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  • #31
    Re: My thoughts on Battlefield 2 now

    Originally posted by Bird Killer
    What shirt are you wearing now? What was it first like when you wore it? It comfortable from cotton untouched by body oils, cotton processed fresh from factory with no contact other than by cold steel picks and from other shirts. The shirt had that clean Wal-mart smell, with the wieght that is unlike of any shirt you had during purchase. When you first wore it, you felt new, more human, more optimisitic, more secure, with a new perspective to the work that was ahead of you. At least for me. Then months later, you look at yourself with the very same shirt on the mirror, you notice that the picture on it displays cracks, the shirt's now shrunk, wrinkled, and dull, it's too light, and it's too loose. You feel old, used, cold like the ocean air, and more importantly, void of all optimism.

    I feel the same with Battlefield 2. But before I go on, for the record, I still play Battlefield 2, still believe it is the best multiplayer game, still immersive, fun, and enjoyable with no sign of demise. And yet, I feel I have lost the same optimism and a thing or idea from this game (explained later). No more do I feel optimistic and estactic from playing BF2, I no longer smile when I destroy a column of armors with the Su-34, I no longer jump from my chair when a full-scale battle takes place, I no longer even try to shut my mouth when the round turns sour because I don't speak of it. Not because of the game itself, not because of EA/Dice, and certainly not the community (one of the best there is actually). But instead, the cause is from myself, I lament and sigh at the potentials and possibilities of BF2 that will never manifest, I keep a sharp eye on shadow glitches, upset for having only one gameplay mode, wishing [vehicles, weapons, maps] would be more of [this and that] with [this or this]. Battlefield is no longer bright like polychromatic colors of the raindow, but red, blue, and green: I play, kill, capture flag, check stat, and logout. I can no longer enjoy the community as it was back in July. Heck, I was more than delighted to dwell here and would even compete with my huge addiction to Battlefield 2. But the atmosphere has changed with a different weather: No sunshine, but full of rainless clouds with few streaks of light appearing. I feel the community is in the same state, the tone and atmosphere here is a bit depressing full of complaints, emotional outcries, and senseless flames against the game.

    Then I remembered the past, the day in which I was one of the millions that waited for BF2 demo at Gamespot's Gamecenter, being fooled into hoax site latent with Dark Vader's infamous outcry. I remembered how I lifelessly played Gulf of Oman, even for one map, I enjoyed it, I enjoyed every single kill, I giggled when I bombed a flag racking a kill of one infantry, I enjoyed the simple interface of all vehicles, and I gained pride and satisfaction when my team wins with me as commander...enough to create the Commander Guide in the Tips & Tricks section. Next played Battlefield 2 Retail. The features, the maps, and the content was more than my self-control could handle. Bring an obese man unaware of his body to the Hershey's chocolate factory and you'll visually learn how powerful this lust was. Like almost everyone here, I played it zealously, ignorant of the glitches, chuckling and dismissing the bugs that now fustrates us today, and for me, become an aircraft whore . Ah yes, Battlefield 2 was the best game for me and I believed it would never be ousted than by its own sequel.

    Remembering this, the idea or thing that Battlefield 2 now lacked for that was robbed by myself is now back. This idea or thing is an emotion that I cannot say in words, but it's a synthetic product of happiness, cherishment, and the grief of other players that just got bombed from my aircraft. The game I am playing now is still the game I played back in June. Screw the problems, bugs, and glitches: They don't ruin the game for me. Forget the rants and whines: They only tarnish my game even though I don't rant on it nor have problems with it. Ignore few users and groups announcing their leave or boycott: More server slots for me and others while being able to have a bit more peace in the community. And on June 3, I will be playing nothing but Gulf of Oman 32 player size :yay:

    Sorry if this a bit verbose and strecthed than you average thread :blabla:. To be honest, I think the entire post was poorly written compared to my standards in writing. Also, do not cite this thread against or for me beyond this thread, some of my views will certainly change.

    Edit: Silly me, I put "Cothes" as the title topic :laugh:
    Edit2: And crud, I can't change it! At least it's unique :laugh2:
    Edit3: Excuse the spelling and grammatical errors, it's inevitable: My fingers just won't listen to my brain!

    how much is this book gonna sell for?

    yeah i know that feeling, it happens to everytihng. you ever heard of a life cycle?


    • #32
      Re: Cothes...

      lazza66 that is way too funny. I do the same I now have perfectly groomed chest hair and a lint free belly button LOL. Thanks EA!

