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um lag problem pls help me

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  • um lag problem pls help me

    After i installed patch 1.3 my ping always shows 150-300 and idea what should i do? It was all fine before i installed the patch

  • #2
    Re: um lag problem pls help me

    Is this in-game or from the server browser? There are probs with the server browser showing correct ping, in-game should be more accurate. If this is in-game (scoreboard) then has anything changed with your ISP lateley. I would also recommend downloading ping plotter or similar program and try to trace the route between you and your favorite servers to see what the pings there are like.

    Also lag and ping are not always related. You can have a higher than normal ping but not lag and vise-versa.


    • #3
      Re: um lag problem pls help me

      Whenever i enter a server first of all it laggs really bad really cant do anything, and most of the time i get banned high ping


      • #4
        Re: um lag problem pls help me

        Startup lag always has and always will be a problem in BF2. It sucks but deal with it. I play in US servers all the time (I'm from the UK) and I've never once been banned for High ping...maybe kicked?

        I too would advise you to follow loyalguard's advice. The chances are its somthing to do with your ISP or your telecom company doing work at the exchange. Try a ping trace to your servers and find out where the biggest part of your latency is coming from....and post back here.


        • #5
          Re: um lag problem pls help me

          A lot of the european servers will kick you for a ping over 100. Most usa servers have no such rule. It almost seems like the europeans dont want the yanks over there. I really dont see any problems with the servers that allow people with higher pings (around 150) to play, I dont get any extra LAG because of it.
          I too have noticed that the server broweser has become more unreliable since the patch. Even to the point that a couple of times I have clicked on a server and wound up somewhere else after it loaded. Im planning to do a reinstall on my next day off and load the full version of the patch like the sticky above suggests. Im hopeing it will fix several other minor issues Im having as well. If you cant get any better answers to your questions I would recomend doing the reinstall, it can sometimes fix problems that happen during patching. Good Luck. . . . . . .Red


          • #6
            Re: um lag problem pls help me

            i get high pings in all servers. I stopped all the programs taking the most memory space, but its still the same. Not sure what should i do to make it stop. Well i reinstalled the patch but there are still no differences.


            • #7
              Re: um lag problem pls help me

              yep. ...

              1.3 patch ruined my ping rates.
              Nearly doubled all of them.

              Read on another thread that 1.3 has ram issues / memory leak.

              Getting tempted to revert back down to 1.22.

              Also get connection issues that never had.
              Quite frustrated with this shoddy buggy crummy patch.


              • #8
                Re: um lag problem pls help me

                i might aswell switch back to patch 1.22 and see if it happens again. I dont think ea will release another patch and even if they do its gonna be released for armored fury.


                • #9
                  Re: um lag problem pls help me

                  Originally posted by bulletproof_xx
                  Whenever i enter a server first of all it laggs really bad really cant do anything, and most of the time i get banned high ping
                  You get banned for high ping? That sounds a bit shady to me, maybe the auto ping kicker boots you, but I doubt anyone would ban you for high ping.

                  What are your computer specs?


                  • #10
                    Re: um lag problem pls help me

                    Originally posted by xisix
                    yep. ...

                    1.3 patch ruined my ping rates.
                    Nearly doubled all of them.

                    Read on another thread that 1.3 has ram issues / memory leak.

                    Getting tempted to revert back down to 1.22.

                    Also get connection issues that never had.
                    Quite frustrated with this shoddy buggy crummy patch.


                    • #11
                      Re: um lag problem pls help me

                      actually i meant they kick me for high ping, banned was not the word for it.


                      • #12
                        Re: um lag problem pls help me

                        I cant play at all due to my now infamous 15.0/66.7 FPS.


                        • #13
                          Re: um lag problem pls help me

                          i looked at all the servers every goddamn server had over 1500 ping wtf?


                          • #14
                            Re: um lag problem pls help me

                            Apparently there are some issues with the way that GameSpy and BF2 are communicating. Last offical statment about it said they were resolving the problem at 2:00 PMT... a week ago.

                            The RAM leak is a different matter all together and shouldn't have anything to do with pings. Strange thing is, I run RAM tight and I haven't noticed anything that looks like a leak. I suspect that the issue may have to do with their paging system. This means that it could possibly have larger impact on higher end machines!

                            The easiest thing you can do to help yourself for now is to turn down your settings. Lower detail settings = less RAM consumption.

                            It's far from an ideal solution, but it should hold you over until 1.31 gets here.


                            • #15
                              Re: um lag problem pls help me

                              well i looked the the post the says the patch from ea downloader might be causing my problem because i downloaded from ea downloader. i just reinstalled my game. now i guess im going to down the patch from another website. Hope this fixes my problem.

