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POSTIVE changes in 1.3

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  • #16
    Re: POSTIVE changes in 1.3

    Isn't the change to the P90 an audio change ONLY?

    I thought they increased the actual ROF with the v1.2x patch but just forgot to increase the ROF of the sound of the gun firing.

    I mean it SOUNDS beefier...but it shouldn't actually be spitting out any more rounds than before v1.3...


    • #17
      Re: POSTIVE changes in 1.3

      I play a lot as Commander. I like this role & I do a good job. From my point of view the glass is as dry as a nuns knickers. Maybe a bead or two of moisture for the pre-selected weapons.

      First off.. what's so great about the car drops? It's gimmicky, but it does give me something to do as Commander while I singlehandedly defend the base. Just like uav, supplies & arty it is rarely called for. So, of course I headshoot snipers with vodniks constantly throughout each game. I must admit I don't get as much pressure at the bases as I did pre-patch. That's because not many can get all the way there now lmao. If they do make it, they're usually alone & no longer likely to be backed up by squad rolling reinforcements.

      Killing squad rolling was a major mistake & was against the wishes of the players that petitioned vigorously to save it. It was 'The innovation' of this game which should have been nurtured not slain. It certainly never achieved better teamplay as expected. There are now more lonewolves than ever before & taking some flags is a drudge. There's also no longer such a requirement for defensive measures at a lot of flags. For those few teamplayers out there I will say that it is now much easier for me to spot any squadleader doing a 'good job'. I let them get as near to the flag as possible before I take him out. The exercise will do them good when they have to do it all over again. With 'rolling' no longer an option it's no real sweat killing the teamplayers that pose a threat. It's not like they can ask their squadmate to return as a medic or an engineer after dieing like before when there was that teamworking option.

      As a Commander I can see the struggles more clearly than most & I read the text of the furious players unhappy with 1.3. When you're locked on the final flag, the safe spawn provided by creating a squad away from that flag now no longer exists. Give it some time if u haven't sufferred this fate yet. You will, & there's no way out when the enemy have u pinned on the last flag. It's spawncamp heaven. The players quit in droves when this happens. If you're lucky, the server will stay 'live' if it doesn't CTD.

      For me, the glass was full & everything was working fine before this patch. If it's now half empty, then I blame the people that made this latest patch. Not I, nor the BF2 community.

      Hmm must think of something positive to say... Oh yeah, I won't be buying 2142. So, this patch has saved me some cash. WHY? Because they don't listen to us & do wtf they like!

      Weighing it up.. This is the worst thing ever that could have happened to this game. Of course, that's just my opinion. But I do base it on my own experiences & the numerous whining posts about patch 1.3.. I suppose that would make it 'fact'.

      Positive pffft. Reported news is rarely that.

