZERO
              Sometimes a low score single engineer may contribute to the teams win more than a high score tank driver - simply because he prevented the main base from being captured...
              And the tank driver who killed two dozen players prevented them from reaching their destination. You see my point? your logic is flawed.


              • #8
                Re: Playing Deathmatch in BF2

                Originally posted by BadToad
                Quit thinking about it and just play the darned game...Does it really affect you if someone gets the armor/jet/helo before you, really? Get over it, move to another server, or join a clan that has manners. Just quit posting the same "NERF THIS", "POINTS SUCK", crap on here days after day.

                This is not so much at you, but all the whinning lately is just out of control!!!




                True that! No! Double true


                • #9
                  Re: Playing Deathmatch in BF2

                  You just need to find the right group of people to play with.. Cliking the bar in my sig may point you off in the right direction


                  • #10
                    Re: Playing Deathmatch in BF2

                    I See His Point... All Your Answers Are Based On You Guys Just Wanting Points And Badges... There Wouldnt Be Heaps Of Medics Running Around For The Team Points Coz If They Were Playing For The Win They Would Go Whatever Suited The Match. I Think Its A Good Idea... With A Little Bit Of Tweaking It Would Work I Think...
                    Would Be About Balance... Maybe You Get A % Of Your Score Depending On How Bad Your Team Got Beaten...


                    • #11
                      Re: Playing Deathmatch in BF2

                      Originally posted by Gunner
                      MFPS Zero that's the worst idea I've ever heard in a long time. Why should I be held accountable for other people's noobishness. Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you will lose the round because half your team is dicking around in the wrong places.

                      That's where you're wrong, anyone who frags an opposing player is contributing to the team's victory. The one who fragged the most contributed the most. Unless you haven't noticed, each kill is one less ticket for the enemy.
                      Wow, all those posts, and you don't even know how the scoring system works. The one who fragged the most, contributed the most? NOT! Each kill (frag) earns him 2 pts, not his team. Each kill is NOT 1 less ticket for the enemy. When you kill someone, you get 2 pts., but if he is revived, their team does NOT lose a ticket. If you shot me 100 times, and my squadmate revives me 100 times, YOU earn 200 pts., but our tickets do not go down AT ALL!

                      Learn how the game is played before you go spouting off nonsense! Thanks god I'm not accountable for YOUR noobishness!


                      • #12
                        Re: Playing Deathmatch in BF2

                        Originally posted by Gunner
                        And the tank driver who killed two dozen players prevented them from reaching their destination. You see my point? your logic is flawed.
                        Careful with assumptions. I've seen it too many times in Karkand - all the Mecs rush to defend the first flag, the only armor they have is also busy chasing those "hard to kill" infantry targets at the same location, and in the mean time marines send a single vehicle to the Mecs' main base and capture it (it could be taken care of by one single engineer should he/she decide to stay at the base sacrificing the points by not going straight into action). And yet - the Mecs' tank driver continues to chase infantry around the first flag (busy getting them frags I guess...). Or a situation when a single marine is trying to capture the main Mecs' base without any help from his team (everyone is too busy to get another badge and prefer to stay where the action is). Even if that single marine is a squad leader people would not use him as a spawn point.... Does not happen always but does happen a lot.

                        But in general these are not the major reasons... The most important thing here, in my opinion, is a simple common sense - your team gets annihilated, it fails the mission - why would you gain something on your personal account for failing? EA should probably be giving the failing teammates some "Dead Soldier" medal if that helps to satisfy your pride. ... You play as a team - you share the team's fate - the team gets no win - the teammates get no points, as simple as that. That kind of point system would stimulate a lot more teamwork in the game. Even reduce the number of padders (you can pad all you want, but if you are not helping and your team is loosing you might not get all those points anyway).

                        And I'm kinda glad I posted the whole thing in the firs place - the post did get some response from mature thinking people (I never expected everyone to like the idea :laugh: ). I'm not in a clan per se, so I'm always looking for BF2 teammates (the real ones - who care about the objectives in the game other than their own points and badges). Its good to know you guys are out there

