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Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

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  • #16
    Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

    What I don't understand is why they went from all to nothing? surely there was a happy medium inbetween? It would have been better if they had just made the MEC/PLA chopper guns a bit better to even things up.

    In the end, before the BH was nerfed, the MEC/PLA chopper just became a flying bomb briming with C4 and a SF guy at the controls looking for the BH. 10 points when you found it an detonated.


    • #17
      Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

      IT really sucked when the nerf cmae. I had just discovered the fact that I'm ace at flying the BH for my gunner.


      • #18
        Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

        Go to YouTube and search 'minigun BlackHawk' and you will see what it should be like and what it now is like.


        • #19
          Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

          The blackhawk was a powerful teamwork tool.

          With four engineers wrenching away in the back, one pilot medic, gunner medic and one gunner support it would take a C4 ramming by the MEC helo to destroy it.

          The final nail in the coffin came is when EA nerfted the miniguns so much that no amount of skilled evasion action can keep the MEC chopper at a distance greater than it's C4 explosion radius long enough for the minis to kill it.

          That was the time I got out of the pilot's business.


          • #20
            Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

            Originally posted by Gunner
            The miniguns had splash dmg, just like an apc's main cannon. You didn't even need to aim, you just pressed down the mouse button while the pilot circled flags and the engineers in the back repaired it mid-flight. Nearly unstoppable, needed concentrated fire from at least two vodniks to bring it down. It usually just flew away, repaired for three or four seconds and came back to base rape again. Pilots and crew members used to get 200-300 points per round.
            I got to be in one of these raids once, when you used to be able to cap while still in it, the flag would come down in like one second, everyone got points. We had 2 engineers, a medic, and a support. Enigineers would drop mines and repair. It was really fun, even if it was really cheap to the other team. I remember on 64 player server I had 186 points just being the support dude.

            Originally posted by Blackhawk5
            Ahh the good ol' days when I used to do that, In Mashtuur, Oman, Stalemate, oilfields, we had a squad, 1 medic (pilot), 1 support (minigun), and 4 other engineers, THe name was Blackhawk Squad, I was piloting mostly. It was before they put out the patch that only one man in the vehicle can only cap a flag, so when the blackhawk was full, i do circles around the flag,, let my minigunners do all the work, and cap a flag in under 10 seconds. The helicopter was nearly invincible when the squad is working together, even to attack helos and jets. If we get hit by a missle, usually the guys sitting in the back a few will die, and get repaired up by teh enginners and the squadmember will respawn at the squad leader (me, the pilot) Only thing to stop us is kamakazies. Our squad is always first in those rounds. I missed the good ol' days when that happened. Now i have my Navy Cross, and I play MEC and Chinese now, their transport heli is not so good as the blackhawk, not a good view, and the guns are not to powerful, just as a accurate as a vod. turret when its moving. Transport helos used by the MEC and chinese are mainly used to rape carriers, they would fly to the USA carrier and bail the whole squad, perhaps consisting of spec ops, medic, and support. I wish I can live upon these memories again.
            I know exactly what you mean dude, I got to be in a Blackhawk squad one round in the good old days, like stated in my above post. That will always remain one of my most fondest memories. We had some indian pilot who would always yell "repair, repair, repair." Truly a great BF2 expierence.


            • #21
              Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

              Don't forget they also nerfed my beloved attack heli's thanks to Lars (DICE Franchise manager) and nobody asked for it. They use to have 14 missiles now 8, they lowered the hitpoints, they reduced the range of the TV guided missile from 600m to 400m. A .50cal can destroy a fully healthy attack heli before the gun overheats. A Plane can destroy it with their guns in around 2 seconds. They suped up the AA and the flairs don't work very well, so even if you deploy flairs you usually still get hit by 1 AA. 1 tank shell either blows the heli or if your lucky sets it on fire. 2 AT rounds and your toast. In 1.03 onwards the driver/pilot counts towards the flag cap, the rest have to jump out to speed the cap up. 1.3 the rotor blades stop after 5 seconds and the heli decends (not a big deal)

              You missed out on the real BF2 that was 1.02


              • #22
                Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

                Originally posted by TXHALLOWS
                Why were they nerfed?

