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BF'2142 ... is it gunna be worth it ?

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  • BF'2142 ... is it gunna be worth it ?

    i was having a debate with my mate , about bf'2142, i think its going to be a pretty kewl game,... but it reminds me of halo in a way i cant explain, and also halo 3 is coming out soon(well in a while) so is this game gunna good/dogs bolloxs/the dees bees...etc:hmm:

  • #2
    Re: BF'2142 ... is it gunna be worth it ?

    who pays for a mod


    • #3
      Re: BF'2142 ... is it gunna be worth it ?

      only if there are jets


      • #4
        Re: BF'2142 ... is it gunna be worth it ?

        Originally posted by baroque
        who pays for a mod
        well thats offtopic init


        • #5
          Re: BF'2142 ... is it gunna be worth it ?

          I don't know the Game-Modes seem cool like Titan.. But that's EA's luring technique they want YOU to buy their game in some way.. And then just like BF2 they'll screw you with stupid, sucking Patches.. Every "Patch" they released needed a patch to fix the bugs the older patch didn't fix? Patch?

          - Komet

          I don't want to be a flameboy but maybe I'll buy it depends on a lot of things..


          • #6
            Re: BF'2142 ... is it gunna be worth it ?

            Moved, not related to BF2.....


            • #7
              Re: BF'2142 ... is it gunna be worth it ?

              Originally posted by baroque
              who pays for a mod
              If you think like this why did you buy BF2? It's pretty much the same thing as BFV or BF1942 but in the modern age. People have been saying the same thing you have for quiet awhile now. People bought special forces ect didn't they? (i did) New maps, vehicles, characters ect make the difference. Atleast BF2142 is going to have more than 1 gametype.


              • #8
                Re: BF'2142 ... is it gunna be worth it ?

                I have played it, and I can sure tell you I see the light my friend. THE LIGHT OF HELL DO NOT BUY IT. I liked the previews of BF2 more then I like the actual game, the only reason I keep BF2 installed is to take screenshots for sigs, and even for sigs I havent fired it up in a month.


                • #9
                  Re: BF'2142 ... is it gunna be worth it ?

                  I don't even play BF2 that much nevermind this.


                  • #10
                    Re: BF'2142 ... is it gunna be worth it ?

                    Yes, BF2142 will be at least as good as BF2, which is getting old after 310 hours. It will be a nice change of pace. I hope they add a lot of physics and object AI though.


                    • #11
                      Re: BF'2142 ... is it gunna be worth it ?

                      No is not going to be worth it. EA can't support their product worth of ****.
                      Spend your hard earn money somewhere else guys.

