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Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

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  • #16
    Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

    I got my combat badges/medals by spanking noobs like you...


    • #17
      Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

      Originally posted by Wargimp
      Oh come on...
      Isn't that a little extreme a reaction over a piece of virtual bling... especially since you are one of the guys who likes to say he doesn't care about points (I think)?

      Seriously. BF2 awards really aren't something to get worked up over. Ultimatly, they are utterly meaningless.
      Yeah, I don't care too much about points (only cos I got way too many) BUT, medals, well thats something different. I worked hard getting my expert C4 or knifing badge. Then had to defend myself - that I wasn't padding etc - also had to avoid being kicked from servers cos of the same reason or comments like 'cant you use a gun?'. Now they throw it all away.

      Yeah, I'm upset, and yeah I need to dump somewhere.

      Infact I'm willing to pass on other peoples turds. I was so so far from getting the War ribbon, but now its just a matter or time. I am not in the same class as the few people who got it. I don't deserve to be among them, and I'm sure they think the same. - I was willing to work for that ribbbon (my god, it was gonna be some hard work) - but thats wot these things are for right??


      • #18
        Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

        Originally posted by Wargimp
        I'm rather pleased with my shiny new gold Knife badge.
        I feel I did earn it as every one of my pigsticker kills was legit, but I was careful along with being sneaky.

        It took some doing to get that 3.0 KDR and has been a personal goal for me for awhile now.
        I agree for months and months i tried for that darn knife badge and felt it was stuck too high, many times I would come within a few kills and the round would end..i applaud EA for THIS change of eliminating the IAR for expert knife...


        • #19
          Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

          Nah well over half of the people I have seen with Expert Sniper don't even Snipe, they will have the Sniper just for M95'ing people out of the jet and claiming it as theres.


          • #20
            Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

            The expert sniper requirements haven't changed though. None of the "kit combat" badges have (vet assault combat, expert medic combat, basic engineer combat etc). It's the other badges they've changed, not those ones.


            • #21
              Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

              Patch made awards too easy ... Since it came out (two days) I got
              - war college ribbon
              - 2 armor combat medals
              - veteran ground defence
              - expert ground defence
              - veteran air defence
              - expert air defence
              - veteran flash/gas
              - expert flash/gas
              - veteran Grapple
              - expert Grapple
              - veteran zip line
              - expert zip line

              The fun is out of it ...


              • #22
                Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

                You forgot expert knife. I'm already over the (revised) requirements for expert knife, and I don't even have basic knife yet. When I finally manage to nail seven stabs in a round (I've been refusing to use knife-only servers etc) for the basic, I'm actually going to jump straight to expert. What a farce.


                • #23
                  Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

                  I do have to agree that dumping the requirements hurts the satisfaction. I play casually and have since release, dont cheat or use bots (I think thats the lowest form of life possible in a game that requires skill). Every badge I have I have earned and put effort in to and am proud of every one. As the group of people I play locally with all share my feelings the badges and medals do actually serve a purpose because we all know we earned them legit. If they've been dumbed down that much than they are worthless, we go back to he who wins the round is best that game but no long term records of who is the King


                  • #24
                    Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

                    Its simple, EA just wants to keep the noobs happily playing till BF2142 comes out so they can drop BF2 like a hot potato. Personally I got all the difficult badges including the war college (except air defense which I got last night) the hard way. I see anyone who gets them now truly hasnt truely got them compared with the people who got them legit. The whole idea behind expert knife for example is that you were an expert with the knife, knowing how to sneak up on people and learning to use the UAV when you have it. Now theyve made it so that time is the only factor for expert anything. There was a legitimate way to get every award in the game, you just had to think of the solution a little bit instead of comming on the boards and whining about how much you suck and how hard basic C4 is. Personally I think EA has destroyed a lot of the replay value for people like me who enjoyed the challenge of getting a difficult award.


                    • #25
                      Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

                      Originally posted by =IMO=THJones
                      I agree for months and months i tried for that darn knife badge and felt it was stuck too high, many times I would come within a few kills and the round would end..i applaud EA for THIS change of eliminating the IAR for expert knife...
                      Of course you do, it benefits you.

                      I thought the whole point of having the awards system, stat padding aside, was to show that you had accomplished a goal that shows you managed to cultivate a skill in a particular area? Cool, now you can kill one person every ten rounds, and be an expert in no time. IMO, the guy that can knife 20 people in one round deserves the recognition, as opposed to the guy that stabs one every few, and just accumulates kills over time.

                      While some of the time requirements I believe were WAY too high, IMO the IAR scores should have remained for everything. There's plenty of people that were able to accomplish any number of the goals in the awards system through doing something well. THe one they should have hit inparticular is the gap between 1st and CSM, 30,000 points is a big gap for the average player.


                      • #26
                        Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

                        Originally posted by Auto-ER-
                        While some of the time requirements I believe were WAY too high, IMO the IAR scores should have remained for everything.
                        I'm no great player, and I don't have many medals/ribbons. But yet, I agree with this statement.


                        • #27
                          Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

                          I didn't want this to happen.
                          I wanted to get my Expert Knife killing all the 18 guys... Now it's gone

                          The War College Ribbon, my carefully architected Win/Loss ratio is now useless. 25,000 commander points - WTF??

                          I agree on some changes though (like hour requirements for GD/AA badges, vehicle badges). It's easier for the average player to get them.


                          • #28
                            Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

                            Originally posted by Web Wiper
                            Patch made awards too easy ... Since it came out (two days) I got
                            - war college ribbon
                            - 2 armor combat medals
                            - veteran ground defence
                            - expert ground defence
                            - veteran air defence
                            - expert air defence
                            - veteran flash/gas
                            - expert flash/gas
                            - veteran Grapple
                            - expert Grapple
                            - veteran zip line
                            - expert zip line

                            The fun is out of it ...
                            Thanks for playing BF2. You did what EA/DICE intended with patch 1.3. Finish BF2 and move on to BF2142.


                            • #29
                              Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

                              Ummmm...fellas? You have strayed from the humorous intent of this thread...please fall in line with funny anecdotes immediatly or there will be dire consequences.

                              :|: Do I look like I'm joking?:|:

                              -stop it! ... -Hey! Watch it, mister!


                              • #30
                                Re: Awards Parody - isn't it ironic.

                                Originally posted by Wargimp
                                I'm rather pleased with my shiny new gold Knife badge.
                                I feel I did earn it as every one of my pigsticker kills was legit, but I was careful along with being sneaky.

                                It took some doing to get that 3.0 KDR and has been a personal goal for me for awhile now.
                                You are still at 0.9 KDR Wargimp. You gotta long way to go to hit 3.0. Good luck!