                DICE/EA really loves to listen to their customers. So everytime someone whines about the game, they go about "fixing" it.

                "The air is too dominant" - EA nerfs TV guide distance and missile layout also hit points. Let's jack up the AA, hooray!

                "they're c4 chucking" - gets nerfed, but you can still do it anyway. GJ EA

                "prone spammer!" - takes longer to prone and stand up (unless you crouch then prone). Another nerf for those that can't aim.

                "Friendly AT MINE, WTF!" - dumbass pubbers can't see a big red skull, so they just run over them. EA nerfs it so in ranked servers, pubbers are allowed to be dumb.

                "m203 at my feet, WTF!" - EA makes it so assault grenades bounce off the stinking walls like basketballs. And it doesn't even work, GJ EA.

                IMO, the only thing that NEEDED fixing was the c4 chucking and the BH's to be toned down just a bit.

                Everything else they did was to satisfy to casual pubber (who sucks). If you're getting owned by jets, why doesn't your jet do something about it? If you get owned, that's your own fault. It's not something EA needs to babysit to make sure you don't get owned.

                EA should have a press release saying: No more patches that involve nerfing. If you can't handle how the game is, play something else, or get better.

                Instead, EA will listen to people... and well, people are stupid.


                • #23
                  Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

                  blackhawk was like a stardestroyer before the fix. Hell, it even kill APCs.


                  • #24
                    Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

                    Those guns were one of my favorite things evar


                    • #25
                      Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

                      Im glad that the blackhawk got nerfed
                      sure its fun when your up there but its hell when your on the ground.
                      seeing the blackhawk coming , you jump at the nearest vodnik and start shooting only to have the miniguns kill you 2 seconds later


                      • #26
                        Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

                        Before getting nerfed the BH was the BEST weapon in game.
                        Have a squad in one with the SL as support/pilot, 2 medics/gunners and 3 engys in the back and that thing was a flag capping/base-rapeing machine.
                        So naturally all the little pi*sant, ball less, bitches cryed nerf to EA...
                        and EA listened, instead of improving the other transports up to the BH level they lowered the BH to their level, the only thing a BH is good for these days is getting up REALLY high with the SL as pilot and having the squad para jump onto a flag below.


                        • #27
                          Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

                          Originally posted by Gunner
                          The miniguns had splash dmg, just like an apc's main cannon. You didn't even need to aim, you just pressed down the mouse button while the pilot circled flags and the engineers in the back repaired it mid-flight. Nearly unstoppable, needed concentrated fire from at least two vodniks to bring it down. It usually just flew away, repaired for three or four seconds and came back to base rape again. Pilots and crew members used to get 200-300 points per round.
                          lmao it was not unstoppble because most people who where stupid to not the hit the eniginees first....

                          instead running away take a goddam AT kit an what nice teamwork

                          Originally posted by Hu.Z_of_PLA
                          blackhawk was like a stardestroyer before the fix. Hell, it even kill APCs.
                          hell I just shoot BH down with a apc.

                          by just shooting the entrance of the blackhawk and 4 people will alrady die.
                          because of the splash damage and the rest is a peace of cake.

                          Also I remeber that I have sometimes take them out with a AT rocket by shooting inside a rocket so they will not repair but instead falling down out of the chopper.

                          also I just waited some time to shoot the hot spot.

                          yes there was a freaking hotspot on th BH just shoot at the tiers and it would blow up


                          • #28
                            Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

                            Yesterday I was using the Blackhawk mini-gun and I could had sworn I put like 100 rounds into a guy. Just pathetic what they did with the mini-guns.

                            Don't get me started on the MEC Cow...


                            • #29
                              Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

                              yeh, i love the time when peeps complain when other use blackhawks to cap flags.


                              • #30
                                Re: Blackhawk and other nerfed thingys

                                ah i miss the blackhawk....I don't think I've touched one since the nerfing. Ah the days oh mashtuur where it was a mad rush to the bh. Decent pilot and you were set for themap if you got the gunner position. my best round on mashtuur game from being a pilot...had a whole blackhawk squad that would keep respawning in the bh.

