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1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...

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  • #16
    Re: 1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...

    so if i took out the videos it shows when the game starts off would that cause ctd?


    • #17
      Re: 1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...

      Originally posted by -aK-BuffaloSoulja
      so if i took out the videos it shows when the game starts off would that cause ctd?


      • #18
        Re: 1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...

        Originally posted by -aK-BuffaloSoulja
        so if i took out the videos it shows when the game starts off would that cause ctd?
        Is not related with this issue...


        • #19
          Re: 1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...

          Hi guys,

          Same happening to me too.

          Can anyone help me sort my hosts file out so i can play again? I'm not too good with things like this..



          • #20
            Re: 1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...

            AFAIK a HOSTS file just has 1 line in it if you haven't modified it.



            • #21
              Re: 1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...

              I'm going to quote ABR news (

              We are working to make ABR 1.3 compatible. in the mean time, i recommend NOT upgrading your server.
              For those who think ABR is DEAD after this patch 1.3 WRONG!
              As we are waiting for some info from DICE/EA we are please to show you we have fixed the problem already.
              we wont publish any update on this fix, utill we got a response from dice.

              in the mean time. enjoy the 'Problem Solving Skills' and some humor in this 1.3 Proof of Concept image.

              For those who wonder WHY we dont release the update?
              The Rank deterrent system is thanks to SHADY rank systems that show up as RANKED and commercial EULA rulebreakers.

              we from ABR dont do external software or dodgy executables like some members contribute there...
              its time EA/DICE realizes that before we run out of options.
              we DONT want to break ANY EULA.
              As We Thought we where supported by EA / DICE . . .

              The ABR Team


              • #22
                Re: 1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...

                Originally posted by satcomNL

                1st. Bf2statsistics is usef for online play. even MYIS uses it.

                for point 2.
                Bf2statistics requires the SV_RANKED=1
                SV_RANKED=1? Oh really... i didnt know that! I have never used it.

                We suck and you dont... lol


                • #23
                  Re: 1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...


                  cheers for that m8 all sorted now...


                  • #24
                    Re: 1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...

                    Originally posted by Mr NiceGuy
                    SV_RANKED=1? Oh really... i didnt know that! I have never used it.

                    We suck and you dont... lol
                    U never used it, but the possibility is there in your package.
                    Niceguy, u realise that u probably partially caused this deterrent **** ???

                    A GamespyID emulator = Against EULA
                    A Server Emulator without permission = Against EULA

                    Do i need to go on?

                    let me point out that the patch 1.3 deterrent was caused by those things.

                    try play it fair for a change!


                    - EVERYBODY should Sign the Petition


                    • #25
                      Re: 1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...

                      The possibility is there for everyone to use, statistics scripts or not...

                      AND those who choose to use the scripts, are on their own... They can not blame bf2statistics for breaking the eula, if it does.

                      What i wonder is, since you guys have a "green light" from EA,
                      why the hell did they add the hosts file check?

                      It seems to me the "green light" you got there is a BIG joke,
                      and i am laughing my ass off!!!


                      • #26
                        Re: 1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...

                        i have to agree mr nice guy ,a green light for what? hmmm......

                        i still belive it due to ranked mods being a threat to offical paid ranked servers,

                        a little svranked is not going to harm ea pocket.

                        but a server list full of ranked mods will.

                        to me it seem the green light was more of a "go on bite the worm on my line"

                        hopefully this issue will be fixed,

                        and both partys can continue there work to give the bf2 community 100%of there game.

                        p.s wargimps post sounds interesting,with the coments about ea buying out dice after they made an agrement


                        • #27
                          Re: 1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...

                          what you said, darkpepe, made no ****ing sense! wtf are you talking about, what do you mean? how can I fix this prob?

                          Does this have anything to do with ABR downloads?!!!


                          • #28
                            Re: 1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...

                            Originally posted by Xaritix
                            what you said, darkpepe, made no ****ing sense! wtf are you talking about, what do you mean? how can I fix this prob?

                            Does this have anything to do with ABR downloads?!!!
                            Have you read the topic?


                            • #29
                              Re: 1.3 CTD on Login is related with Ranking Systems...

                              v plausible answer. gd work on the find. hope some1 comes up wif the fix....

